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... PUBLICATIONS. TBE WEEKLY FREEMAN Of TO-MORROW (Saturday), February 2. will .,OOntai| THE CHURCH QUYSTION. The PrS Exhilbition of 1807f The Causeway of LOUgh Corrlb. Lord Dufferin on IILa POWit Cututre, 1'PASTORAL FROM THE CARDINAL ARCHBISHOP. Testimonial to Dean KCMOMs. Mr. Mimler Gibson at Ashton-undor.Lyne. The Iloatle.v Dr. Murray in Maitiat'd, Archdeacon Goold and ?? of Athea. Another ...

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... i.'ALPDliNIAN_ RAILWVAY.9 3¾L'tI'ATIIICK LINE S VT1 S EA P A SSA GE i 1UA' ~ii'ALAN AkNtI IRPLAND. -.ii r'1ANNI E or ALICE. ii \fi ~ 'aiTTIN ]Suaias rxtejitetl) to and t 'rLitTrout ct'inectiuli~s I IIi], scot] ant, nut Ireland. 2;'.in. Ibinh Tulne). I iANI \.I, :tt 1pnl Egli 1ie ::IIi'' a i41' wiDa to hourns of Sailing,- 0,I,-' Ua;NIty Os'ii old Gu'ntde, Brad- J1)11 STO(NE! General ...

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... ORD'S P (TORAL BALSAM OF HORE- F ~~HOUND. This celebratedl m~ledicine still maintainf its high posi- tinin p hbli' deton Forthecure ofCoughs,Colds,. InfueiZO :nd r inoar complahints, it remains without. a ?? properties of theerwt theelgaiceande~trf~rinflrvhabsidmic qualte fti prearaio of lii' ecuredfo the Fee l~lsn the 'ltieot and 'Mosrt R a and . Ci'l~lO Mcolds will be found to yeld ls bengn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F R OR SAI BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ?? tIe0''8rfCQ / 1Y ?? pbstreet. street.C hri For price and particulars, appy, to Mr. WILLAh ROY LcEL4±tU, 420mmpbeU-teet, H lull;' or to' FRI hr.Dr. EDW. S.1 W90NI Solicitor, Hull. o'clo tio' BE. SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACTO Jam I a receatly.erectedand aonudious.DWELLING. ?? HOHSIJ :i Park-street. he Th once contains nine Rooms,o with Bath-room and Wster Closet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. VICTOR BAUD'S ORGANIC MEDICIIN7. Sold by all Chemists;. wholoeale of E. G. DUFRESSB, 79 Watling-street, EC., London. Agent for the West-end oi London:-L. SCHJOUVEl, French Chemist, 21, Princeess-treot, Hanover-square., DIASTATISED IRONSor STRENGTENING JL} the SYSTEM. Sold by all chemists: pride 29. 9d. bar bottle; wholesale of E. G. DUFBESNE, 79 Watllng-street, London. Agent for the West ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE HULL PACKED. -On receipt of thirty-six Postage ?? the Packet is MIsAt post-free, for ?? weeks, te any part of the kingdom. 7j:fE HEE1i7. T'IMES has a 'arclaios1 of upwards; ! of Eix Thousand every Sates-day, and is the hieapest F~'amily Newspaper in the country. This is a point of great importance to Advertisers seeking to bring their Announcements before the consuming glasses. WANTED, a ...

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... GyRAN ETi5 ENG - ji'drity, n qonh Cb b~ iesy ?? ?? Cent. -A-pitt Ai~AritJ CRCE. 26, Mul~rv jljiONHY avanced, in.-..lrB grinu Swu CWPlate, WatC~lS8- ?? J.,. :I.L JAClBs; 46 Lowv Fiiar Stsfieti . ? . a 23 5;ZU -Offl(#e Aae, 14 to ?? y-wl ditears'* 'Y ?? Later, ?? Box 47 ?? P6 ffic~e- cwc'e. .,fiyne.- N'TED a FI s r'WnouS ?? .ApplyaFt (.RiEAVhE' Tax E oIM mue, i7s d | 8 ttSrc: * : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ORDLEY . CO., Taos~d D SILVR8)1TU, TjhWrBR8 AND EBLEOTO-PL&TERS. M6, LORD4BTREET, LIVERPOOL, SsqeauI sialet an Inaowtion of the OOSTLY AND ELEGANT STOOX, WbIobt, be-aty of deegn and gb habater of JDnsbip, oazatf be mupiasod. -TM l AT DIESIGNS IN ,MA, DINNER, & DESSERT SERVIERS, TIIATE SUrTALE FOR PRMENTATION. PI&TE LYNT ON urI I DowALMS IN oE8 AN PReOUS TONES. Ifeain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PA 'N not~ teo. en B-2# wo - t~to itfg the o5wehY'~ ~ r~wia. ?? ayart.Ir w h some ea at c.- ?? name acm- en GM of ,aghly. las, ?? andgeat eomtu=o~l0 tDDD. V^be c to °ardy of amiable and ?? et, ' fl5 means Bsone fotune on her ~~sslf~ 5thout acta his; commercial eshb. proinl¢eed.- 821Gt=D with ?? ?? Wautd4. - NTMA , Youth, a Situation In a Broker's or 'W ?? at l9..Myrtte-sieet. 3lSlded .a ...

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... IMPO CrANT TO ALL. NmW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF ?? THE PEOPLE's GUIDE 'TO HEALTH&O Thi SMITHo wht hais h ah Twenty Yars' practical experience in the Treatment and Cure, oefE.RYOUS and PHYSICAsL , DEBILITY, LOSS of APPETITE, PAINS in the BACK, INDIGESTION, &c., has just published a New EDITION of 10,000 copies of the WARNING O VOICE, or ?? Medical Friend (138 pages). This Workc contains his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wvflifltoot for ,Wat,4 SLE. aL LICEN'SET~ SPIRIT CELLAR, .~dirodlEy, which.fins ecrent~y bseen fited up p- ?? las-to D'ly to mce-. Mii~wrJivh & Swanl, 30.' 't~a Je an Dunajj Accountant 70 s0LOUR -AND GENERAL PRI1NTERS. TO1 BE DiSPOSED OF, Il' MIA('HINEEY and PLANIT of an Ex- ?? COLOUR anil GENERAL PRINTING BUSI- il5SI,,L Toxin of Leeds. aiffording every opportunity far' eI'cistrbt' t B- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILL SHORTLY CLOSEin CET ANNAL WLJNTER61 EXIB ITION 13 Led faot1% I'iniAs and W UtorCoua Datinst IIASE'h ALLER CllomreorItIAI ?? tm. NilMIti IitfVIIIS lON SALE. I7 tito j~j sl od 'fllsd~r EVNNubciptiin orty),hae4l ?? MATHRIGOPPELD, lii 1). A i atE IILL A It CiONSTRLE't'. Ilsrs M iSt. Js. umvt'liall. MSut ll.eI;n, lr, n IsE V ric N 'I is'st'ts N atIissE Itr' T. E1 tr Cx (LOUE Till. JLt ]i.1 EV, ...