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... IHORRIBLE SCENE ATr AN I S EXECUTION. --The woman Mary James, convicted at the last Court of Grand Sessions of murder, and sentenced to death, paid the extreme penalty of the law, in accordance with thesentence, onTuesdaylast. At Leight 'clock, the tolling of the gaol bell gave the signal that the tragedy was about to commence. g T ne procession started from the cell. The culprit was preceded ...


... | .,LVERPOOL POLICE COURT. | Fap ~ ~ FRIDAY, JANUARY M& Iles BEF~~DUORE MRt. RAFF-LES. eaA YOUNGo HOPEFUL.-John Butcher, 16 years of age, the sonllof John Butcher, a publican, residing in Great fo oward-street, *as placed th dock charged with ad; having stolen P1' ls., the money of his father.' lb aP. peered that about 1150 o'clock -on-the previous moruing on tihe prisoner's shiter Emwa~ saw. ...


... : IE -POO - POLICECOURT EIVlRPOOL POLIO COURTh. ~ I I I . . I I TUESDAY, JANUARTY la. * DUP~BEO~iL MRL. RLAFFLES. TBE3 nB WoRaMu.-Three respectable-looklg men, named John-lMNamara, Joseph Cassidy, and Charles Bourne, were brought up in custody,- chargda with having stolen 75 Wbs. of rope * the property of Mr.,Thomaas Hague; the contractor for tie new Compton House now belE ' erieted in Church ...


... 2 A - Wh CROWN COURT.-TUESDAY, MARCH 12. be -BMlIB I M& JUSTIC2 MIN. tH o Sznwozs.-William Hadleigh, aged 20, who t pleaded having committed a burglary at ot Ashton under-Lyne, at the house of Mary Coffee, to on the 8th November, was sentenced to three un months'hard labour. William Catlow, aged 30, th, pleaded guilty to having at Jastleton, on the 16th December, burgiariously broken ...


... CORO SRCSINQ1TShIT.j 0, ! Va thbecbod'of a new -bbm 'fe ifle enild, whloh was found'y1ntzi'th'l step ofL a b'aekdoor ino WeDington-sXad'on'Tuesday miornin'g.' 4The body was renloved to' the deadhoifise Prince' Dock .Verdiet, 'Fo~und'dead.' ' On th'e body of 'Ge'orge Stewast1rd, five' yeav of age, the eon'of *a blackemth beuidinn itatoliffe. terrace, Rethbone-ktreet.. On S'atuifday ...


... B1 012X Ef.(; B; i: ERP.GRt Bl__l any. - L~5 TflURMTAY, FERPUt'~y street. ACTION FOI OOMk8ItO, &e. PTUTREILL V. WsILLua'13 , hws fnour yeserdeay delivered thef- it. net -his action was liIj' to he lw !4ub Stree commission, anti for wtrk,i-try itee. and upon an accnt ALtfi ' dings added to the effect that thr ,n be paid or allowe tothe pli~t orent- ?? ?? forhis maingadllkth3 amount from ...


... i - _ . - .i . I I I CROWN COURT. Bt MORE0 LOBD CNIW'JUSTIuC BOVILL. g, 7 THURSDAY, AUGUST 15. His lordship took his seat at ten o'clock this in morning. Ld ATTEMPTED MURDER IN LIVERPOOL. of A joiner, named Michael Dunn, was charged 1e with ha'vig, on the 5th April, feloniously shot at it Themrs Connell, with intent to murder him. Mr. Pt Leofric Temple . supported the prosecution, and le Dr. ...


... BEFOR IlBiN. COMMISSIONER PZRRY. lFRIDAY, MAY 31. IN BE HENit RXDrMIo.-Thm indebtedness in this case amounted to £1882, whilst the assets were £3984, showing a surplus of £2602. The circumnstances were peculiar.. r. Redding, it appeared from the statement o1 bkir. Evans, hise liciter, belonged to one of the first families in North Wales. H~e wvas not in business, aud resided at 3enat Brldge In ...


... BIRKENHEAD COUNTY MAGIS. TRATES' COURT. THURISDAY, MAY so, BEFORE MEASSRS. J. B. SMAW. S. LEDWARD, R. BARTON, AND J. B. GASH. DEFEcTIVx SCALES-QUESInoN AS TO A POLICE SUPEBNTESDNBET ACTING AS INSPEOTOr OF WEIGHTS AID MEAsURES.-Sasamuei Basnett, grocer and provision dealer, Parkgate, was summoned for having in his pos- session two pair of defective scales -Before the case was proceeded with, Mr ...


... I LIVERPOOL POLICE Co I A mn Ar 1HATU'RDAY, SEPrT EI3j8 11 , T T E N P T R I O B E F O R R M0 L R A 5F ty 14. =TTEXPMG TO CXoKLer ISUICLICI L.,I lrown, a dissipated ?? , ,,0, tt dej chbarged with having bte.i I1 Pk 5n1t,-' Hinover-btreet, r he 3 Hanover-street on oituiday syclht tsken ut behaving In a riotous nintamr. 't bW and on bridewell-leeptr sba u ut~ lr gckd ID4j he found the ...


... 'I . * TUABDX~4o Z.. 'an'Ster the'-batt ict$5e'bon Wood.J A e prisoner the O Ond' Vt h . h td X ga iowls; the- s eipeave aid eA a sai theprbjrjh ci nie crcl *n'koped'u t'o mnsedn an i ,bonts~~l~~w~tbil ouhjaen-n ?? an thelling r~4' era beor-o° enf rauoledlohndh hie'w~ five c, ,vefed A; Oor ing Thej ?? koi'ee wd . ~mlsoya ehd etgn~ihherpe~ofc mae on setw arilr. He' the athsoed ?? ~i~vin' th h ...


... BI* X I ' lit - PI O .. air 0 ~POLI(H P!,OURT] WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21. - . - Bw~~DzoP; Ifs. PSIW r -. . A004AyLt BY A CADMAR ON;A POLCU.0110513..-.ames PAlton, A cabdriver, 'was brought up In custody chargedi ?? bIng, tunk whilst In chaeoflahrean a, and 'also w I h 'having aisaulted. Pollces.officer 18.- It appeared that at half pasttwo-o'elock on Taesday after- noon the prisoner,, whilst ...