... IL IL ArtTES T .NEW So~ [BY TEL ECRAPiT. 1 L IS-f. PiPER FI IEL.f I,,-;day Akrunig1. AMERICA. MILITAtRY- (;-VERiNM:\t; T OF THE SoUTH. [Py Atlanti- Telegraph.] NEN; V IC: T, ci T . i-, NON -PryitlentJohn2son has lidl I.-?fore tihe Cablinet a xeta upon thc Bill th v e Corress f'or thoth ihlitary government of Niiwv Yorn;, F E. 23, 5 p.m.-A resolntion has been introduced. in the Housu of ...

Published: Friday 01 March 1867
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1623 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Yesterday afternoon a deputation, headed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, waited upon the Earl of Derby at his official residence in Dowrning street, for the purpose of urging upon him the desirableness of extending the episcopate of thechureh of England. There were pre- eent ?? of Oxford, Ely, and Gloucester and Bris- tol, .the. Dean of Chichester, Archdeacon Woxdsworth,, Archdeascon Grant,' ...

Published: Friday 01 March 1867
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1151 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... HOUSEWOF COMMONS.-Fn. 227. OFFICES AND OATHS BILL. Order for second reading read; motion made and question proposed, 'That the bill be now read a second time. Amendmentn proposed, to leave out the word now, and at the end od the question to add the words upon this day six monthls-(51r. Newdegate). Question put, That the wokdM'no*1' stamid'. part of the question. The house divided-Ayes, ...

Published: Friday 01 March 1867
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 956 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

This Evening's News

..., 2 iclock. Z? TTif; Obminqld Rewd. )REUTERS TELEGRAMS. EGYPT. CAIRO, Feb. 28.-The Vicer( y h, s decreed the diminutio of his army by onc-half. WEST INDIA, MEXICAN, PACIFIC, AND AUSTRALIAN MAILS. SOUTHTAMPTON, March I.-The R-yal Mail Company's steamship -Tasinanian?, with the above mails, has arrived here with Sr passengers, 3,364,275 dollars in specie, 2,905 packages of cargo, including ...

Published: Friday 01 March 1867
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3857 | Page: Page 8, 9 | Tags: News 


... A FATAL DUEL VnrcNm, Feb. 23. It lies frequently been observed thait a'LII tnsileSI. cessful campaigi ies getieralby followed by an unususa amount of duCeling. The commeute-frei uently severe- mele upon the conduct of individuals often give rise 'o recriminations and disputes sehich, according to tile idia srevalelit oa the Continent, can orly be arranged finally by an appeal to arms. The ...

Published: Friday 01 March 1867
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 607 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... IPUBLIC OPINION ON THE BRFOF BILL.,; . We learn by telegraph that a large and most enthusiastic meeting :of liberals of all shades of opinion was held last night in the Town-hall, Leeds. Resolutions were unanimously adopted strongly disapproving of delay in dealing with the reform question, consequent on the course adopted by the government; rejoicing in the Labadonmeont of th'eresolutions'; ...

Published: Friday 01 March 1867
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1196 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... WHY THE WIND BLO\VP. What is the cause of the winds ? The simple answer is—the sun. If you light a fire in a room, and afterwards stop up every chink by which air can gain access to the fire, except the chimney, the fire will o out in a short time. Again, if a lamp is burning on the table, and you stop up the chimney at the top, the lamp will go out at once. The reason of this is, that the ...


... Qa Tuesday a meeting of the Liberal party was held at Mr. Gladstone's house. The following re- port of the proceedings is taken from the Timmr - Two hundred and eighty - nine members at- tended, besides several others who, unable to attend, sent letters- of adhesion. As the meeting was too large to be contained in any room in the house, it assembled in the hall, and Mr. Gladstone addressed ...

Published: Friday 01 March 1867
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 997 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... SATUKDAT. —(Before the Mayor and James Pride, Esq.) STEALING CLOTHES.—Eleanor Brewer was charged with having stolen a pair of conl trousess, the property of Haymaa Phillips, pawnbroker. Shp went to prosecutor's shop, and was observed to put s« ...


... The Committee of Visitors of the Newcastle Bo- rough Pauper Lunatic Asylum have; in pursuance of the provisions of the 62nd section of the Lunatic Asylums Act, 1853, made their second annual report to the Bench, as to the state, condition, and mana e ment of the institution, and the progress of the bui d- ing of the new asylum at Coxlodge. They say-on the 31st of December, 1866, the number ...

Published: Friday 01 March 1867
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1482 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... EIOUSE. Ok LORD-.-THURSDAY. Their Lordships met at 5 o'clock. The Lord CHANOELLOR presented a petition from a magistrate of 30 years stsanding, stating that from his experience he found the law for repressing the use of false weights and measures was inoperatively and suggesting that the names of the offenders should in future be advertised in the newspapers. The Lord CHANCELLOR postporied the ...

Published: Friday 01 March 1867
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 423 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News