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... FASHION8 FiOR JANUARY. The weather having at last become more season- able, thie winter materials decided upon and exhibited for the last two months are now brought into requisition. We are very glad to welcome the return of brocaded silks; tiere is hardly any dress more suitable for au elderly lady. Young oues have not yet adopted it, excepting for tunics or portions of a dress. Satin is also ...


... LEEDS SUCOOL OF ART. The ?? exlhibitio-n of wvorks produced by the pupils in the Leeds Central School of Art for the year IS0C wias opened yester(tlay. In consequence of the linited extnet an' nature of te eonstnudatioll at the school, only sixty-threo out of the 2,000 works of art completed during the year are shown. With one or two cxi eptious, the whole of the drawings have alroady been ...


... Yesterday a full bench of magistrates, consisting of the Mayor, Mr. D. Lupton, Mr. J. Cooper, Mr. H. Chorley, Mr. J. Ellershaw, Mr. J. Wilson, Mr. T. Tonuant, Mr. J. Botterill, Mr. J. Marshall, Mr. W. Kelsall, and Mr. 0. Nusscy, assembled at the Ieeds Town fall, in special sessions, for the purpose of granting licenses to the owners of singing saloons, dancing rooms, and other places of ...


... PARIS UNIVE.RSAL EXHIBITION OF 1867. The whole of the following paper will repay minute study. It affects, perhaps, the most vital juestion of the day, the struggle betwoeen labour and capital; and no words of ours could add to the appreciation which these latest labours of the imperial Commission must will train all thinking men. The official document issued by the British section on the ...

LONDON GAZETTE, Friday, Jan. 4

... LONDON (AAZBTTB, 1fiHays Jan, 4, BANKRUPTS. Notice of Adjudication and First Mcetiug of (,r1I~n To Surriobeer at the B3ankrup~ts' Cot Allan J. Pimlico, ?? agent, .Tau. 1, at , DiThllieton M~., Hiornieoy.tisc, builder, Jan. 1l, t 2- B3ird C., 1salwvorth-road, parilterer. Jan. l5, at 2 Cilas 24f. II,, Whittlesford miler, Jan. 2S, at I Gi 1amtun, Alinorieg, hotel iceepier, Jan. 1O, at 11 Gough, H ...


... WINTER SONNETS. Low in the Soiuth thou stailest in thy flight Oliie brif f Ilit ilt ft tsh, its of sri anigel's fixes 'TIIn swee~lseet oni to gleamn onl larger spaco, Leavinig the stars to represent thy might, Alid the trew linoon thy ever new dolight. Yet thy swift glantce illumeS mur homlely place WSith ?? sweet trance of aill the suimmer's grace, Whens skies were blue and fields were ...


... VAfAE2Sf HALLETS CONCERTS.. The third and certainly by nso means the least successful concert of Mr. ialll's present season was given last night at the Leeds Town Hall. It is hardly necessary to say that the spacious hall was crowded in every part; we have now become so much accustomed to overflowing audiences at these excellent concerts that we have begun to look upon them as a matter of ...


... I - I On Friday Hcr Majesty's Commissionerg and the AssoCiate Commissioners for the French E xhibition. of 1867 held meetings at the South Kensington Museum, under the presidency of the Prince of Wales, with whom was the Lake of Edinburgh. The attendance, at both meetings was very full, the number of gentlellmen present being more than 320. The following memorandum, touching the prospects of ...


... ENDYMION. ILest night, on Latanos us I stood alone, Wvith eyes uplifted onl tire jeweled height Of boly heaven, the golden dreami earns onl- 'rho dream. that diemg the sight, And opens other eyes, 1 know not how, Onl regions where tire sould can rise unibound To hshee striruge heights where earth becomes a dream, And dreamus arc solid ground. lily s~oul was led into a Silent land Of shiadowy ...


... (From a Correspondent.) Paurs, Jan. 14, 1867. Come what nmay, ite Exposition Universello will ?? Dot only be a great fact, but it will be tire fact of 18(7 for which the whole civilised vorld is on the look- out, Formner Exhibitions have beef' gralud, -that of 1851 the grandest yet, but no human foresight can discover the hidden glories of this, the latest, and, no doubt, the grandest of all. ...


... FINE ART ?? AT LEEDS. After the lapse of five or six years, a micst pro- st mising attempt has been made to revive the idea of hold- iug en annual exhibition of pictures in Leeds. Mr. Hasse lins got together about 300 paintings and water colour drawings, many of them fresh from the easels of the el artists, and making the best of the accommodation at le disposal within his Fine Art Gallery, ...


... L-ITEIRATIURE. .TN THlE STORM. A wsiil rough night: aiid through the gloomy grey (tA ssthe blackness of the headland grow, LS tle whlithenes of the upilunig sicrly, 'I21 he s tehivcnes of the breCalkers; down below. Ak %vild wild itiglit : unod on the slhiufly rim 'I Ile, fli tios ava-surge roars antd frots and riveii A1il far7 away13 those bla~ck specks, growing dtim, ili c sstit4 with, their ...