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... CARDIFF BOARD OF HEALTH AND CORPO- RATION MEETINGS. SPECIAL BUSINESS. These meetings were, in accordance with previous notice, held at the Council Chamber, on Friday last, April 26. The chair, in the absence of the Mayor, who was from home, was occupied by Alderman Alexander. It was understood that some very im- portant special subjects had to come under considera- tion. The following members ...


... PARIS, April 26.—The Legislative body will hold its next sitting to-morrow. It is believed that M. Jules Favre's demand for leave to question the Go- vernment on the Luxemburg question will not be allowed. The Memorial Diplomati'p/e of to-day says:—It is believed in diplomatic circles in Vienna that the Duke de Grammont has brought from Paris the basis of an intimate understanding between ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR.-fiome of your readers are aware that in the last Report of the Llandaff Diocesan Home Mission there appeared a letter from Lord Dynevor, in which his Lordship expressed the great interest he felt in the operations of the mission, and placed £100 at the dis- posal of the Committee for the years 1866, 18G7, with an intimation of his purpose, should his life be ...


... IT is with great pleasure we call the attention of our readers to a full report in another column of the Annual Meeting of the Church Extension Society of our Diocese. Though the attendance at the meeting was small as compared with that of last year, the congratulatory tone of the Report, proving the zeal and earnestness that is working among us, is an assurance that personal attendance at the ...

[No title]

... TUB CONTRACT CORPORATION.—M-. Church, the chief clerk of the Master of the Bolls yesterday gave permission in this matter to appear on a question as to Lloyds Bonds 111 connexion with a Welsh1 railway, limes. The Ow' says that a Royal proclamation is about to be issued requesting all loving subjects and peaceable citizens to abstain from joining the gathering which is announced to take place ...


... JPisqttuneou!). f QUEEN VICTORIA. AS AN AUTHOR.—The fact is not ge- nerally known, either here or in America, that her Majesty Queen Victoria has written a work entitled Leaves from a Journal in the Highlands, which consists of about 4 descriptive of her life at Balmoral and the neighbourhood. 1 lie work is illustrated by photographs and woodcuts from her Ma- jesty's sketches. It contains, ...

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... MORTALITY AMOHG MOOE GAMK.—About the month of November last the grouse and black game on the moors in Ettrick and Yarrow were attacked by a disease which has thinned the stocks of both kinds of birds to a very great ex- tent, they having died in some places by the hundred. It is chiefly oil largely stocked moors that the disease prevails, having scarcely, if at all, shown itself where the ...

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... @4qlq5ia5ti4al The Bishop of Hereford has returned to his diocese. His 10Id,hip is much improved in health. The vacant preb ndal stall in Hereford Cathedral will be given to the Rev. J. W. Joyce, rector of Burford. At the meeting of the Dean Dawes Memorial Committee nothing definite was settled as to the form the memorial should take, consequently many withheld tinir subscriptions. £420 was ...

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... HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, APRIL 29th. The House of Commons re-assembled to-day for the first time after the Easter rece-s; and Mr. Horsman having in- quired of the Foreign Secretary what was the present state of the negociations with respect to Luxemburg, Lord Stanley replied that he ha 1 reason to believe the proposition for a con- ference oi the Great Powers, which was not solely or ...

[No title]

... PRESENTS AT PARKINS AND GOITO'S. — Portrait Albums of the best make, a choice o. 3,(,00 writing-cases, dressing- cases, travelling-Lags, envelope-cases, blotting-books, ink' stands, desks, book-slide- work-boxes, tea-caddies, ladies- hand-bags and reticules, card-cases, purses, scent-bottles, card baskets, pocket books, &C. CROQUET 15s., IBs., 30s., 42s., and C3s. the set. Sent car- riage paid ...


... LLYNVI AND OGMORE. A Wharncliff meeting of this company was held on Monday, at the Great Western Hotel, Paddington Mr. A. Macgregor in the chair. The solicitor read the heads of a Bill, authorizing the company to raise additional capital to the extent of ■ £ 100,000, with the usual borrowing powers, and to sanction traffic arrangements with the South Wales Mineral Railway Company. The Chairman ...


... The deliveries in London made up for the week were 942,055 lb., being an increase of 5G7,152 lb., compared with the previous statement. ...