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January 1867
49 18 17 19



Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... Last week's arrivals were good, especially'of foreign oats. Exports, 6,038 ql's. oats. A dense fog up to o'clock paralyzed business. English wheat up, 4,765 qrs. foreign, 20,415 qrs. The arrivals from Essex and Kent this morning were moderate, and but for the darkness would probably have sold well at some advance, and as it was fully former rates were obtained- After o'clock Some demand sprang ...


... (BY TELEGRAPH.) London and other Markets,—Thursday. LONDON CATTLE MARKET. Beasts, 780 sheep and lambs, 4,810 calves, G4 pigs, 40. Beef, 4S. to 5s. 6d mutton, 3s. 8dto5s. lOd veal, 4s. to 6s. pork, 3s. to 4s. 8d. ArrivalsForeign beasts, 320 Scotch beasts, 2,560; lambs, 50 pigs, 30. Beef and mutton nominal; vea brisk pork unaltered. LONDON PRODUCE MARKET. SUGAR.—Good business at 6d. higher than ...


... THE TIMES ON STRIKES. The progressive nature of ail human knowledge has seldom been better illustrated than by the discovery which has just dawned upon the minds of the London Trades' Union Councl. For many years this organisation has been gradually extending and maturing itself. It has gone very far indeed from the simple and elementary relations between the employer and employed, from which ...

[No title]

... THE QUEEN OF HOLLAND.—A letter from the Hague dated the 5th inst., and published in the Avenir National of Wednesday says :— The Queen met with an accident to-day. While walking from lier own palace to that of her son, the Prince of Orange, t-he slipped upon the snow and fell with such violence that she became insensible. A soldier who was on the spot raised the Queen, and one of the King s ...


... GWYLNOS.—The usual Welsh readings were given on Tuesday last; Mr. W. Dawkins presided. The house was uncomfortably crammed. Miss Cooke contributed to the evening's amusement by giving several airs, both vocal and instrumental, the instrument being the harp, upon which Bhe is no mean proficient. GREAT FIRE.—Before going to press a report has reached us that the premises occupied by Mr Richards, ...

William Leyshon, deceased

... Pursuant to the Act of Parliament, 22nd and 23rd Vic cap. 35, sec. 29. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Creditors and all other persons having any claim or demand against the Estate of William Leyshon, formerly of the Town of Bridgend, in the County of Glamorgan, Stationer and Postmaster, deceased, (who died on the Twenty-second dav of February, 1866, and whose Will was on the Twenty-eighth ...


... the shcive. I am sure I heard the lander give the usual signal to the engineer to start, and heard the whistle. I cannot tell whether the carriage was on the face when the signal was given. The carriage appeared to stop for a second or so and then reverse. The stoppage was scarcely perceptible. After the occurrence, and when I was sus- pended on the carriage, the engineer, Thomas Lewis, was ...


... WEDNESDAY—(Before Judge Herbert.) Tho cause list contained:—Adjourned cases, 25; not served, 14 new plaints, a72 referred oases, 2 commit- ment summonses, 11; total, 424. Which is Right ?—Brown v. Williams. -Claim £5 4s. for groceries.—Defendant said ho owed the money, but could not pay much at a time as his wages were only 15s. per week, and he had four children and none working.— Plaintiff ...


... PENNY READINGS were commenced at this place on Wed- nesday evening; they were well attended, and all passed off satisfactorily. The British School-room has been under- going an extension lately, and this was the cause of the delay in starting the Readings. Very great credit is due to Mr. Leyson Rhys, who has always taken such a deep in- terest in every movement at this place, which has for its ...

tin ate U«os. T

... he Queen and Royal Family will return to Windsor Castle from Osborne on the 15th proximo. The rain-fall of 1866 was above thirty inches or about six inches in excess of the average. INCREASED COST OF PAUPER LUNATICS—The visiting committee of the » ounty Lunatic Asylum at Colneyhatch have fixed the weekly sum to be paid for the maintenance of patients confined therein, chargeable to the ...


... (From the Scotsman.) The following letter by Lord Macaulay, hitherto unpublished, is, though written nearly 21 years ago, still so appropriate at this time, and otherwise so characteristic, that it will be read with general interest. It was addressed to one of his constituents here, his Lordship being at the time member for Edinburgh, in reply to a letter referring to some remarks made by inir ...


... According to a circular of Messrs. Colchesters and Woolner, the market has been steady during the week, supported by a fair demand for consumption for speculation, however, but little has been done. There is still a lack of animation at St. Petersburg, prices for August offering no encouragement to exporters the latest advices thence quote P. Y. C. at 50 silvar roubles, anu the exchange 32ad. ...