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... MODE AM- -U N MODERN AM USE NIENTS. ces \WV arc not quite fairly embarked in the :silly seasoll, though incipient signs begin to manifest themselves. There is much to be said, and much to be done before we take the final plunge into utter inanity. When the darkness does comae it will certainly be Egyptian, but we maty reasonably hope that d it hlas not come yet. It is, indeed, to be dreaded. ...


... L. ECTURE ONMUSIC. , On ?? a very interesting lecture on Music Wm delivered by Mr. Fred. Jackson, organist of Christ Church, at the Protestant Hall. The lecture -war delivered under the auspices of the Institute. MAr. Burbank presided, and there was a very good attendallce, although the weather was not very The lecturer remarked that the following oircum- stance wad said to have led to the ...


... 3IRMINGA1W.OS.E .Ann HOUND SHOW. j The Birstningham Horse arid' Hound Show was opened at nine o'clock yesterday. morning-l fortnight after its competitor at Islington. It is amusing. to watoh the neck-ana-neck race between the Metropolisof England and that of the Midland counties in the matter of exhibi- tions of animals, The rivalry is keen but friendlyi a all who have been present at both ...


... JJ1TEII? TIlE FUU3T WAtTCH. ' ir s deserted by her betrothled, he marrie8 ^ rld is roboist to set eail vvith her, The deserted suiher, aof Isis i~tntOtion, and oboys as yearisnig to behold ¢iil ber ucaliaswn to bim, the idol with whom not evous ert agdy'car disenchant her. Aceordingly, iu the eomn- bl1easedyr who knows her secret, she wends up tho rist awth strs-I could not seo Ih huye r -aud ...


... ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE DEWSBURY I FLO1AL, .HORTTIOULTURAL, AND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The annual exhibition of this society opened 0 yesterday at Savile Town, on the estate of Messrs. Craw- shaw and Blakeley, and was brought to a close last night. The show of horses, poultry, and pigoons was vary C good, and elicited warm approval. There were also some splendid rabbits exhibited. To-day the ...


... jIER AATUlRE. TpLPlXG DOWN TIHR FIELD-PATH. Tippi)ng down the field-path, airiv in tbe morn, There I mct my OMn love, 3ildot the golden eorn; Matuami tvwinds weroblowing, As in frolic chase, All her dilken ringlets linckward fromt her face, Little time for speaking vlid the, for the wind, tlomet, scarf, or ribbon, Ever ?? behind. Still some sweet improvement In her beauty shorn; Eve:y ...


... I (r.Fs'om the Loadon and Pais rlalrtrazino of Fzshion, October.) Black silk and other similar materials continue to be much worn, even at the sea-side; for instance, one I noticed was a robe of black taffeta, trimmed with a gladinteur riband (i.e, blbe and red), the paletot edged with the samo, having the sleeves tied up at the top with similar riband. The same lady wore a large straw shep ...


... FASHIONS FOR DECE?IBER. (F rom* Ie Pellet.)> It is nlo longer a question of wvhat will bie the style fashionalble for winter dresses-the short costume, thle rounld dress, the traiued skirt, have each thleir r~le assigued them for the present season. We' have now, rathler, to chronicle the numberless little varieties-the accessories to dress-which dalily make their appeara~nce; and, amongst ...


... FASnIONS FOR SjEipTEg]BFR. It is now an established fact that the autumn dresses will be, in great meassue, a reproduction in style of the short summer dresses FoIr travelling and country costume the short dress is, of course indispensable; how- ever, it seems quite certain that net only the short dress with two or three skirts, but also the round plain skirt, will be very much adopted. ...


... I TIM GREAT RMENCH EXrIUIITION PatsR, Marc ;1, Since Friday the buildisi'g has I beei ?? closed egainst heavy goods, except such as the Oniers may now wish to display without hope of prizes. Such, accord. ini to the last decision of the Imperial Comnissierg, is to be the itle, and the Only cD] oliotioil I can give to such as are late is that, according to present 5'pI rneces, they will form ...


... LITERATURES A sPANM111 ANECDOTE, Itt NVIii~ a holy mit gb to record, Upon01 each Befectory's side or end, This Inist, nmvstertflu Supp r of our Lord, 'Us tt rijeitoct appietites mighit upward tend, WlitliJI thle Con1vutt-l'51r5C0 of old Spain, Rich w-ith the gifts and monuments of kings Fi nig such ii picture, &dld by some to reign, The sov~esesg glory Of thosea wondrolus th'ings, 11A ...


... HULL SCROOL OF ART BAZAAR. On Tuesday a grand bazaar was opened at the Public Rooms, Jarratt-street, in aid of the Hull School of Art, which, we regret to say, !is not so much encouraged as it eminently deserves. The principal feature of the bazaar is the numerous and varied paintings. drawings, and other works of art ST .. ?? ±lmauem Art and Science Department has allowted many Of its ...