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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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[No title]

... The committee for promoting the working men s ex- cursion to Paris are desirous that some practical good should result from the visit, and have, therefore, pro- posed that a fund should be set apart for the purpose of awarding prizes to those excursionists who furnish the oest essays and reports on the subject of their visit. A selection of these is to be published in order that subscribers to ...


... PRESENTATION TO MR. A. J. MORRIS, AT ABERDARE. ON Tuesday evening, Mr. Arthur J. Morris, of the Plymouth Iron Works, Merthyr, was presented with a splendid testimonial, in the St. Fagan's School-room, Aber- dare, kindly lent for the occasion by the Rev. Mr. Jenkin, Mr. Morris had for a number of years been connected with the Abernant Iron Company, as cashier at Llwydeoed. For some years, too, ...

------^j?oi;tiw) Jntctligencij

... ^j?oi;tiw) Jntctligencij. THE Sporting Gazette says there is no truth whatever in the report that Van Amburgh has been purchased by Mr. Chaplin.—Mr. H. Coventry' horses will shortly he trained by Dover, at Ilsh:y,and the t'5,0 '0 match between Lord Lyon and Viriilis will, in all probability, fall through. The Duke of Hamilton has purchased Coniberton, (Jams, and King Allred from Colonel Knox, ...

[No title]

... HENCEFORTH no one will doubt the valuable properties of I)ul5ariy's hedth-iestoring Revalenta Arabica Inva ills'and Infants' FOLd, to the thousands of blessings it has already received from Invalids whose position had b en deemed hopeless, we may now add that of his Holiness the Pope, wh'se health has been perfectly restored by it after Unity yeaisof nn-nccessfu medical tieatment We quote from ...


... The Rill to amend the Inw of master and servant bears the short title of the Employer and Employed 'ontract of Service Act, 18r.ï. It provides that if a master or ser- vant shall refuse to fulfil any contract of service entered into between them, the party feeling aggrieved shall re- ceive compensation for any loss sustained through the breach or non-performance of the contract on having ...

[No title]

... iy LOSDOU.—It appears from the Registrar Geneial s (Juartiily Return thnt tho mortality iu the AJetro- poiia was lower last week thau ii uny wek siiie, July 19, 18t 2, the deal lis 1 ting 193 fewer thau the estimated uuu.ber. The deaths registe'ed last week 1119, which is only 8 more thau iu 18o-, notwithstanding the vast increase in the population must have taken place duiiug the last ...


... It may interest lome people to know that in the opinion of Air. J. Bates, of the Royal Grammar School, Colchester, the cause ot the cold weather this week is the interception of the sun's rays by meteorites. Six months ago we encountered a shower of meteorites, whose orbit aud periodical time of revolution around thesuu are thought to be slightly less than those of the earth and it this be ...


... WE have now arrived at that stage of the pro- gress of Mr. DISRAELI'S Reform Bill, that we may safely say we see daylight. The amend- ment of Mr. HODGKINSON abolishing the com- pound householder system in parliamentary boroughs, cuts the knot of many difficulties, and wonderfully simplifies the issue. GLAD- STONE'S ghost is now laid, and among other good results we trust that the right ...

[No title]

... A letter received by the late mail places beyond doubt th6 fate of Dr. Livingstone. ') he writer engaged the Johann.j men who accompanied thegieat African explorer, and lie has received from them an a> count of the journey and of the attack of the SM.igfs r,n the doctor's party. It appears fr ...


... (IVIONDAY.— Before R. 0. Jones. E:CI.,) .-TEALIXG- A WATCH.-Hannah Bartlett, was brought np on remand, on a charge of Stealing a gold watch, from JiiTiies Lndge. The man intimated to the police that he would not appear for any consideration as he was ashamed of the circumstances under the theft was effected. The bench thought that this was tampering with justicc and he ordered a warrant to be ...


... MISCELLANEOUS. A Cabinet Council was held on Saturday, at the official residence of the Earl of Derby. At Lyons, on the 5th of Jane next, Mr. Wm. I* Leaf, of London, will lay the first stone of the English Episcopal Church about to be erected. The City of London Common Council have resol- ved to guarantee a contribution of j6500 to a fund for the erection of a statue of Mr. Peabody in the city ...


... MISSING SHIPS.—The Strongbow from Calcutta for Lon- don, spoken with on the 1st of .November in lat. 2 S. long. 91 E.; the Yoe, which sailed from Kunachee 0n the 19ih 0f October fur Marseilles; the ivaiuonja, which sailed from Havannah on the 22nd of December for Famiouth; the Pro- tector, of and for Liverpool, trom J.un.iic.i, which sailed from Havannah oil the 8tli of December the Sir Hubert ...