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JToqal Jiitqlligcir^c

... LLAXDAFF CATHEDRAL SERVICES. Feb. 10.—Fifth SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. Morning Prayer. Venite,—3- Daily Psalms—61, 62. Te Deum—9, 2. Jubilate—63. Introit—137. Responses—Gladstone in F. Hnnn-GI. Afternoon service at half-past three. Daily Psalms—65. Magnificat—Arnold in A. Nunc DimitÙs-Arnold in A. Anthem, In my distress''—Hopkins. Hynin—l't.i. Litany Sermon at 7 o'clock in the evening; hymns, 141; ...


... The following gentlemen have been appointed magistrates for the borough of CardiffHenry James Paine. Esq. Henry Jones Evans, Esq. Alexander Bassett, Esq. Captain Johnson. R.X. Edward S. Hill, Esq., and Samuel Nash. Esq. THE INFIRMARY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,—In the present deplorable financial condition of the Infirmary, perhaps it may not be altogether useless to draw public ...


... TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH. The second session of the seventh Parliament of the Queen was opened yesterday by the Queen in person, with the usual state pageantry. On her way to the tlouse her Majesty received the heartiest demonstrations of loyalty from the vast crowd congregated in the line of the procession. The usual formalities having been gone through on her Majesty entering the House ot Peers ...

female Fashions for AFRIL. 1

... female Fashions for AFRIL. [From Le Wollet.\ It is just now rather amusing to inspect the novelties of the season; for whist, ou one side, we find all the prettv light, and fresh-looking materials ready tor the first .spntw sunshine; on the other, we have still the-more luxurjuus and rich textures, which we can by no means reliiiqmsjl present. For those economically inclined, it is that ...

[No title]

... THE TAILORS' STRIKE.—Though the bearings of this agitation are not as important in an economical sense as those of other movements of a similar nature which concern manufactures having certain localities as their particular centres, re- sults have been already produced by it which will probably in a veiy short time alter the conditions of an extensive trade. In the first place a wider field ...


... SPECIAL BUSINESS. These meetings were, in accordance with previous notice, held at the Council Chamber, on Friday last, April 26. The chair, in the absence of the Mayor, who was from home, was occupied by Alderman Alexander. It was understood that some very im- portant special subjects had to come under considera- tion. The following members were present-Aid. Pride, Watkins, and Reece; Messrs. ...

[No title]

... A Cabinet Council w is hoi 1 on S'i'nr lay at the official residence of theEnrl of Derby, Downing-street. 'lhe receipts by the Royal Agricultural Society, at their meeting at Bury St. Edmunds, have amounted to £ 4,160 against £ '0,267 at Plymouth in 1865. Earl Beauchamp has been appointed to the UnderSecretaryshinof the Home Office, vacate 1 by the Earl of Belmore, on his appointment to be ...

Disrftptt lliure.,,-

... Disrftptt lliure. BEIDGEND. The Opera Comique Company gave three per axices in the Town-hall, on Friday, S;atur ay, Monday nights. 'J he attendance was no aig n either occasion The singing was excellent ana acting good. The principal actors J^ere oriow (bass), Mr. Manley (tenor), Miss J. an ey (s prano). The voices are first-class, and the ppaying of Mr G. F. King, on the pianoforte, was quite ...


... The brief account which appeared in the second edition of the Guardian last week has prepared our readers for the details of one of the most disastrous colliery explosions ever recorded. On receipt of the information in Cardiff, Mr. Taylor, the manager at the office of Messrs. Davis, at the Docks, went up, with a staff of officials, by special train, and in the evening Mr. D. Davis went up ...


... The Dunderbnrg has been purchased by the French Government from its builder, Mr. W. H. Webb, with the consent of the United States Government, and a description of her and her voyage from New York to Cherbourg is given by one of the voyagers. The Dunderberg is a clipper, sea-going, wrought-iron fort, mounting 18 guns-four 15-inch and 14 11-mch. She was launched on the 22nd of July, 18&>. sions ...

^:u;riif Jirfelligfitqf

... THE TRADE OF THE PORT.A correspondent enclosed us a few days since a reprint of some remarks that appeared in our journal, with criticisms thereon, by some anonymous scribbler. Tha Editor of the paper prudently declined to endorse the extraordinarily hypercritical discoveries and quotations in italics. The defects referred to are, we readily admit, palpable in one or two instances. Our Junior ...


... LONDON CORN MARKET.—MONDAY. There was a heavy arrival of foreign wheat and flour last week, but the other supplies were moderate. Exports 800 qrs. wheat. English imports, 5,216 qrs., foreign 51,491 qrs. The show of srlaples this morning from Kent and Essex was moderate. The best picked samples moved off more readily at the previous rates, but secondary and inferior descriptions remained very ...