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... CARDIFF POLICE COURT. FRIDAY.—(Before R. O. Jones, Esq.. Aid. Alexander, W. D Bihhell, E-q., and Dr. Edwards.) ASSAULT.—Julia P:u*ies and Dmiel Davies were convicted of having assaulted Arthur Gotitrh, on Saturday last. The feinu'e^lefendaut was fined 10s. and the male 5s. and costs, or 7 imprisonment each. AN OLD OFFENDER.—Ellen Griffiths, a wretched creature, who is perpetual'j- in tiouble ...

[No title]

... A MUNIFICENT GIFT.—We are informed that a mem- ber of the legal profession has set aside £:25,000 for the benefit of the London hospitals. The name of the muni- ficent donor is known to us, but, in accordance with his wish, it is not to appear in print. The circumstances which led to this gift are said to be as follows The gentleman in question is a member of the legal profes- sion, and ...


... On Sunday an alarming fire broke out at the Crys- tal Palace, threatening at one time the destruction of the entire fabric. The fire was discovered in the northern transept, but where exactly and how it ori- ginated are not at present known. The prevailing opinion is that it was in some way attributable to the over-heating of the flues employed in warming the Tropical Department. It was first ...

[No title]

... RAILWAY COMPENSATION.—The following sums were paid as compensation for personal injuries to passengers by Hailway companies in 1865 :—Caledonian, £12,t)49; Great Eastern, £21,996; Great Northern, £22,387 (this sum includes also the amount paid for damage and loss of goods); Great Western, £40,061; Lancashire and Yorkshire, £24,70S: London and North Western, £30,728; London and South Western, ...


... CARDIFF LOCAL BOAlm The monthly meeting was held yesterday. Present The Mayor (in the chair); Aldermen Pride and Alex- ander Councillors Winstone, Whiffen, P. Bird, Flint, Todd, Jones, Ingledew, Elliott, Nell, Jenkins, and Taylor. COLLECTORS' REPORT. The collector for St. Mary had collected during the month £ 79 8s. leaving a balance outstanding of £ S17 10s. ljd. The amount collected in St. ...

Igome &1rum

... gome &1rum. The directors of the Midland Railway have prohibited the sale of cigars at all the refreshment rooms upon their systeni. Five hitherto unpublished letters from Lord Chester field's pen have just come into our hands and as they are so far characteristic of the writer and irs times that readers will liheto glance at thorn, we shall take an carly opportunity to place them in our ...


... FASHIONS FOR JANUARY. (From Le Follett.) The weather having at last become more seasonable, the winter materials decided upon and exhibited for the last two months are now brought into requisition. We are very glad to welcome the return of brocaded silks there is hardly any dress more suitable for an elderly lady. Young ones have not yet adopted it, excepting for tunics, or portions ofadress. ...

[No title]

... CURE OF ASTHMA. COUGHS, COLI'S, & BY DR. LOCOCK'S 'CLMONIC WAPEu».—Fro n Mr. John Coble, U.I'.S.. Broad- .)w, Yarmouth, April 2,18:6: I have great i^a^utv in rating that many person, to mv kn >wledge, nave derived ieat benefi. by thetuse of VR. LOCOCK'8 WAFER*. DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC \V^J- £ G.G ivluf to stoma, cnusuiiiptioa, coug'.x, it -d all disordevs of tbe breath nd luug. All tUroa. atle ...


... j^st of the Tavlors of Ongar has gone to her vi; the 20th inst., died at Nottingham, in her 85th rnnk n- above-named lady, the widow of the Rev. Jo- Pu Gilbert, hut who was better known in literature as ~Pne Taylor of Ongar. Anne Taylor was a member ot £ ? essentially literary family. She was the daughter ot v Isaac Tavlor, of Ongar, whose wife was the rJ hor of works that were popular in ...


... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. THE 18TH GLAMORGAN R. V. C.—We have received several communications respecting a paragraph which recently appeared in our columns concerning the shoot- ing of this corps but as there seems to have been a general misunderstanding, and all about nothing, and no harm has been done, we think the matter may be allowed to drop. ...


... (BY TELEGRAPH.) London and other Markets,—Thursday. SUGAR f-irm, but little business. Porto Rico, 32s. to ;;4.S. ...


... The weekly meeting of this Board was held on Saturday, and there were present—Mr. E. W. David (in the chair), Rev. V. Saulez, Her. H. Thomas, Rev. T. H. Jones, Messrs. J. W. Evans, D. Jones, P. Bird, Cory, Williams, J. Evans, French, and E. Evans. The first subject discussed was with regard to a boy in the house being apprenticed to some one to learn a trade, and The CHAIRMAN said that when ...