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... THE UNIVERSITY FOR WALES.—ALTHOUGH SO many of our English neighbours, aye, and Welsh ones, too, laughed at the University of Wales when enthusi- astic Cambrians advocated its formation some years ago, they now, doubtlessly, will, with all becoming modesty, assert that they were always favourably disposed towards the scheme; and that they always anticipated a successful termination to the ...


... Mum is used as a title for ladies, on aeooant ot their well-known love of silence. Why are chimney-sweeps extensive dealers in oloth- luff ?—Because they get a soot at every sweep. Why is an ausjer-hole, when made too deep, like ti man in the water ?—Because it is over-board. Aristides of Athens was more just than generous, to the natives literally shelled him out of the city. MEEMORADA FOR ...

[No title]

... A COLOURED SAILOR SnoT IS LIVERPOOL.—Last even- nig several coloured seamen werain a public-house in Ma -uire- s'-reet, kept l>y a woman named Thompson, when a person went in for the purpose of selling combs. One of the sailors named Muuroe, took a comb frem the woman without paying for it. Another of the men named Spurgeon, told Munroe te behave like a man and pay for the comb. Some word- ...

O'rcd^iasfical Jntclligfitce

... giomi; 2)ictra. Several deaths are reported in London from sun stroke. THREE MBK KILLED IN A COAL MINK.—Three men employed at the Outwood Colliery, Kingley, near Bury, lost their lives on Wednesday. An explosion of foul air succeeded a blasting operation, and the unfortunate men were suffocated by the after damp- EARLY GRASB CROP.-In a field at Dulwich, a cowkeeper has already commenced mowing ...


... The arguments in the special case relating to the Slade Baronetcy, and the estates belonging thereto, were commenced on Friday, and having already en- grossed the attention of the Court of Exchequer during several days, have been temporarily interrupted by the indisposition of Mr. Coleridge, the leading counsel for the defendant. The plaintiff or claimant, General Marcus Slade, is the brother ...

[No title]

... Du BARRY'S Delicious Health Restoring Itevalenta Ara bica Food, which contains three times the nourishment of tb best meat, saves fifty times its c- st in other remedies, restore perfect digestion, strong nerves, sound lungs, healthy liver, re- freshing sleep, function a] regularity, and energy to the most disordered or enfeebled, removing speedily and effectually in- digestion (dyspepsia), ...


... EPSUM RACES.—TUESDAY. CRAYEN STAKED. Moulsey 1 Ostrcgar 2 'lhe Czar 3 Eight ran. TATIEBSALL STAKES. 1 Thermometer 2 Knight ol St. Michael Thirteen ran. WOODCOTE BTAKES. Le Sarrazin 1 Speculum 2 Restitution 3 Sixteen ran. nORTON STAKES. Osprey 1 Iv'»nnie 2 Musa 3 Fourteen ran. BOU8 STAKES. riieltenham 1 B in ington 2 A Ir una 3 Fourteen ran. Fourteen ran. HEAXHCOXE PLATE. Grimston 1 Salliet 2 ...

I.' J- —- ATHENJ5A. ——

... J- —- ATHENJ5A. —— Blackwood's Magazine for May has been seized at the French Post Office. i!James Anderson left for Australia viii Panama 01J the 2nd illst, 1'ir. Toole will probably play in Paris during the Exhibition. The conversion of St. Martin's Hall into a theatre will be at once proceeded with. r new drama will shortly be produced at the Adelphi, j in which Mi»s Kate Terry will appear. ...

I --

... THE LUXEMBURG QUESTION. LONDON, Monday, April 29. We have telegraphic advices from Paris, Berlin, and Vienna, relating to the state of the Luxemburg question. From these we gather that negociations favourable to the maintenance of European peace (we Quote the words of the French Government) have been opened, and are being actively carrie I on by the Great Powers. The bases of the negociations, ...

Barrack Contracts for the Supply of Coals. Coke, and Turf

... IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. WAR OFFICE, Pall Mall, London, S.W., -rnTTPT? .„, 20th May, 1867. 011C L is hereby given, that the Secretary of State for War is prepared to receive Tenders for the Supply of Coals, Coke, and Turf at the various Barrack Supply of Coals, Coke, and Turf at the various Barrack Stations in Great Britain and Ireland, for a period of Nine Months, from the 1st July next. ...


... STRANGE and serious is the ordeal through which the Church of England is now passing. It may not have the terrors of the pre-Reformation struggle, but the issues will be as important, as affecting the existence in its integrity of our National Protestantism. The origin of the crisis was the ultra development of ritualistic innova- tion, and we are brought to our present pass of doubt and fear ...


... THE TIMES OX THE PRESENT MANIA FOR BETTING. The defeat of a mare which had been backed at 7 to 4 for the Oaks is an appropriate sequel to the victory of a horse against which the odds were 100 to 1 in the Derby. Favourites, however, are apt to come in second, as Achievement contrived to do; whereas the success of Hermit, a mere outsider, and reported to have broken a blood-vessel in training, ...