Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jnAtrtlayes. W nhmV-Woott-Fcb. 24th, at St. Peul's church, Hull, by the RIv. E. Eiers, Air. Robert Carlin, builder, youngest son of the late AMr. Thomas Canrlin, of Welton, to Martha, third daughter or Mr. Win. Wood, of Hull. DAuDXE-RIIcuimIroNn,-Feb. 2Gth, at Edinburgh. by the Rev. Dr. Mtasson, ILeory, second eon of S. W. Diktes, Esq., to Jemsie aler- garet. yoongest daughter of tholate Lieut ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF0 MAXWELL IIAMILTON, ESQ. Vravly many of our readers will regret to hear of the dkeith of Msxwell H1amilton, Esq., who for so Many yea: s filled the oice of Crown Solicitor on the -North-East Circuit. Mr. Hanuilton was a riiost ea~cient and active olflier, and during the lengthened period which ho, passed in the position I of Crown Solicitor for the counties of the North- East gave the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No~i~rotfeeofljfr, Masriabe, or Deathoanjbelnserted * less anthenteated bthe name ard address of the sender. T~he words o cards or anv similr eaddition to t*he simple anonnesment o! a. vmasriae or death. subject It to Pment ae for ar adves-lment., BIRTHS.: AMBBs7-Feb. 27 the wife of Mr. MA Amberg, of this town, of a daughbter. (Scotch papers please copy.) CAFvMEArA-Feb. 28 at 67, 8t Domingo ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MIARRIAGES, & DEATHS. cl CI * . 1 so! CEsaO IT.ue, Manest sGER, anwd Deni ?? zzs be ?? s ee~lfle nt.Cteete bs eke nlame and1 alddress of thc ceO iler. t B I R T 1I S. ?? 2i, at nVorcnstor, the yifc of S' 'Majo.r NV. K. iewpsois, of a ,Lsss,.ter. KtenneIyd5-l'Vi~hrty 21, at 14, Fril -a's Cnrldena, lPrinee' Gate, London, thie wife of ('ioloIi Clarcl lxull^V ?? B,, f al L1UI.uitLF. MITear ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. B I RTH S. SONS. - poor K ANjc, wifeofRev. W., Lamnplugh Rcctory, ~ssh tilt. GA;IT5;ELL, Wife of Lieut -Colonel J. G., Waldon otose, Chelteahmn,, ?? tilt. CjzANT, Mrs. J. M.; Hereford-road, Bayswater, stilt tilt. )IASYLACNER, Mrs. J., Hamilton-terrace, Hyde- iale, Greenwich, 27th tlt.-pretnaturely. HVLXE, Mlrs. F. T., Deal, 26th ult. Fiaa, wife of Mr. J. Id., ...


... E, Newcastle, or-the 28thnlt., the wife of W. Hunter, Esq., Mayor, of a daughter. At WlETwOOD IHALL, on the 21st ult., the wife of R. G. Bolam, Esq., of a son. At THE RECTORY, HOUGHTON-LE-StERNE, Dadling- ton, on the 22tid unt., the wife of the Rev. Edward Cheese of a daughter. At WANDoN, on the 25th ult.,.the wife of R. T, Maddison, Esq., of a daughter. At BELFORD, on the 24th ult., the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The charge for the insertion of announcements of Births is 2s 6d each. Announcements of Marriages and Deaths, properly authenticated, are inserted gratuitously, except where special intimations, such as No cards,a or Friends will please accept this notice, are added, in which case the charge will also be 2s id. MARRIAGES. On the 20th February, at St. Leoiiard's Church Malton, by the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATES. ?? Mi Notices of Bmultyle OXATHS, and IMAB;GlDSE isiti be ?? ticated by the ,iame and addtws of the wnder. BIRTHS. DAVIDSON-At 9 mith's Plce, ?? Walk, on the 27th ult., the wife of John Davidson, stationer, Leith, of a son. , DisRiALI-At 8& Onslow Squarne, London, On the2Sthult., Mmrshalb Disrael, of a son. FLUTEXa- At Duart, Mull on the 23d ilt,, the wife of Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... obitiuarg SaR GEORGE SMARiT, organist and composer of the Chapel Royal, St James's, died at his house in Bedford square oa Saturday the 23rd ult.; had he lived till May he would have been ninety-one years of age. His father kept a music-shop in Oxford street; the education given to the son was such as was common in those days to the children of respectable tradesmen. In the case of Sir George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... W Announcer'nits qf Births, and Jlfarriage An- nonnuement, with ro Cards attdach, are charged a. Advertisemnents. BIRTIIS. BAYNir.-i4th December, the wife of Richard Roskell Bayne, Esq., (nie' Sparkes) Calcutta, of a son. Bnicc.-28th uitt., at Long Melford, tile wife of the Rev. Herbert Bree, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. FULLRR-FROST.-I8th ult.. at Stoke.b,-Clare, Win. Clement, only son of ,r. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Notice of Birtkhs, Marriagmes, ancf Deaths 8olscbea&totlceseiicated oy thi nnm siestl addresa of the senders, or traitn itsgrt th etsa. thronsf h our accredited Agentis, We beg to intimate, that in future noticest of Birth; and Mar- riwges will be charged as Advertisementsat the uniform rate of One Shilling each :, and excepe where the party sending hits an account at the office, prepaymeut ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OX ad HOUNDS INN, Horsforth Station. FL Refreshments on the ahorte~t riclico daily, T. LAV'ERiACI, Proprietor. F 1113 z IIJ OTEL.-MOlFLET'S COMMERCIA LA, HOTEL, L 24, Nergate-street, I ondon.-Bei., IS. eindl 1 I. 1. Bnekf,,tz, Is,, le. ed., and is. Od. Teas the saiae. Dinners at lowe,t t itypnco ,, ?? andt cold baths. Omnibusato all puit pni.;the leor. -17 .c L ONDON.-The Mimses COOKJE.R13 ...