... ? IJA?A 1'Gon rttaftfat^fn ;oF ~~ba; ;fro2if ~j n 833 4stAe Preent i ?? : Thos. .Fqrdycef Dean Str. ?? of this work, ,ha*ing ?? tlief re-issu' of Mr Sykes's tinterestingfreord8 is now oitinning the biWtd1 , remarkable events Norlhi ibprnd . and. urbam, Newaitle,' and Berviokidowtit to the. prepent time; adding biographical noticesi of diceased persong 'of talent eeentricity, and longevity. ...


... ruDLWO ?? &o. : -I 2 'tw d walen Theatre.m .odie Hour in the Carnival' tall udbthe ?? ' The Qneen of Hearts,,, hetre Rol-The Arftb WHO,,, and P. radtom Awwie DlckWblttlhg%6a l y phl4AePtro. -. ?? lenry IV. and he Pantomimele HartledWAn BLied&' NM Adel~ti Theba>t- Suman Hopley, ?? Oe yajntornme 'liakleqvlnDli*y USa. Royal U0o6um Theatte.Trhe Trall of the aspat, anddthill toblnme ...


... FASHlIONS FOR FEBRUARY. I I~~~ , . .. (,,Po Ld Polled.) We are just now, in the season when our sub. scribers are the. moat anxious: for a description of evening costumes~ and we are 'fortunately this' month' able to gve them some very chatrming dresses as models. . : ; Many ball-dress ?? are 6f: gra lgne One of th icipal oPM O f eription, e the embroidersd silke tuie, the patterns on which ...


... PICKINGS FROM THE (0!410 PAPEk' I- - 1 or (FROM PUNCIf4,l Ln Br ArrzoerrY.-S rest boy (sternly) : ,d se ge'nb says as yu're t' have your door-way Yia p inie it, l,; ! anu (smore metkly) me au' my mate's wi.t ' a: todoit,11 It A DEcIDED OPxxroy .- Unpleasant boy (whose d Christmas vacation has bemn unnecessarily prolonged: e Oh, my erseky ! li-re's a jolly pi ce they've got at the t Adelphi ...


... C.OURT- AND- FASHION.- he Irisil Tim~e s tates that it bia been determined to provide a residence for the Prince of Wales in Ire- where the Prince in future will spend some por- tiaof every' year. Lord CflarenCe Paget has left Malta for Alexandria the Psyche. in order to invest the Viceroy of ~gvpt with the Order of the Bath. jt tis understood that the return of Hfer Majesty and tbe Ciourt to ...


... IMlPRESSIONS OF SPAIN IN i866.* WHEN intelligent well-educated English men and women betake themselves to foreign travel it is not unusual for them to keep journals, in which they jot down from day to day their itinerant impressions, reinforcing and eking them out by borrowings from the best standard works that have been published on the country they are visiting. The practice has many ...


... BUCKLE'S History of Civilization in England has been republished by' Messrs. Longmans and Company in a cheaper and handier form. The new edition is in three volumes of small size, clearly printed, and with a good margin to make notes upon. It is a very well-planned edition indeed; a better one no genuine reader-the man who loves books which come to his hand like a tool to the hand of a ...


... MOONLIGHT VIEWV OF HARTLEY COLLIERY AFTER THE ACCIDENT.. A local artist of considerable repute, Mr H. H. Eminerson, of Cullercoats, who is favourably known in this town and district by his picture of the Reading of the Queen's Letter to the Widows at Hartley, as well as many other productions of his ease], has just completed a companion picture to the above- named, representing a Moonlight ...


... L. ECTURE ONMUSIC. , On ?? a very interesting lecture on Music Wm delivered by Mr. Fred. Jackson, organist of Christ Church, at the Protestant Hall. The lecture -war delivered under the auspices of the Institute. MAr. Burbank presided, and there was a very good attendallce, although the weather was not very The lecturer remarked that the following oircum- stance wad said to have led to the ...


... THEATRE-ROYAL,. The seaeon of pantomime being near its cloe, thn | Dunlop Street management are exerting themselvei 1 in other directions, and as a relief to the burlesque of the past few weeks theatre-goers were treated yesterday evening to one of Westland Mlarston's best dramas. ' A Hard Struggle has many of Dr Marston's excellencies as a dramatic writer, and at the same time not a few of ...


... MR. ENREY LESLIE'S CHOIR. - The first subscriptwoi concert of the season took place last night, the performance of Januury ?? g been given specially for charitable purposes, gas recorded by us at the time. We have on many occasions borne glad testimony to the exceptional excellence of Mi. Leslie's choir in all the best qualities of choral performance-in the freshness of the voices, unwavering ...


... - a ARY. FROM LBE FrOLLT.'i Although the short dress is still worn for morning promenade, it is principally confined to quite young girls, and is scarcely admissible for visiting-dress. A very few have been seen for full dress, but we may say the trained skirt is ahmost indispensable. The short dress may be convenient for out of doors, but in the room it must be pronounced anything but ...