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female Fashions for AFRIL. 1

... female Fashions for AFRIL. [From Le Wollet.\ It is just now rather amusing to inspect the novelties of the season; for whist, ou one side, we find all the prettv light, and fresh-looking materials ready tor the first .spntw sunshine; on the other, we have still the-more luxurjuus and rich textures, which we can by no means reliiiqmsjl present. For those economically inclined, it is that ...


... After a brief but severe illness Mr. Alfred Mellon died on Wednesday night, at a quarter to 12, at his residence in the Yale. King's-road Chelsea. The in. disposition that proved fatal was a relapse from a previous illness which had lasted through a great part of the autumn and early winter of 1866, and from which it was hoped he had entirely recovered. By the death of Mr. Mellon the musical ...

[No title]

... l/^7N1AJ,*IS>I«Ir5r North British Daily Mail says :— The four men connected with the midnight arming at Mossend were on Saturday brought before Sheriff Logie, and after, emitting declarations, were in the meantime committed t, prison. We understand they all deny having any connection with the movement and state that, being turned out of the different public-houses in the usual course by the ...

[No title]

... In his Treatise on Food, page 423, Dr. Scoffern writes —li 1 am very partial to tea, aud for above thirty years have ;akell it without milk and sugar in consequence of this my jalate is the more critical as to its fine quality and strength. the b st tea I can find is that imported by the Messrs. floitNIMAN, London, and sold by their agents; its natural appearance manifests it to be tea that ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR.,—As the recognised Guardian of the church in this district, permit me through the medium of your journal to direct the attention of Churchmen to the projected increase of church accommodation in the parish of Roath. You will be sorry to hear that the idea of building a new church in Splottlands has been abandoned, and that instead of it the existing church ...

..--.-.--.-HOUSE OF LORDS. ~~

... HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDAY, APRIL 1st.J The Marquis of Clauricarde postponed for a week his relating to the Tornado, iu consequence of the absence from illness of the Premier. The Dublin University Profes- sorships Bill was passed through committee. A petition having been presented by the Earl of Hardwicke from Colchester, in favour of providing her Majesty's troops with em- ployment in their ...

(jfoifttp JMpfujitce

... LONDON, Monday, April 1. FRANCE. It is generallj* believed in Paris that the King of the Netherlands has ceded the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to France, and the belief has caused much apprehension lest the cession should lead to a war with Prussia, who is not likely, it is thought, to acquiesce in it. But an official denial of the ce-siou comes both from Luxembourg and the Hague. The Official ...


... MOJTDAT.—(Before the Mayor, R. 0. Jones, Esq., G. Bird, Esq., J. Pride, Esq ;lnd Lieut.-Col. Hill.) it TltlJrBLe. William Si-lby, Joseph Leonaid, John CLT-verden, and John Bird, cabmen in the town, were charged with loit- ring rdout the pavement when their cabs were on the stand at the Town llal!. Inspector Glass proved the offence in most case. One of the cabmen was charged witl. using ...

I(Bt^masti^tl Jntrilirien^

... (Bt^masti^tl Jntrilirien^. The deanery of Hereford, vacant by the recent death of the Very Hey. R. Dawes, has been conferred upon the Hon. and Hev. George Herbe. r, brother of the Earl of Powis, and one of the prebendaries of Hereford. The Hon. and Rev. George Herbert, who has been nominated by the Crown to the Deanerv of Hereford, rendered vacant by the death of the Very Rev. Dr. Dawes, is ...

[No title]

... HOLLOWAY'S OiiNTMKNX.—Bad legs, wound?, ulcers, and all descriptions of sores are cured by the proper alld clihgcut use of this inestimable preparation. To a; tempt to cure bad legs by plastering the edge of the wound together is follyj for should the skin unite a boggy diseased condition remains to break out with ten-fold fury in a few days. The only rational awl permanent treatment as ...


... The annual general meeting of shareholders was held at t: e offices of Messrs. John Tayl»r and Sous, Queeu-street-place, 011 Weduesday, Mr. Charles Capper, M.P., iu tue chair. Mr. N. AI. Maxwell (the secretary) read the notice conveniug the meeting. The report of the directors stded that the receipts for the past year have amounted to £ 21,y28 13.. yd. The expeuditure has beell £ 17,527 i9s. ...

[No title]

... M. Salamanca, the great am « inces his picture galleiy for sale at Paris. It consists of about 300 paintings, of which some are by ill millo, Velasquez .Van Dyck, Rubens, leniers, Hobbema, and Ruysdael. MINING ACCIDENT IN CORNWALL.—Loss OF FIVE LIVES. -On Monday the miners in the North Levant Mine, St. Just, came upon soft ground, which, on being disturbed, let in the accumulated waters of an ...