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... Sixty kegs of IVenoh brandy were found by the Islt of Wight coastguard concealed between Colwell Ba, and Cliff End, on the south west coast of the island, a few days ago. The officers of the coastguard have fol a long time had a sinecure. The health of Mr. E. J. Reed, the chief constructot of the navy, is so far re-established, after the serioui accident which he met with lately on the railway ...


... On Saturday forenoon, about half-past eleven, an awful ailway accident took place at Walton Junction, where the ,oudon line branches to Chester, halt a mile from Warrington, rhe 10.23 train from Liverpool to Birmingham and London elt Bank Quay Station ar 11.25, and on approaching Walton function the driver salv ahead a coal traiu, which efforts were leing made to shunt on to the Chester line. ...


... PETTY SESSIONS.—MONDAY. (Before C. H. Williams, and E. W. David, Esqs.) THE NUISANCE AT THE MAINDY SOAP WORKS. On Monday last Messrs. Thomas and Wm. Williams, owners of the above property, were summoned for a nuisance alleged to exist there, on the complaint of the Inspector of Nuisances for that district. Mr. Major and Mr. Gerrett, agent of the Messrs. Ticel, were also summoned at the same ...


... Jitfcttiijtjntc. LONDON, MONDAY, July 15. FRANCE. Much excitement has been caused both in France and Prussia during the last few days by the report that a note of a somewhat peremptory nature had been addressed to Prussia by the French Government in reference to North Schleswig. The Moniteur de Soir of Saturday, noticing the report, declares that there has been no French dispatch delivered or ...


... We quote the following from a review in the Athe- nceum of Mr. Dufton's work on Abyssinia :— The subject of most interest in Mr. Dufton's work being the sovereign whose name has, unfortunately, now become a household word in England, we shall be best consulting the inclinations of our readers by quoting his description of his first interview with the King of the Kings of Ethiopia:— Doffing ...

[No title]

... Analarming -iiseaso is prevalent among theShakera ai. West Pittsfield, Massachusetfs, which partakes of the nature of fever and measles. A dozen members of one family have been prostrated at ones. The much vexed question of the South-Eastern of Portugal Railway has now been arranged by the Com- Smv accepti.icr the very liberal offers made by the linisterof Public Works, Senor Andra de Corvo. ...

Jmpc^ial §ai|lranmtt

... HOUSE OF LOItDS. MONDAY, APRIL 8th. The Marquis of Clanricanle consented, at the instance of the Earl of Malmesbury, to postpone until after the Easter holi- days his motion respecting the Tornado, on the ground of the serious complications which threatened to arise between the Government of Spain and this country in the ca-e of the Queen Victoria, and the probability that any debate on the ...


... LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. While all the Paris journals are arguing as to the real meaning—whether pacific or t)ellicose-of the speech of Count Bismarck on the Luxemburg cession, comes a telegram from Berlin stating that information has been received there from the Hague that the King of Holland has relinquished the proposed cession of the duchy to France, and that the Dutch Minister for Foreign ...

'.Distykt Jjlcws

... Distykt Jjlcws. ABERDARE. .LECTURE.—On Monday night a lecture was delivered by Miss Cranogwen Rees, in Ebenezer Chapel, Trecynon. Her subject was Pethau Chwithig. The chapel was uncomfortably crowded, and the lecturer was frequently applauded. The audience appeared to be exceedingly 'Well pleased. The proceeds are to be devoted to the purposes of a neighbouring chapel. The Rev. W. Edwards ...


... THE Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords is a restless and crotcketty statesman. In an exceptional session of Parliament, and at a time when the Government were busy in maturing their schemes of legislation, he has introduced the subject of national education in a series of resolutions and an elaborate speech. He failed, however, to command much attention for during the two hours and ...


... In the matter of the Railway Companies Act, 1S67, and of the Cambria Railway Company, which is the first that has come before the Court of Chancery under the Railway Act of last Session (by which rai'way companies are enabled upon filing a deed of arrangement with their creditors ti stay legal process against the property of the company), Sir W. P. Wood, on Tuesday, decided a point of ...