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... PAkI8IAW FAbfWONS. . (riom the Pall Mail fiGabtM.) In Paris to dress in the height of fashion, is to , dress, in fact, unlike anybody else, Certain rlei how- ever, require to be rigidsy obseried. For iPstsupe, no - criuolino munt be worn e and theo slirt of, the robe, if not cut very short, must either be loopod up or several feet of it be allowed to trasl along the ground. Provided these C ...


... F&SHIONS FOR MARCH. 'roeei Le Pellet.) An isnnicnse variety in dress seems to be the order of the day in the fashionable world. Different visits require their different toilettes-thus, if the call to be made be only on some very intimate or family friend, the long dress, quite plain andi simple, but generally black, is tbe prolpel thing, the short dress for walking being, even for snch ...


... j I This show ass Wednesday was a great success, and a large number of gentlemen, including Lord HothaM, M.P., Admiral Doncombe, M.P., and Sir George t Cholmrley, Bart., were present. The show was held I in the field of J. Kirby, Esq, at the west end of the o town. All the classes were wrell represented, there being twenty-one lots of s heep, about 200 entries of a horses, &c., ec. The judges ...


... WAITING IN THE DUISK. Sittilig alose ill the ivilight tinte,- A-il b how -u ?? the old holeou See me- liisillg tie e.u(ites that only chimno) lu 'a ahilig f tscica 'r sleopifil- dreatms I Fit inl llV unltlicl- s o(d arill-'hwir, 13it wicro are thee others? Ah ?? 5 ah whore ? Where is our Willie, so grave aid wisdO? AnId where is Harry, so true nusd bold ? Wleio is ?? withl'aug'lilg eyes, And ...


... STEAM PLOUGHING AT THE PARIS EXHIBITIcN, The spe(cial ocrrespondent of tho Standard thuis speaks of the trial of agricultural machinery last week:- The field allotted by M4. Decauvillo for the steam trial operations was a large onoof certainly not less than eighty acros, and of very fine soil for the purpose. This was divided into two suitable portions, of which the largest and farthest away ...


... TWE PARIS EXHIBITION AND TEOHNICAL EDUCATION. TO THlE EDITORS OF TUEE LEEDS MERCURY. GENnTA1cMEN,-1 have beon engaged for many years as a teacher of technical subjects both among our artisan population and also among othors. Hearing mauh of the deficiency of our foremen and workmen in technical knowledge, as contrasted with French and German artisans, I visited she Paris Exhibition with the ...


... THE LEEDt FLOWER SHOW. The1 members of the Leeds Horticultural Society cen hardly be blamed for coming to the conclusion that if are fated to have good fortune it is at all events to be doled out to them only by instalments-the silver cloud 4hicla this year promised to brighten the dark ?? hitherto surrounding their allows hot having bean of a 'very lasting character, lila true that a more ...


... LITERl1A TU RE. VII; U ' it III t he SI 11111I io f L SOllitg ta tist at An lIII 1t ;Iw011 hI' Y uift b11051 Nihair, -A. ic , st bllp' re Itthd a prayer-. r I I llii' 2 ilk2,11 Iti tit*- fli, II,l 11d and211 sls'tor toot, P 1 L4 i'lit upolbt('1112r11 did ipross Liti aI'I ill 11112 tivmllt , white tind Imute; ?? bItr' frto it ?? pure2 1121 waral, I. it utlig spirit freshl ft 001 hoavetil, 1oi ...


... LITERAT1IR se er Ms(irtel H Italy lives all i growg strsn w we crutwot ul t that Ilomf will Eall before very lon- il to 1 or eraqp. 8(-w this will linlmilel wo bdVC l ot ttle reclotest iden; but S; jF ensy to ?? e halE n t ozen coribiantions whioh Woel(l ililfil her lmpes; and not eaqy to ?? nav asitelxt xvitl ller eolitinuil g to exist, ?? ?? hanle {tetn ior vory lcilg.-?0vrZ14 british evielP ...


... LEEDS SUCOOL OF ART. The ?? exlhibitio-n of wvorks produced by the pupils in the Leeds Central School of Art for the year IS0C wias opened yester(tlay. In consequence of the linited extnet an' nature of te eonstnudatioll at the school, only sixty-threo out of the 2,000 works of art completed during the year are shown. With one or two cxi eptious, the whole of the drawings have alroady been ...


... EXTRACTS FROM CREED AND COLOUR. There is Ultramarine, and there's Ultra, What's the difference betweua them You bid sne') Well, a kind of deep blue is your Ultramaorine explain And your Ultramontane is mnost vividly greeo,3 CRUELTv 0 TO A E-8.-Our foota en' leas POISON IN TIM BOWL, -Rot weather.Ad. by our own cockney.. Don't put ice in your vice It's pison. HOW aO I know this ? Becauc ' it ...


... LITERATURES aTAGGIE MLANE. Notol i cits',though youth had paissed away1 An~d tic sk. K hair wits tinged with silve~r gray, CloJse to the, gloaaiuiig Of thle day Of life,' Eshe lo ,calin' featurid like a wedded wife; Aid It no I d1 1ded wife ices shtu, hat one W ?? ha1( left the pathways of the juAt, Alid nit lY, SitlC her JpCnitiiss had been doeit, IIs, II Ile e0 us sought men'sa fares, not ...