... BIRKENHEAD COUNTY MAGIS. TRATES' COURT. THURISDAY, MAY so, BEFORE MEASSRS. J. B. SMAW. S. LEDWARD, R. BARTON, AND J. B. GASH. DEFEcTIVx SCALES-QUESInoN AS TO A POLICE SUPEBNTESDNBET ACTING AS INSPEOTOr OF WEIGHTS AID MEAsURES.-Sasamuei Basnett, grocer and provision dealer, Parkgate, was summoned for having in his pos- session two pair of defective scales -Before the case was proceeded with, Mr ...


... l - 1- - - >- i ~ S-¢ ?? ?? I lt!~f , -, - - ; X~ Ii :! by ?? ,, ,3ot 3,9 4' M' Og . Wi; ' Eo2a'' an ?? ao rfetcentred tdk tioanD,,eS M r-6nc. *r eli cro ,¢ eervn ?? 'ee 'w r note*1a5,*pe~! , I .otl eeI sd r i:o heof 9 S1e an uu reoieu uez ieorriage ?? 4ha ?? afj ;op ju .ti laywb a tom hrht ?? lecebd } pa poa tricr ,! whicb li .btrade In understood to ?? rop only anwd Xl clxed with~ ...


... IBIRKENAD EPOLICE COURT. SATEURDAY, MAY 4. BEFORE AiR. PREBSTON. ASSAULT BY A MAN ON Hs WRNf.-Henry Lyons, a striker, was charged with being drunk and assaulting his wife on the previous night. The case was proved by Police-offlcer 12, who said he saw the prisoner strike hia wife, in Cathcart-street, and knock her dovn-Mrs. Lyons, however, now declined to prosecute, stating that the prisoner ...


... SHERIFF COUPRT OF ABERDEENSHIRE. h;THE COMMISSIONERS OF POLICE, ABERDEEN r. JX0. MllE, | he M nuifacturing Confectioner, Uinion Place, Aberdeen. t tel THlS wee ann application to the Sheriff of Aberdeenshire, at S ell tbe instance of Mr Cadenhead, as officer appointed by the is )e Commsissioiiers of Police to tike proceedisgs uiider the I v !s Nuisasuces Rlemoval Act of 156. 15 'The pi-tition ...


... BOW-STREET. John Cullen, a cabman, was brought up on remand on the charge of causing the death of an old man named Connor by riding over him in Great St. Andrew's-street, Seven Dials. It was stated that an inquest had been held and a verdict returned of Accidental Death. Mr. Lewis, who appeared for the defence, called a young woman named Bates, kitohenmaid at an hotel, who stated that she ...


... I THE POLICE COURTS& I BOW-STREET. Wiliam Johnson was fined 40s., or one calendar month, for annoying and assaultingaspeoial constables at the en- trance of the Vestry-hall of St. Paul's, Covent-garden, by hooting, pelting, and bustling them as they entered to be sworn, and came out after complying with that form. MARLBOROUGH-STREET. There were but four charges from Hyde-park brought before Mr ...


... WEDNESDAY, May 15th. -[Before the MAYoRt, and T. P. BAINsBsRIoo, H. DUntB, and M F. LoNGDON, Esqrs.) Paul Stevenson and William Stevenson, brothers, were va charged with stealing 13s., the property of William B]emrose pe and Sons, on 'uesday morning-Mr. H. H. Baniroe said he do vas in the sthop about 11 o'clock on Tuesday, when the lad came in with the letter-bag from the printing-office. He ...


... NDYT1W0 N' -'LDS I'P ETTY SEsQI s. (mu OLD Ofl ILOuL o6] NEWI'nOWNARDS, SATURDAY. [Before Rev. JosEPnBR.ADSAWNr, J.P.; JOuxMIILLER, Esq., J.P.; and JAMES BaOW--CLOW, Esq., J.P.] ALLEGED ? XF.lCIIES Or TIES SPIRIT ACT. Slarttlicar si'c> e~u, liensec'l rilihaeal france Street, Newtownarls, ras sumlmolnned by Cnon;stable XRoltt fur ?? had lloS house open for the sa'.e of sp;rfts at prunhilitedi ...


... 1. ELG6AL N EAVS. I;(LLS CUU1T-DUDI;AN TliWtRI)ADY. 1[1> ?? sat at eleven o'clock. It3C VtdtN-'It:iii:121.2IAP?US L;OF OSEGALL V. JAMES tNStI .x\NiA CUIIAE.:S (OLIEX. N1r. MlAv, (, C.. (with whom was Mr. A. S. Jack- S,, i1i4ttlt1LtC hv Mr Torrins), applied, on behalf i i 'r i l'llegill, for an ilijulnctioti to restrain the r,-js'iiklit5 :loilul cnillittiiug waste by quarrying tit $ 2:t or CL ...


... COURT OF SESSION--T'Pi:-s)A1jA. :'wIty 2°. FIP.ST DlViMIOX..; TVxEm-INT v. aX 'Ia:ITCb.. THI. WNELJX~R' CAlSE. In these conjoined actions MIr Gilbert I-'dry Tenneent seeks to enforce tile 1-oovisicus of a 0d-ad of agtreemenet executed by lhi3 father, Hugh Tellurent, by himself, and bv his brother, Charles S. Term at, in 155, and te vindieate his rights as a iartluer or the rirm of J. & r.. ...


... LAW COURTS-YESTERDAY. I ote~i _ T igalt VOUg~,' OFCX l H ?? Was resumed, and occupied the entire day. ' BOLS LBCOURT. Ibdy j ;itfle v. Aikendit.-This was a motion for an in. ?? l ctliasta re'i traiathe reespondents from proededin \ . AW 5O:J 0w;iA of revlyor to recover &debtof 120f. h ~he application was made on the grpun4 that the that odand'warrant upon which the judgment wm h . tered up ...


... THE RXECUTIOT. TO THE EDITOB 0? THM 1RUN. 7 Sidney-placo, Cork, 24th May, 1867. Sli-It appears from the Lord Lieutenant's an. swer to the petition In favour of Burke that not only will he be executed, but in all probability every man who will be found guilty of high treason. The death of theae men will create a profound senation in this country, and will in all probability be washed out with ...