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i'loinc :flcirr,

... i'loinc The Shipping Gazette has recorded 394 wrecks since the first ot January. Land and Water announces the death at Regent's Park of the comparatively large chimpanzee from catarrh. It is understood that the return of her Majesty and the Court to Windsor Castle will be the beginning of a somewhat gayer season than usual. The Irish Times of Saturday states that it has been determined to ...

[No title]

... Brig-ham Young has a row wife, who is thus described bv the correspondent of a Milwaukle journal :—I saw the Presi- dent's last wife at the tabernacle on Sunday last. The lady's name before manias was Maria Folsam.. Her former resi- dence was at Council Bluffs, Iowa. She is an imperious- looking joung beauty, of the Grecian rather than the Roman order, and is very impe-ious am: jealous. Like ...

[No title]

... THE STRIKE IY THE IRON TRADE.-Birmingham, Tuesday Evening.-Tlic workmen of VYednesbury Iron Works have agreed to-day, to accept the reduced wages, and go to work as soon as tl c turnacrs can b3 got ready for them. The dispute in the iro' trade, in South Staffordshire, is, therefore, atau end, for the present. ...


... FEB. 3.—FOURTH SUNDAY AJTER EPIPHAHY. Morning Prayer. Venite,—16. Daily Psalms-22. Te Deum—8 and Jubilate--85. Introit—205. Responses—Rogers in D. Hymn—156. Afternoon Service at half-past 3. Daily Psahas-24. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis— Aldrich in G. Anthem, As pants the hart, Spobr Hymn—17, verses, i, iii, and vi. Litany and Sermon at 7 o clock in the Evening. Hymns -148; 192; 11, i, ii, ...

Glamorganshire Constabulary

... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a SPECIAL GENERAL SESSIONS of the PEACE for the County of Glamorgan will be holden at the TOWN HALL, Bridgend, in the said County, on TUESDAY, the Twenty- sixth day of FEBRUARY, 1867, at One o'clock in the Af- ternoon, for the Appointment of a CHIEF CONSTABLE of the Police of the said County, in the room of Captain Napier, deceased, and for other general purposes ...


... (From the New York Home Journal.) The following exquisite little poem, by Miss Marit Lacoste, Savannah, Ga., will commend itself by its touching pathos to all readers. The incident it comme- morates was unfortunately but too common in both. (American) armies: — Into a ward of the whitewashed walls, Where the dead and the dying lay— Wounded by bayonets, shells, and balls— Somebody's darling was ...

Jljjoifting Jtttylltjjttict

... THE CHAMPIONSHIP. — On Friday Mace has to name the man he has been backing to fight the big Irishman, O'Bald. win, for the championship. Hell's Life has somewhat like reliable authority for holding out hopes that the forthcoming encounter will be a meeting of giants, not a mIddle weight against a giant. HEAVY BETTING.—The City and Suburban Handicap, one of the heavy betting races of the spring ...


... The usual weekly meeting of the Cardiff Board of Guardians was held in the board-room on Saturday last, E. W. David, Esq., in the chair. I here were also present, Aid. Alexander, vice-president, Rev. T. Jones, Rev. H. G. Thomas, Rev. V. Saulez, and Messrs. Cory, D. Jones, T. Williams, H. Garsed,— Ainsley, and T. French. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Clerk read ...


... LOCAL BILLS IN PARLIAMENT. THE RHYMNEY RAILWAY (NEW LIXES) BILL. This bill, for authorising the Rhymney Railway Company to make additional railways, to use parts of the Great Western Railway, to raise additional monies, and for other purposes, has just been printed. It con- tains 39 clauses. The preamble sets forth that the Rhymney Railway Company (in this Act called the Company) are de- ...

(B^siaslipl Jnfcllicjem^

... The English Independent ANNOUNCES that the Rev. Henry Cliristopherson, late minister of New College Congregational Chapel, St. John s-wood, is about to take orders in the Eng- lish Church. The John. Hull says :— We understand that the Rev. W. J. Butler, after having consulted with friends and advisers, and especially considering the apparent want of unanimity ou the subject among the clergy ...


... ) INSPECTION OF MINES. TO THE EDITOR OE THE TIMES. Sir,—Previous to the Mines' Inspection Acts the blams of accidents rested upon the owners and agents of col- lieries. Since inspectors were appointed, the odium in most cases, is divided between the owners and the in- spector of the district. The accepted idea of inspection is this :— By their acts owners and managers have said, We care ...


... INCIDENTS OF THE STORM IN SCOTLAND. (From the Banffshire Journal.) It may serve a good purpose, both now and at a future period, if we note down here some of the more striking inci- dents which mark the character of the present storm. In the first place, we may note that the ihermometer on two occa- sions, on the 15th and also on the 20th, marked on the coast as low as 12 degrees Fahrenheit, ...