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Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. I offer to tbe trade, just landed tD fine order, 100 Cases finest Nsples Oranges. 100 Vase and BoXes Dnest Messina Lemons, *Whil'l, with &aVge stock of ?? other Frults, I will soi on moderato terms, OWEN CONNOLLY, 21 MARY'S-ABBBY. 115,8 DEWLJY AND DRAPIR, D dei to call the attention of the TradI~o their lap and well selsoted Storks of YOREIGN WINES AND BRANDIES, In Wood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XHIBITION PALACE-Open Daily. , THIS llV8NING, JIstri 16. The Band will attend at 7.30 Grand Vocal and Inetrumental Ooncort at S. Mona. Emui SaurOL Movs. Augata Banret, Min Besale Herbert, And fel Orcheatral Band. Altei the Concert The Bras and String Land wil perform for Prowenade. Admisslon to Proneinasdo and Concert, IN. Children, ball-price. WIIDNPEBDAY NEXT, June 19, GRtAND FPAREWEl, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -'4' I(M 15. 0+U F; . .in dI 'tecrage, 4d. A* . . 351N U91 2LV' L A. S 40 W, J , 4 in' * Inns rn'it VA. , ,KNI'N (Surzdays ex- -:i;. go Calong. 1 1~' l4'ir-'' 1 bo3 - n.,4.'~ (4~t, O P0'UI1 (0.1tSslri wt M4;' I: E'it 17 ro Fit 711 20. r 7 4.', . ''4. n II.rM. L ,i ~ 12 A j,- '..! a, [alnunib £' . (.414 thev1N L'4r 441,14 1 'i ii 'we;d for inl any n1411 t: ),. '1 ¼ 1 1 _ pit . a n.,, t' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. ['21.ltxSAT AN 1) RANGO.-' flj~lE TE \IEll ''J&IiJ WI Lb R-ESUNWj, ~otlicr 'id ca-sual~ties 0excepted). a.'ii 112 Noon, and 5 p.m. 1II (PM BANGOR-T 8- 1. aznt., 2-3', pin., and 7-0 p. i. l~sIc: A c)tant, it; Stcerage, 44. rC 27t4' t -cl April, 1867. 3809 1 t ATE I) N IA N`I RAI LWIA Y. 1¾ U'P'i'ICKLINE. S I B1TYE1;P A SSAG E (1:I~:AT MRITAIN ANDICLAD p ELf, 'A ST A ND S TRA N RA ERE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. f;!ULF'AST AND) J'ANGOJI~ STE'AMER.I (I [A-N(I V ( -SAILNGS'. S FIi IN will 1,Iy la'xNetcen I: 1, C' 1 F I,- 11 U 5 V. . ' 3 . .13 Li (.:I ', and - tmaitws cxe'ci, a . ! t! t Li:I. [-'A ST 'TO0 1 i.\N iO R ;ANG U1 I'l TOLELFAST: 3-.i~23KV-710[STI' BE-LFAST: 7- 15'.ni. 1-15 not.m I:I a-I '1.) CAi1:T, K~lnU :170p Sx,.-5 p.m. GI ,, (11: Nragra-, 4d. Dogs, Cd eatch. . s u llat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V S L I N 0 IT R T A I NS IN'JL F'rom ?? tlid per ?? J. (111''14fi:T a'A vivt 4 end r. 'vAt'N-rHiz-X _ Plxteaiolwd > I'l: elQ F.1N. S SA %; t El call[, Ith attrntion of II, pnhic to his vory Auporior qtock of 500 OAK 0JAtVIlw.3; PilO and MountePd in FINlZ .GOLD, eoe9lsintt of 0WiOi'lSR BUACI4gi>BS, CfROSBRS EARlltI1TS, NUadOfACI * he. a&lei6ented with great taste, and aanriv&lldnforbean tY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l'21 I . A --12.sG r C. *;'L , w -f ISc~ '1 .. ii - 1 1-r'\aid:L 3:v f Fl & , I j -in i rt o l T CIT, A s w~ iN 1 ' 3' :r ir-.-I:t p (~IerITIO crwX * i-i3 v to hi'tn- 'f l n~,I 3 are AJA Fi LAr- -( .3 r to tsI I'l3ml Il ¶ I IT, SON 8Old 0Wt) To N . AN ,r, FLE1 INA' 43 4O) D :1 I 0Y T33A L l' T A' i1rv . V, 3 tA Ss(Ni l SQ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. QTjS'Y1M'S COLLEGE, KILKENNY. S Und the Patronage of the Mont lRev, Dr. WALSH, Bishop of Ossory. The ?? Summer Eixaminations conmenced in ths Lay Departmnent of tbie Betabiehlglot on Iho 12th, and terini- tated on Monday, the 24th instant. They wejo conluotod Under the superintendeuce of the Bishop by the Preildont, Frofamsore, and Cathbllo Clergy of the City' After a dii gent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITION PALAUE. THIS DAY (Whit-Mendscy), Jura 10th. Tbo ,pdendid Band of the 9th Lancers will attend at One o'Clock, and perform in the Grounds The Brass and String Band WMll perform in the Building, THE AMATEUR BDRAS BAND CONTEST Will commence at Two o'Clock. The following Bands have already entered to compete The County Dublin Militto. The Saint Vincent de Paul Orphanaga. The Catholic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HORSES, CARRIAGES, &a. FOR S A L E THOMAS DE1NNEHY'S Carriage Manrrfactory, No. 1)4 TALBOT-STRtEET, A ?? Land&%, A allW Minia~ture llrougharr,s p.ney medlurei figull do. A now Lighbt Pack IlAtr~eon~v A oew lkhrtmniunng Stanhope warggofllte ?iew Queen's P#Mern.Psrk arid A~b1IPlosto Few and seecnd-hand Onteldo Ca&e. 'Iwo good Covered Carn, noew and second-hand. Croydona and Alexandra Care. -wt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. A; ,- A;i.lL i' :. ;; B;S L- 3!:) ['U LI..1sL IXN AND AL [)iNING ANB11iIJJGE FUJji SALE BY Al I !t . Th(: UlIcl I 'Ti ['it io s %vii[l lie Sold]. 1, Atb ' l.oN, ij Lt' to ai, tlt Pha ttu1welS, at th' 1IU)\\NSII liE'l AI;I'S. A f luEiiiI(Ti 07I1 ON- D IA 1, ti ..-,ttli it I a f.1III, v I I,.ttt Tw' o'clo Ck p-j1 u., ur Iiml it the jitectiol!s coutained ill the Wil] if the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yojrr'll- i:ASI At;3:1I' LLTU1AL 51OW. J GRAY & 0o., 'rFIE C(LiLE\ITi:l) I'll lEE IMiLEiENT S ,1%! 1 -.' /'I7'IffiTril7'tIL NY'. l>;, i~iIA; N 1\!:(; I SII~i'' 11l!.1 I XIII',! NT l.X!j:GE A9Sj,'-l;TIENT'l' i, flicir lhii* M/1N ;iMi.NTS, (, \' iI! I''..'1. x )' ,1 A'] 1';1P . El, jD ' AT ...