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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales



South Wales, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... THE RHYMNEY PAY.—On Saturday last the pay took place, and all the movements connected with it passed off very quietly. EMIGRATION.—On Monday morning last the people here were disturbed in their quiet slumbers at a very early hour by some scores of persons who were singing lustily along the route to Nantybwch station, accompanying their friends who were leaving for America. This custom has now ...


... DECISION.'—Pew things are more necessary to snN- cess in our life than decision of character. With it a man can rarely fail—without it he can very rarely Bucceed. No EXCESS IN CHAJUTY.—The desire of power In excess caused the angels to fall; the desire of know- -ledge in excess, caused man to fall; but in charity there is no excess, neither can angel or man come iru- danger by it. ...


... CAUTION TO PARENTS —Last week the life of a young child was sacrificed through the apparent neglect of some of its guardians. It appeared that the father and mother left the house in charge of four or five children. During their absence one of them got playing with the fire, when its garments got enflamed and burnt the child so badly that it died in a few hoars. SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—A few days ...


... ATHENJEA. Evil men speak that which they wish rather than that which they do. However ill the world may have gone, the roses still blow and the thrushes still sing in it. The truly illustrious are they who do not court the praise of the world, but perform the actions which deserve it. People who brood over their sorrows are usually successful in hatching a numerous family; and those who ...


... MB. WAYNE'S FUNERAL.-On Wednesday last the remains of Thomas Wayne, Esq., J.P., Gadlys, were con- signed to their last resting place in the family vault in the okl churchyard. Shortly after one o'clock the roads were lined with people, and the churchyard was almost crowded. cimc Mr. Wayne's own carriage drawn by two horses, then followed the hearse, decorated with plumes, drawn by four horses ...


... THE IRON TRADE. The iron trade generally is beginning to move. The pig trade may be pronounced slightly better in sale^, although not in prices. Bars generally are neglected but rails are in sharpish demand for large United States and Russian orders. StP.el, tiessemer especially, is in some request Every day now will bring successive chang-es-for the ice: is broken in trade as well as in ...


... At Malta about noon on Saturday, the 9th nit., the sky becaire filled with locusts, which appeared to be travelling from east to west over the island. The main body preserved a high altitude, but many, perhaps tired by their long flight, settled in different localities along their route. With a telescope others might be discerned passing at a still greater height. A light breeze was blowing ...


... CONCERT AT THE TEMPERANCE HALL.—Last evening a large audience assembled in the Temperance Hall to re- welcome the talented artistes who a few weeks back delighted the musical public of Merthyr and Aberdare by their performances. The programme was entirely different from that of the previous concert, and the various songs and instrumental performances were warmly received. ORDINANCE SURVEY. —A ...


... POLICE COURT, GEORGE TOWN. FRIDAY.-( Before Abraham Darby, D. L. Williams, and J. J. James,Esquires.) A Feminine Row-Cunningham v. Scanlen.-This was an assault case between two women. A witness for com- plainant said he was present when defendant came into Mrs Cunningham's house and commenced an attack with a long pole, when witness went between them and prevented fur- ther damage be had just ...


... MR. Livsn's CONCERT.—We have much pleasure in once again reminding our readers that this Concert will take place on Thursday next at the Drill Hall. We hope our townsmen will mark their appreciation of the taleuts and industry of the leader of the Cyfarthfa Baud by at- tending the Concert. MR. WOODIN gave his* clever and amusing entertainment at the Drill Hall last night (Thursday). Mr. Woodin ...


... MR. EYRE AND TRIALIBY JURY. There would probably be a great clamour raised if it Were proposed to try Air. Eyre with a jury composed of ex-governors, supposing twelve of them could be ob- tained and a greater clamour if it were suggested that it would be consistent with the spirit of the constitution if General Nelson and Lieutenant Brand should be arraigned before a jury of military men, or ...


... Sclina Salter, a headstrong young woman, was placed before Sir F. G. Moon and Alderman Besley, charged with breaking a pane of glass in the Smithfield Police Station. Seijeant Bn said about twelve on Monday night, he was in ihc police station when the window was broken. lie went or; -ide and saw the prisoner there, She said it was she who did it because she had money, and no home and nowhere ...