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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? l- UMTR - ROYAL, bkL*.L r r. RAR6PB TO. much ilesaura t a6r4 oae tiet T o 9 made sifingemtin with My, TIBL sINJ tho le.e- baled Arist, foro hor Majeoty's Thatre, he toyal Italaon oyars, oithe Theatre Royal, Drn-lano ted 14 M. ,Ng TELBIN, to de) gC, lraln, ifid' go, tbei 844e1 B feor the PntO el- -On- THIS EVEVNING (FfI ), February 1, the performance will corismesdc itt fue ernedietig4 of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. TBE WEEKLY FREEMAN Of TO-MORROW (Saturday), February 2. will .,OOntai| THE CHURCH QUYSTION. The PrS Exhilbition of 1807f The Causeway of LOUgh Corrlb. Lord Dufferin on IILa POWit Cututre, 1'PASTORAL FROM THE CARDINAL ARCHBISHOP. Testimonial to Dean KCMOMs. Mr. Mimler Gibson at Ashton-undor.Lyne. The Iloatle.v Dr. Murray in Maitiat'd, Archdeacon Goold and ?? of Athea. Another ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. HB fE EFiEEMASN TlL OtTHIL DAY (Saturday), Februzy 2, * 'III contnin: TILE (Ai t01 (ljUIT'fQN. 'The PArie Exhilbltion of IsNT. ; The CaIewaiY Of IAugh COrtib, ?? ' Lord Dufferium on La Petite Culture. kAVTORAL FROM TIlS CAIIDINAL ARClBISHop. Testimonial to Dean Kieran. Mr. Miluer ibson At AshMO .nder Lt el The MoistRev. Dr. MwaW MZatn^IX^ ,, Arolideacon Cloold adnd tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IgEATRI . ROYAt, ,y h, T r, ?? isa I- .iGrit p4 iri su to ii Ihas seads ?? with II*. 'FRLDBIN, 'thi tdw 1i5d Arthlt, from hbOAk4ai385 Thart, the Royal-Itsliu p ?? al, D1`7-Ifto; aais5e4d b7 W. ?? ul ndms aZVEI tba C8atcev- ) 'ehrsear 2, th50 Plomuwce will commence wIvh, the ceseedleliS 'ot BEBD TItlY:K. To conclude h it a, eii ?? . ?? of HAPI,XW SI~il)DAD THIE SAILo; or, tie Great ROD of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T FAMTRE ROYAL, DUBEL.- yr. Tll:RRIS has mneih pleasure to annnoton that hae Tsneiade aIT'agesWsS *tth' Mr, TJILSIN, Yths cel; Wited Artist, from her hisjesty's Theatre, the loydl Italian' opera' 5d tho Theatre Royal, Drury-lano I amistod byl Mr., WM jELBIN, to design, psint, and arrango the SBonio t1cem for the Pantomilms.-On TlIS iZV NINO (Mon- day), yetbrIrOr5 4 t4e Performance will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDED ESTATES. LANlP MOTAThS COURT, I&ELAND. OGNEiRAL NTICT TO CL SANMit, In the Matter of r rjIHE Court having the Estate ot , . ordered a sale of the Jh, Nolan Ferrali, Fag, ?? of Glondavoolagh and owner and Petitioner. J F)iddaunngeerogile, otherwise - PIddaunnageoresghlsuai inthlae of Tyrawloy and county of MaYo, a foee San ren1l of 463 Is Od, loeni g out of the lands of Tawneolough, Tub- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , 'ERCA~!ILESt' EXCXHUTORS PD0K SALE BY AUOTIOX, It tho Broker'e ialoroom, COIMUERCIAL BUILDIgGS, Dublli, - On WZDNESDAY, thi Cth FAeMarue, 18117, At One P'ClokA, On,4cr noJ tofhe J sotof.tlre lol t .tDwAB1 HOLDRIOLTi E8,.: The following WHISKEY, v. . 9 horryq Butt, J. J. a IL, .tored March, '1860 2 Do libde do ,, . do i 4 Do lutte, -do ,, Juns, 1805 : 9Do ihde, do ,, do 1L; Do Qr Ce aO do ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]TEATR1' IROYAL, DUBLIN. SIXTH GRAIND IJUVNItl MOOWT; Pert MO eCOD ke d of pSoS reidin g ?? a diete an 1it Jn eveilo Branches of Phmills tb e Permdll ,,parnnce at Setran o'Clock, a* d bo teroime wilt terminate by Hal-pl F inr ?? end be yerforniaces 0leud de by a Qarer-pet T a e'OL Ot Til8.TlSA dNy) VEN1iG, FEB. tis, elf °fonmanOefoi willteimmeawith a new uila C Pantomime, entitled ;tarlqquin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ri. OURrLATIoN OF THE LUISH' The half coliam o 2'IfRS2. jonrul, th Irsof reply vonoheafed by that great Jeournalh tion quckry, 1T81s to ~ourrnt exposure Of its treautou ?? o aswe tothefacts we stated tes Ont 4tiole 0on that subject, Havingf no case, the Irfols Tifte, has,bean under the necessilty of resorting to the at- rledlt of ditusing the plailatifts attorney. Whem that gorff6f Jeurna N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINO. SI NGLE GENTLEMEN. BED. OOM, with use of a Sittlegroom It reqoired, plea. santly situ ted on the South aids, within a mile of the Ge- nrael rost Office, For address and particulars apply by letter to Y 0 F. Lodginga, Office of this Paper. vMOb.UY. ?? ?? M ei ob cuo ?? on Three Nsvsar built Hiorace and a Plot of Boilding Groutnd, producing a yearly profit rent of Aedo, held for a term ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V0iIEATRE ROYAL, D19BLIN.- r lt gr lIAR ?? mneh pleaureto Annnounce that 1B b msedc arrartngements with Mr TELBIN, the cele- Atiet, from her Majesty's Thoatre, the Royl Italn , clid the Theatre Royal, Drury-lao.; AtUted by MrL 17BLIBIN, to design, paint, and arrange the Scenle ffc5 lor thlo Pantormlme.-Orn THIS EVENING (Wed- February 6, the perorfmance will commenco with time) a nevw Farce, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '-tUSES AND LANDS. to Purohaso the Inter0st and X Lesef Is General BIIAD ind 1priOVISI )N W~tH. ddrsdjstaingter~ ad ~rtiulas~Provision r8oo, EMiod ol bls Paper _ '1)O PMWNERS, STATIONlE% o .WaDt 01 th b UrpA n or noontey, doing ?? ufS1 t ae 0rtle Inosd h janootiosto be. becom Pairtnheri an EetiOt5 capital to Invest bortno Parttne 80 tH Smlbtn Sn, observed, unexceptionable reethagvf adrqisrede. ...