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Glamorganshire Constabulary

... 1VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a SPECIAL GENERAL SESSIONS of the PEACE for the County of Glamorgan will be holden at the TOWN HALL, Bridgend, in the said County, on TUESDAY, the Twenty- sixth day of FEBRUARY, lS(j7, at One o'clock in the Af- ternoon, for the Appointment of a CHIEF CONSTABLE of the Police of the said County, in the room of Captain Napier, deceased, and for other general purposes ...


... A paragraph appeared on Thursday in the columns of a contemporary in regard to the Abyssinian captives, which, if not corrected, may lead to considerable mis- apprehension of the course the government have taken to procure their release. The paragraph is to the effect that on the 28th December Colonel Merewether had left Aden for Massowah to hand over to the Emperor Theodore the machinery and ...

[No title]

... CIGAR-MAKING IN HAVANA.—There may be small manu- facturers of Havana who own but two or three slaves, or em- ploy but two or three workmen, and they may do their work in a brutish and uncleanly manner; but so far as my own ex- perience at the Hija de Cabanas y Carvajal's renders me a trustworthy witness, I may vouch for the scrupulous cleanli- ness and delicacy with which every single stage in ...


... A WELSH DIVORCE CASE. The following case came before the Divorce Court on Friday: Kendall v. Kendal. This was a wife's petition for a dissolution of her marriage, on the ground of her husband's adultery and cruelty. There was no appear- ance for the respondent. It appeared that the parties were married in India, in October, 1861, where they resided for some time, and then returned to this ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 337 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... PENNY READINGS.—The usual fortnightly readings were held in the British School-room of this place, on Wednesday night. The chair was taken by Mr. H. Mor- gan, who kept the meeting alive from time to time by reciting some humourous tales in Welsh. The pro- gramme was one of unusual attraction, and notwith- standing the unfavourable weather, the meeting was fairly attended. The chief attraction ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 505 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT. You will already have been in possession of the descriptions of the Queen's progress on Tuesday, and of all the ceremonies duly observed on the occasion of opening another Parliamentary session. The reporters have already informed you that the scene in the House of Lords was unusually picturesque and imposing, and how to the eager crowds of spectators who thronged the ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1367 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 

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... LLAXDAFF CATHEDRAL SERVICES. Feb. 10.—Fifth SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. Morning Prayer. Venite,—3- Daily Psalms—61, 62. Te Deum—9, 2. Jubilate—63. Introit—137. Responses—Gladstone in F. Hnnn-GI. Afternoon service at half-past three. Daily Psalms—65. Magnificat—Arnold in A. Nunc DimitÙs-Arnold in A. Anthem, In my distress''—Hop- kins. Hynin—l't.i. Litany Sermon at 7 o'clock in the evening; hymns, ...


... The following gentlemen have been appointed magistrates for the borough of CardiffHenry James Paine. Esq. Henry Jones Evans, Esq. Alexander Bassett, Esq. Captain Johnson. R.X. Edward S. Hill, Esq., and Samuel Nash. Esq. THE INFIRMARY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,—In the present deplorable financial condition of the Infirmary, perhaps it may not be altogether useless to draw public ...


... TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH. The second session of the seventh Parliament of the Queen was opened yesterday by the Queen in person, with the usual state pageantry. On her way to the tlouse her Majesty re- ceived the heartiest demonstrations of loyalty from the vast crowd congregated in the line of the procession. The usual formalities having been gone through on her Majesty entering the House ot ...


... (Sittings in Banco, before the Lord Chief Baron and Barons Martin, Channell, and figott.) VAUGHAN V. THE GOVERNOR AND COMPANY OF COPPER MINERS OF ENGLAND. This was an action by Mr. Nash Vaughan against the defendants fur injury done to his trees and crops by the fumes arising from their smelting works at Swansea. A rule had been obtained to set aside an order made by Mr. Baron Channell at ...

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... Sir Maxwell Wallace ha« been seriously ill. Bell's Life believes there is every probability of a race meeting being held in Alexandra Park in 1868. The Sporting Gazette hears that Mr. J. Goldsmid, M.P., intends keeping a pack of staghounds at Somer-hill, near Tunbridge, Kent. Mr. Garrett, Master of the Norfolk and Suffolk Hounds, is to be entertained at a dinner at Yarmouth next week. A ...


... (Sittings in Banco, before Lord Chief Justiee Bo vin, and Justices WILLES and SMITH.) JAMES Y. THE GKEAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPAN Y. The plaintiff' in this case sued to recover damages for in- juries suffered upon the defendants' line, and the circum- stances were these:—About half-past six on the morning of the 9th November the plaintiff was crossing the defendants' line by a public footpath a ...

Published: Saturday 09 February 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 317 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News