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... .I. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,-On the part of the Captain of the Austrian ship Alarietta, I shall feel obliged by your correcting an erroneous statement in your last week's report of a collision which took place in the roads between his vessel and the Alaltese ship Isa Craig, to the effect that he ordered the crew to abandon the ship at the time of the collision. The real facts are ...


... RETIREMENT OF Mr. MORTON.— The Yorkshire Post states :—Air. C. Morton, of WakeReId, the government inspector of mines for the Yorkshire district, has just resigned his post. We understand that Mr. Morton's bodily and mental health has suddenly and completely broken down under the intense excitement and anxiety of the past fortnignt, caused by the dreadful explo- sion at the Oaks Colliery. His ...


... The nave of the parish church of Gelligaer, Glamor- ganshire, after being closed for the space of sixteen weeks for the purpose of restoration, was reopened on Thursday, December 20th. At 11 a.m., the Lord Bishop of Llandaff, preceded by about twenty clergymen habited in surplices, entered the church from the west end, where a vestry has been made under the tower, the 132nd Pltalm (Ouseley) ...

^oifttgit Jirfcttigentf

... LONDON, Monday, Dec. 31st. PARIS. There is very little news from Paris. A decree has just been issued abolishing tonnage duties in French ports. The Anglo-French Fisheries Com- mission met for the first time on Friday in Paris. AUSTRIA. In the Austrian financial law for 1867, which was published at Vienna on Saturday, the entire revenue is estimated at 407,297,000 florins, and the entire ex- ...

§olitii|al J«li»lli^itt|f,

... THE MEETIXG OF PARLIAMENT.—At the Council held by the Queen at Osborne, on Friday, parliament was ordered to be further prorogued to Tuesday, the 5th of February next, then to meet for the dispatch of busi- ness. Although the Royal pleasure has not yet been formally expressed, there is good reason for believing that her Majesty will open the session of Parliament in person.— Sunday Gazette. At ...

-:Distort Uems.I

... Distort Uems. ARERAMAN IRONWORKS COMPANY, LIMITED. On Saturday a meeting of the shareholders in this cotcern, convened by private circular, was held at the London Tavern, for the purpose of hearing some facts com peted with the promotion of the company,Jaud of taking action upon them. Mr. Pawle occupied the chair. The CHAIRMAN, in opening the proceedings, bitterly complained of a wrong done to ...

-grating ^jipointmcnfs. ...................................................................................... ..

... grating ^jipointmcnfs. THE TREDEGAR HOUNDS. [The places appointed for meeting of the above hounds for the ensuing week, had not arrived up to the time of our going to press.] THE P. H. HOUNDS. Monday, 7th Jan. at Radvr Chain. Thursday, 10th. at St. Fagans. At 11 o'clock. THE COWBRIDGE HOUNDS (Mr. Talbot's). Monday, 7th at Tircross Down. b riday, lltli at Three Ashes. Each day at 11 o'clock. ...

J[tJ4aI .intclligcncf. ■-

... .intclligcncf. LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL SERVICES. .?*?R 6. EPIPHANY SUNDAY. M.'i-ning Prayer. Veuite,— 5. Daily Psalms—39. Te Deum-9 and 12. Jubilate 83. Introit-2¡}5. Kyrie—Rogers in D. ({Yllb-64. \ftern on Service at half-past 3. Dailj Pathos -41, 42 Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis- Wesley, Kecit. Am hem, From the Rising, Ouseley. Hymn —58. Ut.iiiv -uul Sermon at 7 o'clock in the Evening. Hymns 148 ...


... t EXTENSIVE ROBBERY AT CARDIFF BY A DOMESTIC SERVANT. -n A,t nhe 9ardiff Poli.ce Court 0a Tuesday, before W. D. t ushell and 0. Phillips, Esqrs Lydia Thomas was charged I TiPi-t a/lDg stolen a large quautitv of drapery goods (lie pro- I Mr € hf ?aster. Mr. Phillips, Draper, liute Docks. I had miseed sta^ed that for Some months past, Mr. Phillips v nor the policed'^uty of,?oods fl'01n his ...


... CARDIFF TOWN COUNCIL. An adjourned meeting of the Corporation was held on Monday, and there were present The Mayor (in the chair); Alderman Pride; Councillors tinstone, D. Jones, P. Bird, Bowen, Spencer, Evans, Flint, Whiffen, Elliott, and Dr. Taylor. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the Town Clerk. GRATUITY TO THE WATER BAILIFF. The MAYOR said that the Finance Committee at their ...


... (BY TELEGRAPH.) LONDON, December 29th. COMMERCIAL.—The discount applications at the Bank yes- terday were extremely numerous and large, and in the Stock Exchange also money was rather more in request in connexion with the foreign and share settlements. The heavy demand for money usually experienced during the closing diiys of the year, coupled with the receipt of weak quotations from Paris ...