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... The Paris correspondent of the Standard sends the following particulars of an extraordinary case which has just come before the Tribunal For some time past a man named Picardat has been living at Bobigny (Seine;, where he keeps what he calls an encyclopedia; consultation-room, and where he appears to have passed himself off among the rustics as a lawyer, an agent of the police, and various ...

Published: Saturday 25 May 1867
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 673 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... A. correspondent of a London paper complains that coming up to town from a station eight or ten miles trom London, he found six first-class carriages oc- cupied by as many solitary lady passengers, and nearly lost his tram whilst he was looking for a less hazardous compartment in which to seat himself. Now, as un- protected male travellers have, all things considered, not unreasonably, a ...

Published: Saturday 25 May 1867
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 229 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

fdttr to %

... fdttr to THE TAFF VALE FIREMEN. SIR,—In your impression of the 18th inst, you were pleased to set in ciroulat.on a report relative to the Drivers and Firemen on the Titif VIlla Railway, to say the least of which is that it is uutiue from beginning to end, find we should be very glad to know your authority tlr such a fabrication, for wo are pleased to look back from the com- menccmsnt of the ...

Published: Saturday 25 May 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 326 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 

[No title]

... The committee for promoting the working men s excursion to Paris are desirous that some practical good should result from the visit, and have, therefore, proposed that a fund should be set apart for the purpose of awarding prizes to those excursionists who furnish the oest essays and reports on the subject of their visit. A selection of these is to be published in order that subscribers to the ...


... PRESENTATION TO MR. A. J. MORRIS, AT ABERDARE. ON Tuesday evening, Mr. Arthur J. Morris, of the Plymouth Iron Works, Merthyr, was presented with a splendid testimonial, in the St. Fagan's School-room, Aber- dare, kindly lent for the occasion by the Rev. Mr. Jenkin, Mr. Morris had for a number of years been connected with the Abernant Iron Company, as cashier at Llwydeoed. For some years, too, ...


... The Bishop of Salisbury held his triennial Visitation at Bridport on Thursday in last week, when there was a large attendance of clergy and churchwardens. The Charge consists principally of a vindication of these doctrines 1, that certain men have had intrusted to them by God, as fellow-workers with Him, supernatural powers and preroga- tives. 2, that God had been pleased to give to these His ...

Published: Saturday 25 May 1867
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 638 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

ft. Boctrn-

... 6.V CHRISTENING HYMNS. 8* I {1 stwi;ng of the son of Prince Christian and tlio >01 the f ua' Pn 1 U'-sd ay, at the commencement of the 30 epJ °N°wing hymn, composed by his Royal High- k» nee Consort, was snn :— -J& n_lifeB gay mora, ere sprightly youth jilt vice and folly is enslaved, ggfi w ^y thy Maker's glorious laiuo aW e 011 thy infant mind engraved. Tv*^ no sh.'tdes of sorrow cloud « ...

Published: Saturday 25 May 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 231 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... st°D8, exclaims the Spectator, would only nIt is a quality to be economised 0Wasting it, till m-,n of the world, who ki. Itl,,t rather than reason what is important •S ^9 scarcely know how to follow him. Mr. Uj4is luite right in disliking the Reform Bill; t too much fuss about details, throws too $^ tliAS'e,ess *Qt0 ^is denunciation of evils inhe- S i His ^r*nc«ple of the proposal, and not in ...

Published: Saturday 25 May 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 314 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... BETHEL CHAPEL.—The annual tea meeting was held on Mond-iy ta-.t, and alrh'.ngh the guests numbered upwards of six hundred, clie affair was managed very orderly and passed off to the satisfaction of all in- terested therein. A public meeting was held in the evening, when speeches suitable to the occasion were delivered, and music performed at intervals. SALEM CHAPEL -On Monday, 13th inst., the ...

Published: Saturday 25 May 1867
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 159 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 

------^j?oi;tiw) Jntctligencij

... ^j?oi;tiw) Jntctligencij. THE Sporting Gazette says there is no truth whatever in the report that Van Amburgh has been purchased by Mr. Chaplin.—Mr. H. Coventry' horses will shortly he trained by Dover, at Ilsh:y,and the t'5,0 '0 match between Lord Lyon and Viriilis will, in all probability, fall through. The Duke of Hamilton has purchased Coniberton, (Jams, and King Allred from Colonel Knox, ...

[No title]

... HENCEFORTH no one will doubt the valuable properties of I)ul5ariy's hedth-iestoring Revalenta Arabica Inva ills'and Infants' FOLd, to the thousands of blessings it has already received from Invalids whose position had b en deemed hopeless, we may now add that of his Holiness the Pope, wh'se health has been perfectly restored by it after Unity yeaisof nn-nccessfu medical tieatment We quote from ...


... Every Saturday, precisely at the hour of noon, which is announced to Rome by the discharge of a cannon from the Castle of St. Angelo, takes place the ceremony of the public drawing of the weekly lottery, which, as is well known, is a most productive source 01 revenue to the government (writes the correspondent of the Daily News). In a balconv of the Palazzo Aladama, once the residence of ...

Published: Saturday 25 May 1867
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 551 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News