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January 1867
49 18 17 19



South Wales, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... The Money Market Review deals with the sentence of five years' penal servitude passed on Mr. James Freeling Wilkinson, the late managing director of the Joint Stock Discount Company. Remarking that the jury strongly recommended the prisoner to mercy j on account of his previous good character, the Review observes that with such a recommendation in such a case it is difficult to deal. It is the ...


... SATURDAY.—(Before Aldevrmn Piide and W. B. V> atkins, Esq.) DESKRTISG- PROM A odnrs were charged wi: ii having deserted from the ship Eioise. James Evans, from the shipping office, proved that they signed articles to join the ship at Briton Ferry, and the shipping master saw them off by the railway station for Briton terry. On Friday they were seen in Cardiff again. They were ...

[No title]

... FATAL ACCIDENT TO SKATERS AT LADIES DROWNED. —Yesterday a accident happened at Leamington, by which two highly-respectable ladies, Miss Emily Place and Miss Emllla Place, were drowned in the river Learn. Whilst the deceased weiu skating with several friends the ice suddenly broke, and and four others were precipitated into the water. -»'o of the party, Mr. Smith, jun., and Miss Smith, the ...


... (Before His Honour Judge Falconer.) This court opened on Monday last, at the Temperance Hall, before his Honour Judge Falconer. The cause list contained the following :—Original plaints. 332 adjourned ditto, 24; summonses after judgment, 53 adjourned ditto, 14 total, 433. Action to Recover Fixtures in an old Farm House.— Mary Williams v. William Howclls.—Mr. Smith for the plaintiff and Mr. ...


... PENNY READINGS AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. — On Thursday evening week another of these popular enter- tainments was given at the National school-room. The room was quite full, and Mr. Place, with his usual effici- ency, presided. The following programme was gone through:—Pianoforte duct, Mrs. W. R. Smiths and Miss E. Williams; reading (Welsh), Rev. W. Lewis song (Welsh), Mr. ,T. Hughes; ...

Miss Catherine Hussey, Deceased

... \TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Creditors _13i and all other Persons having any Debts, Claim, or demand against CATHERINE HUSSEYr, late of 9, Womanby-street, Cardiff, in the County of Glamorgan, Spinster, who died Oct. 23rd, 1866, are requested to send the particulars of their Debts, Claims, or Demands to me, JAMES JAMES, of 8, North-street, Cardiff, the Exe cutor named in the will of the ...


... OCR LOCAL CANTATRICE.— Miss Walters has proceeded to London to finish her musical education. Merthyr, Dowlaid, ftttd Swansea have seat forth vocalists of some renown, and we hope that Miss Walters s futures career will enable us to say that Tredegar has produced one second to none in the Principality. THE FROST.—The return of the frost has been welcomed by those whose love to spend an hour or ...


... KOMANTIC DKATH.—A young lady drowned in tears. A rascally old bachelor says the most difficult surreal oper- ation in the world is to take the jaw out of a woman. There is a gentleman so passionately fond of music, )a is always blowing his own trumpet. F TPHER.— A batchelor arithmetician says a gu l- a lun when she cau-es one to sigh-for her. TIIE REPORT MAT >-N ONE EVER THOPGHT OF CON- ...


... •Ihe sanitary, or rather unsanitary, condition of the Mercantile navy is described in an important letter written by Dr. Stone to the editor of the Times, who, desirous of ascertaining what grounds there were for the conflicting opinions on the subject, determined to judge for himself, and with that view has visited nu- merous ships in the various docks on the Thames. Respecting the larger ...


... GWYLNOS.—The usual Welsh readings were given on Tuesday last; Mr. W. Dawkins presided. The house was uncomfortably crammed. Miss Cooke contributed to the evening's amusement by giving several airs, both vocal and instrumental, the instrument being the harp, upon which Bhe is no mean proficient. GREAT FIRE.—Before going to press a report has reached us that the premises occupied by Mr Richards, ...

William Leyshon, deceased

... Pursuant to the Act of Parliament, 22nd and 23rd Vic cap. 35, sec. 29. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Creditors and all other persons having any claim or demand against the Estate of William Leyshon, formerly of the Town of Bridgend, in the County of Glamorgan, Stationer and Postmaster, deceased, (who died on the Twenty-second dav of February, 1866, and whose Will was on the Twenty-eighth ...


... PENNY READINGS. —On Thursday evening last, a meet- ing for reading and singing was held at the Lower British School, which was well attended, and gave general satis- faction. TWYNOARNO SCHOOL READINGS.—On Tuesday evening last a meeting was held at this School-room, when S. Buchan, Esq., was the chairman, and, after a few humorous remarks, the programme was proceeded with as follows Song, The ...