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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... THE RHYMNEY PAY.—On Saturday last the pay took place, and all the movements connected with it passed off very quietly. EMIGRATION.—On Monday morning last the people here were disturbed in their quiet slumbers at a very early hour by some scores of persons who were singing lustily along the route to Nantybwch station, accompanying their friends who were leaving for America. This custom has now ...


... DECISION.'—Pew things are more necessary to snN- cess in our life than decision of character. With it a man can rarely fail—without it he can very rarely Bucceed. No EXCESS IN CHAJUTY.—The desire of power In excess caused the angels to fall; the desire of know- -ledge in excess, caused man to fall; but in charity there is no excess, neither can angel or man come iru- danger by it. ...


... ATHENJEA. Evil men speak that which they wish rather than that which they do. However ill the world may have gone, the roses still blow and the thrushes still sing in it. The truly illustrious are they who do not court the praise of the world, but perform the actions which deserve it. People who brood over their sorrows are usually successful in hatching a numerous family; and those who ...


... MONDAY.—(Before R. 0. Jones, Esq.) EMBEZZLEMENT.—Andrew Kerr appeared in discharge of his recognizances upon a charge of having embezzled certain monies, the property of his employer, Mr. A. R. Thomas. The prosecutor did not wish to proceed any further with tho case, and withdrew the charge. The accused was therefore discharged. It appeared from an examination of the books that there was a ...


... LONDON, MONDAY, June 24. FRANCE. The French Corps Legislatif has decided on passing the Budget, and postponing the bills on the army, the press, and the right of meeting, untill the session In November. Our correspondent is of opinion that the Government will bow to the strongly expressed public opinion against the Army Bill, and that it will very probably not be heard of again. MEXICO. A ...


... Open every Saturday from 10 till 2 and on Saturday and Monday Evenings from 7 till half-past 8. The gentlemen next to be in attendance arc On Saturday, Mr. Harvey and Mr. C. H. Evans. On Saturday evening, Mr. Pride. On Monday evening Mr. W. Woods. a' » PI. S. HAMADRYAD. Bute East Dock, Cardiff. Statement for the week endinar Thursday :— Number of Patients last week 25 6 Cured 12 Died 0 Under ...


... The arrivals of live cattle and sheep, &c., into the port of London from the Continent during the past week have been good. The offic al Custom-house return gives an entry of 769 oxen and cows, 270 calves, 8,119 sheep and lambs, and 211 pigs, together making a total of 9,369 head, against 10,333 head at the corresponding period of last year, 11,910 in 1865, and 3,133 in 1864. The supp y of ...


... On Wednesday evening the annual meeting of the Cardiff Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society was held in the Assembly-room at the Town Hall. The Rev. David Howell, M.A., vicar of St. John's parish, was in the chair, and was supported on the platform by the deputation from the parent society (the Rev. J. Carr Glynn, M.A., rector of Wichampten, Dorset, and the Rev. W. H. Dyer, of ...


... HOP MAEKET^MONDIY' According to a circular of Messrs. Woolloton and Son the accounts continue to speak of vermin, and, in some cases, that the evil is increasing but the market is quiet, and the recent advance is with difficulty maintained. The continental plantations are said to be giving promise of a crop. ...

[No title]

... MARRIAGES. June 10th, at the Parish Church, Llanelly, Breconshire, by the incumbent, the Rev. Arthur Griffith, Mr. Richard Havard (of Brynmawr), son of Mr. William Havard, Clynmeddig, to Lucy, second daughter of James Dare, of Weston-super-Mare. June 12th, at St. Mary's Chuich, Bryan stone Square, London, by the Rev. H. Freemantle, Mr. R. Llewellyn late at Mr. Smyth's) to Jane, youngest ...


... The supply of cattle was larger, but that of sheep and Jambs about the same as on Monday last. The demand was very slow for both cattle and sheep at much lower prices. Fat lambs were in good request at full prices, but middling were dull and lower. Beef 7d. to S'd. mutton 6d. to 7|d. per lb. lambs 2^s. to 4os. each. There were at market 1,452 cattle, and 8,459 sheep. ...

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... EXPORTS. JUNE 1. Bio de Janeiro, Wanderer, with SO ) tons of coal, II Worms M Stringer Cronstradt, Gefione, 710, Thomas Joseph, Tellefeen and Co Hamburg, Mary Nixon s-s, 910, Nixon, Taylor and Coiy, S Nixon and (Jo Nantes, Colli r s-s, 186 iron, Plymouth Iron Co, and 40 coal, J Owen St Paolo de Loando, Dauntless, 8 iron and 6 anchors, &c, Willans and Co, and 28) coal. Insole and Son, Willans ...