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... The Solicitors' Journal understands that, by an arrangement between the contending parties in Be Overend, Gurney, arjd Co-, the appeal on the two motions is to be carried direct to the House of Lords, go that the expense of one intermediate appeal may be spared. A RIGHT COSCLUSIOX.—The subject debated last Tuesday evening at the Cambridge University Union Society was, That, in the opinion of ...

)foreign UttsccttaoiB

... foreign UttsccttaoiB. SANGUINE CACULATIONS.—Paris, it is expected will attract at least a million of visitors during the course of the Exhibition. Admitting that every foreigner expends au average of five hundred francs while he stays, that makes five hundred millions, which in the space of a few months will circulate and fructify.—Paris Paper. Ax AMUSIXG SC-EXE.—A ludicrous scene occurred in ...


... Now that so much attention is being paid to the great work of education the proportion of men and women in different parts of Great Briton who were able to sign their names to the marriage register merits attention, seeing that it points out the localities where edcuational effort should be more particularly directed. The reports of the Registrar-General show that the value of this test has ...


... One of the most singular exhibitions ever offered to the curiosity of the British public is now to be witnessed at St. Martin's Hall. In the words of an advertisement the Japanese troupe have arrived, and the eleven members composing it perform nightly before an assembly of spectators not so numerous, to judge from a single occasion, as one would have expected. The exhibitors are declared to ...

[No title]

... It is interes'ing to notice that when an important necessary of lite is lowered in price, the consumption is vastly stimulated, while the quality supplied is of the highest class; for instance, the Custom House Return recently issued shows that a further greatly increased quantity of Tea was chared during lt-GS by Messrs. Hornimau & Co., London. The sale of the Agents oJ this firm is greatly ...


... BISHOPS COURT, LLANDAFF, Feb. 23,1867. Sir,—My attention has been called to the fact, since I spoke in Convocation the words which were printed in your paper of yesterday, that the following Resolution was passed on Xov. 24, 1863, at a Ruridecanal meeting held at Chepstow That a respectful request be made to the Bishop of the Diocese, that he would consider whether any steps can be taken ...


... (Before Vice-Chancellor Stuart, Feb. 18th.) MARQUESS OF BUTE v: LEWIS AND OTHERS. Exceptions—Evidence of Title—Partial Answer. This was au exception to the joint answer of certain defendants by name, and the portreeve and the burgesses of the borough of Llantrissant, for iusufiiciencyr. The bill was filed, praying that the title of the plaintiff, under the will of the late marquess, to the ...


... The continued absence ot business tends to make our market a shade easier; there is, however, very little disposition to give way in prices, the stock on hand being now but small, and the greater portion consisting of low grades. In the Bavarian market the supply is now extremely limited, and quotations are a little easier. The Belgian market shows a falling off in prices of from 4s. to 5s., ...


... (BY TELEGRAPH.) LONDON, FEB. 23. GENERAL NEWS. A cabinet council will be held this afternoon. The Times says two short days will tell us everything, and scatter the rumours with which the air is thick—little more than the same number of hours will fix the fate of reform for this session, and prove the safety or discomfiture of the Ministry-upon the decision of this day's cabinet hangs the fate ...


... LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. The members of the Local Board of Health met on Friday, Feb. 22nd, C. W. David, Esq., (Mayor), in the chair. The following members were also present— Messrs. Alexander, Pride, Reece, W. Vachell, Taylor, WhiiTen, Elliott, D. Jones, Winstone, Bowen, P. Bird, Flint. T. Evans, Ingledew, Jenkins, Spencer, and Nell. The Clerk read the minutes « £ the last meeting which were ...

[No title]

... DECLINE OF THE ENGLISH WATCH TRADE.—The Horological Insti'ute are calling ;it «a ion to the serious decline in the English watch trade, one of the leas IDS being, as they assert, the cost of stamping the cases at Goldsmiths' Hall. Formerly the hall cruld mark London mude cases only, but now Coventry call send up cases to be stamped, nd pass t')em off as London-made. The uumb/T of Swiss ...