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Daily News (London)


... Aittr-aturt. yT} 3lajnavit1cs. By the Author of John Hali- fax, (ientlenanli &c. Two vols. London: Hurst and Blackett. A Larae prolportion of current fiction is written 1w wvomllen1, and it may perhaps be added that it i chiefly written for women. Hence a certain saliiless in the general features, and in the style of the ordinary circulating library novel. Women feel very acutely and see ...

Fine Arts

... :t, f ; ? I THE ROYAL ACADEMY There is no picture in the Exhibitiodnwhich im- proves more upon acquaintance than Mr. 1' rith'a lK ing Charles the Secord's last Sunday. At first sight it might be estimated too lightly as one of the painter's largest and most ambitious costume pictures, but it is really a work of importance, both historically and as a' chief picture of the English school, of ...


... I , I The eighth raidd final concert of the fifty-fifth season tok place 14b; ight, with the following pro-, g 6 0 3 0 Pis I. ex S*mphony Ina C minotn r,0°j Ho. 5 . Ilt~e~ag eethovers. va Milie. Chfstine Ndilhson . ?? . o. to Condsrtol1or Pinoforte, No. 4j Op. 70, piVCo-, forte, Herr RubiDstein ?? ?? Rubinsteln. ht ; dec. Aria , sunse 'alfin 'Deh i sc non tarelar (Le Nozze d iipgro), Mdlle. ...


... Itterzature. l Louhl Crrib its Shor~es and slahnds, with NlotC6S WI of Coug Vash By Sir WILLIA -%ValDE . LoD. ViePresidenlt of the Royal Irish inc Academy, &ec. Illustrated with inumerouls wood ta engravingls. Dtiblin :MeGlashanl and Gill. rit Lodn Longmans land Co. bei Few portions of the BritishIse ar corntes atic beautiful or interesting than the westerncute r of Ireland. The beauty is ...


... titeratu're. I ,77w Coreel r nt of Enqgland; its Struct re and its Development. Biy WILLIAM EDWARD HEARN, LL.D., Professor of History and Political Economy in the University of Melbourne. London: Longnmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. Melbourne: George Robertson. It is rather an unusual experience for a reviewer to receive a book from Australia, unless it be a work of purely local interest. Here, ...


... Iwrama. NEW QUEEN'S. Another popular Olympic piece, Sfill lget'ers Ejn2 Dc(q in which Mr. and Mrs. Alfred WVigan Sustain their original characters, was revived at this house last night in the place of the Doublc .l-arriage, with gratifying and well-deserved success. Whatever may be thought of the French sentiment running through this comedy, and ef the somewhat tricky, superficial character of ...


... Jfluolf. I COVENT GARDEN CONCERTS. Under this title the promenade concerts which were given by the late Mr. Alfred Mellon for several past autumns, at the Royal Italian Opera-house, are now re- tnmed in the same locality under the direction of Mr. J. Russell, who commenced his new undertaking last night. ' The theatre presents the same aspect which it assumed E in former years, on being ...

Fine Arts

... Li :THE ROYAL A0ADEY.; Theicademy enter npon their ni-ietnintl year ?? bition wloi'cls about td be`'opened to tepbica on'.i,.'daThJ,, Teoccasio~n ;iso,0ttat,' asi comnsound each year, ?? t onser 'seriouslyour .position in art-whether obr arti are worthily taking the stand in the world' Tt h ith9ey ought. toid6 id'i*t1 the '.tiotiriC, I . fi t- L otri the Ahtat a 6. is 'a4ez'ady t} higher ...


... ILittraturt. ?? of vephy.3ieal, Sta- dl Dictionaryof Geography, DescriptiPica tistieal, and Historical By A. KEITH JOIHNSTON;,T LL.D, ?? ?? F.G.S. ,Geographer h at Edinblirg in Ordinary to her Majesty. New z edition. London: Longmans. t The name of Dr. Keith Johnston is a certificate of the excellence of every geographical work which p bears it. This volume is beyond comparison the 51 most ...


... 4RiUotc. ill~itlI I - COVENT.GARDEN CONCERTS. These concerts, whiob have *wll suetained4 their character and interest for the past twb months, are still attracting good audiences, and will doubtless continue to do Bo until their close, as announced for the 26th inst. Classical nights have been given on the Thursdays, with the first portion of the programme devoted exclu- sively to the works ...


... LO iteraturt. Bruzil al the Brazilians; porhayed in HistorlCal MAUI DcSC1eptirC Skteches. By the Rev. J. C. FLETCHER and the Rev. D . KIDDER, D.D. New edition, revised and enlarged. London Sampson Low, Son, and. 11arston. Boston ?? * Little, Brown, anid Co. Notwithstanding that several works about Brazil have been written in various languages, compara- tively little is known, either in Europe ...


... THE SATURDAY REVIEW AND I K. IZINL I TO THE EDITOR OF THE DALY NEws. SIR,-The Saturday .&view has considerable ,advantages in any controversy. In the first place, it, !assertions as to facts are singularlyreckless; and, ?? itaadmitsnorejoindersintoitscolumns. I hope ?? allow me space for a few remarks on a weak but maliciou attack on M. Mazzini in its last number. I extract the following: ...