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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette



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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian, Glamorgan, Monmouth, and Brecon Gazette


... [FOXMOIT MSS.] Circu 1316. Sciant presentes et futuri quod eiro Paganut de Turbervile dominus de Coytif filius et beriB domini Ricardi de Turberrile dedi cor.cessi et hac pvesenti carta mea coi.finnavi Jolianai Alger et MaiilJi fi!ie Hatuundi >le Turbervilo eon»anguinee mee aei acras terra met arabilis de Henripstou quas prius de mee ten,.it Thomas J'iye ad raluntatem raearn que quidem sex ...

female Fashions for AFRIL. 1

... female Fashions for AFRIL. [From Le It is just now rather amusing to inspect the novelties of the season; for whist, ou one side, we find all the prettv light, and fresh-looking materials ready tor the first .spntw sunshine; on the other, we have still the-more luxurjuus and rich textures, which we can by no means reliiiqmsjl present. For those economically inclined, it is that in- termedia e ...


... After a brief but severe illness Mr. Alfred Mellon died on Wednesday night, at a quarter to 12, at his residence in the Yale. King's-road Chelsea. The in. disposition that proved fatal was a relapse from a previous illness which had lasted through a great part of the autumn and early winter of 1866, and from which it was hoped he had entirely recovered. By the death of Mr. Mellon the musical ...

[No title]

... PRESENTS AT AND GOTTO'S. — Portrait Albums of the best make, a choice o. 3,' 00 writing-cases, dressing- cases, travelling-bags, envelope-cases, blotting-books, int' stands, desks, book-slides, work-bixes, tea-caddies, ladies- hand-bags and reticules, card-cases, purses, scen:-bottl«s, card baskets, pocket books, &c. CROQUET 15. 185., 30s., 42 and 63s. the set. Sent car- riage paid to any ...

Jmpc^ial §ai|lranmtt

... HOUSE OF LOItDS. MONDAY, APRIL 8th. The Marquis of Clanricanle consented, at the instance of the Earl of Malmesbury, to postpone until after the Easter holi- days his motion respecting the Tornado, on the ground of the serious complications which threatened to arise between the Government of Spain and this country in the ca-e of the Queen Victoria, and the probability that any debate on the ...


... LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. While all the Paris journals are arguing as to the real meaning—whether pacific or t)ellicose-of the speech of Count Bismarck on the Luxemburg cession, comes a telegram from Berlin stating that information has been received there from the Hague that the King of Holland has relinquished the proposed cession of the duchy to France, and that the Dutch Minister for Foreign ...


... Mr. Henry Vizetelly's interesting version of this famous historical episode is thus pleasantly epitomised by the Oaturday llevleir:— The Countess de la Motte was the eldest daughter of Jacques de Saint Remi de Yalois, an illegitimate descendant of Henry IT. of France, 'high and puis- sant lord and knight,' and titular heir of many broad domains, but in actual life a beggar, who, after six ...


... April 28.—FIRST SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Morning Prayer. V cmte—15(5. Daily Psalms—140, 15G. Tc Dcum—5. Hencdictus-4. Introit.—Hymn 114. Kyrie-Aldnch m Cr. Hymn—108. Afternoon service at half-past three. 1^ Y Psalms—152, 15;}. Magnificat and Nunc Uimittis- Aldrich in G. Anthem, Why seek ye the living, Hopkins. Hymn-II 7. Litany and Sermon at 7 o'clock in the evening. Hymns 171), 117, 11. The Holy ...

[No title]

... INTERESTING TO LADIES.—At this season of the year the important process of bleaching and dressing Laces and Linen for Spring and Summer wear commences, we would therefore paticuiarly call the attention of our fair readers to the GLEM- FIELD STARCH, an article of primary importance in the get- ing up of these articles. The GLENEIELD STARCH is spe- cially manufactured for family use, and such is ...


... Commodore Hillyar, in a letter dated at Bombay, 13th March last, reports that H.M.S. Wasp had returned to Zanzibar from Quiloa, with Mr. Seward, H.M.'s acting Political Resident at Zanzibar, and states that the information which that officer had been able to obtain respecting the reported death of Dr. Livingstone was chiefly of a confirmatory nature. The Times of India of the 13th of March ...

[No title]

... THE death of the Bishop of Rochester took place sud- denly at 10 o'clock on Saturday night; and places at Lord Derby's disposal the first bishopric he has had to fill up during his present premiership. On the last oc- casion of his lordship being in power, the only see to which lie had to appoint was that of Bangor. The late Bishop of Rochester was to have preached at the Chapel Royal, St. ...


... THE CARPENTERS' STRIKE, TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. Sir—Truth is stronger than fiction. It always has been, and probably always will be, to the end of the chapter of human experience. The diversified, contradictory, and anomalous scenes that in the aggregate form the sum total of the serious drama of life, are but imperfectly understood and interpreted by even the wisest and most. gifted ...