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... ier DENTAL.-If you submit to artificial teeth, you he must make up your mind ever after to speak in a 9), falsetto. Ny, REFLECTION ON AN INSOLVENT RAILWAY.-The iat rolling stock gathers no moss. iat A HUNTING SET. -The Fox Club. eg FRIGHTYUL PROSPPOT.-It is dreadful to hear of oa- a child, only one month old, taking to the bottle! of Mrs. PARTINGTON says, getting out of, and get- ild timg into ...


... VAfAE2Sf HALLETS CONCERTS.. The third and certainly by nso means the least successful concert of Mr. ialll's present season was given last night at the Leeds Town Hall. It is hardly necessary to say that the spacious hall was crowded in every part; we have now become so much accustomed to overflowing audiences at these excellent concerts that we have begun to look upon them as a matter of ...


... EXTRACTS FROM[ PUNCH. I PRE, TTY COMPLIMENT. Lot rival Church and Chapel claim You, ManLoa, asa, son; Like every English Judge, you are An Independent one. A BLOCK ON THE LINE. Our five-million-horse-power Engine Called Reform is off the rails; On the sleepers hard impinging, Hindering passengers and miail!s Stopping trains it ought to quicken, Staying work it ought to do, Every hour it ...


... THE GREAT FRENCH Ei.XHIBITION. PAms, Saturday Night, May 11. Most Englishmen, if asked to decide in what department of industry, judging by the present Exhibi- tion, England stands pre-emiuent, would in all probability fix upon that of porcelain, Oar great guns may escape observation in an outhouse, and it is not everyone wlo. can understand them, .A larle portion of our agricultural iachinery ...


... BRITISH GRIEVANCES AT THlE PARIS BXHIBITION. The Times' correspondent ?? Coinmis- sioners are involved in three or four petty lawsuits rolatinai to very simple arrangemente about which there ought to be no misuinderstaniding. There is the great question of chairs ; there is the great question of catalogues; there is I the great Question of posters; there is the great question of lavatories, &c ...


... On Sunday, His Majesty received a deputation of fifty-three Foreign Commissioners of the Exhibition. Count d'Avila, the Portuguese Ambassador et the Court of Madrid was selected to deliver the address, his Excel- lency being the most worthy person present, as the Sovereign whom he represents is now in Paris. Count ?? addressed the Emperor as follows:- Sire,-Amongst the great works of peace, ...


... LITERATURES UNSERN SPIRITS. The sbahdoi lay alosg Broadway, 'Twas Feari the twilight tide- And slowly there a lady fair EBB walking in her pride. Alon falked sie; hut, viewlessly, Walked spirit at her aide Peace charmed the street beneath her feet And Honour charmed the air; And all astir looked kind on her, And cailed her good as fair- For all God ever gave to her She kept with chary cae. She ...


... EOWDEN GREAT HORSE FAIR. (kei2 01our Cobrespsnlentj) owuDmr, Monday night. The district of which Ilowden is the centre has long been celebrated for the breed and excellence of its horseflesh, and not only has its reputation been maintained, but it is now far more wide-spread than at any previous period, Its groat annual fair, which is being held this week, attracts gentlemen, horse dealers, ...


... TIE PARIS EXHIBITION. (FoM A. Con EsPoMN rM I have just spent a full week at the Exhibition, and though I have far from 1 done it, I may yet bear testimony that it far excels anything that has preceded it or even any conception that had hitherto been proclaimed. You led us to expect much by the description you gave, by anticipation, some months ago; but though in one or two details all that ...


... HOWDEN GREAT HORSEE FAIR. HowuReo, Tuesday Evening. The attendance at the fair thiis (Tuesday) morn- ing was much greater than en Monday, aud business was carried en more briskly. The inn yards were as usual the centres of attraction for all the best classes of cattle, The show of horses in the streets was far larger than on Mon- day, and at times during the day, Bridgegate, the street in ...


... ? (FROiM s LE FOLLUT.) e It is just now rather amusing to inspect the novelties i of the season; for whilst, on one side, we find all the I pretty, light, and fresh-looking materials ready for the i-rst spring sunshine, on the other, we have still the a more luxurious and rich textures, which we can by no a means relinquish at present. For those economically e inclined, it is that intermediate ...


... The fine weather which prevailed during a great part of Wednesday was hailed as an exceptional sort of treat by those who delight in flowers, so blue and golden, Stars, that in earth's firmament do shine, and who, in consequence, looked forward with feelings of pleasure to the advent of a floral show. The promoters and patrons of the first floraZ exhibition of the season, held in the Botanic ...