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South Wales, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... DPRISO THB three first months of the current year thirteen railway accidents having occurred in Great Britain. One was caused by a broken rail, two by broken springs, one by a broken wheel tire, one by overloading a goods engine, one by an excessive quantity of luggage on the roof of a passenger car- riage, three from defective signals and station management, three from neglect on the part of ...


... On Thin-slay L:-t, Colonel J. K. Pipon, Inspec- tor of Militia, attended at Cardiff for the pur- pose of reporting on the annual military prac- tice of the regiment. The weather was, happily, exceedingly propitious, and the Cardiff Arms Park presented a very animating appearance. A large number of ladies and gentlemen interested in this-old and Constitutional institution, were present, and ...

[No title]

... BIRTH. On the 22nd instant, the wife of Mr. H. Hall, grocer, Tredegar, of twins. MARRIAGE. On the 24th instant, at St Margaret's Church, Mountain Ash, by the Rev. D. Jones, Incumbent, Mr. James H. Daniel (Messrs. Wilkins and Co.'s Bank, Carmarthen), to Catherine Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John W. White, chemist, &c., of the same town. DEATH. On the 15th June. 1867, at Liyerpool ...

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... THE DRESS CIRCLE AT PARIS.—Be it known that ladies' evening dresses are now made with beau- tiful landscapes printed on the skirts. But we are led to make this reflection. All artists seem to agree that the human form in its utmost simplicity, and especially the female form, which is seen in this very exhibition in every possible pose and of every possi- ble material, on canvas, in bronze, in ...


... TUESDAY.—(Before Mr. Commissioner Hill.) Re J. HARVEY, late of Fairford, Builder. Mr. E. Salmon (from the office of Mr. Henderson) appeared for the mortgagees of the bankrupt's pro- perty, and stated that some time ago they brought an action against the bankrupt, and obtained judgment by default. The bankrupt bad been holding posses- sion of the property, and refused to give it up and he (Mr. ...


... June 9th.—WHIT-SUNDAY. Morning Prayer. Venite—Pi-i. Proper Psalms—131. Te Deum—Garrett in F. Benedictus-ll Double. Sauctus and Kyrie- Wesley in F. Hymn—127. Afternoon service at half-past three. Proper Psalms—27. Magnificat and Nunc Diniittis— Arnold in A. Anthem— It came even to pass, Ouselcy. Hymn—130. Litany and Sermon at 7 o'clock in the evening. Hymns 131, 129, ll. ...


... A letter has just reached us from a private source dated Tampico, 27th April. In it the writer says — We know here that Escobedo was defeated before Quere- taro; that he lost ten thousand men after a sanguinary combat never reeorded as yet incur internal wars. Juarez has sent, one after another, five special couriers ordering the troops to join Itim but his orders have been unattended to, the ...

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... HOUSE OF LORDS. > „ MONDAY, JUNE 3. On the report of amendments to the Increase of the Epis- copate Dill, Lord Lyftelcon moved the omission of the second clause, which, lie said, interposed a formidable obstacle to the satisfactory* working of the measure by requiring that the sum of £10 ',000 should be raised before any new see could be esta- blished. Discussions ensued, ending in a division ...


... Mr. Horatio M'Cnlloch, U.S.A., the bead of tne Scottish school of landscape painters, died on Monday, in his 62 d year.—Scotsman. The licence to hold a market in Bristol for the sale of cattle intended for immeiiate slaughter has been re- yoked by an Order in Council. The new act of Parliament (SO an d -31 Vie. 0.85) which has just been issued, provides that jurors in civil or oriminal ...


... Jartign A CONGBBSS ON THE CATTLE PLAGUE.—A European congress of veterinary surgeons will be held in Zurich from the 2nd to the 8th ot September, 1867. The cattle plague will be the principal subject of discussion.—British Medical Journal. One of the latest acts of the unfortunate Emperor Maxi- milian was an attempt to enrich the Mexican forests with the melody of song-birds, which are nearly, ...


... MEETING IN THE TEMPERANCE HALL. A public meeting, convened by the High Constable (Mr. Simons) in compliance with a numerously signed requisi- tion, was held on Tuesday evening, to take into considera- tion Mr. Abel Smith's Sunday Closing BilL The hall was well filled, and we noticed cm the platform the High Con- stable (in the chair), J. 0. Fowler, Esq., the Rev. Pryse Howell, Rev. J. Emlyn ...


... The supply of cattle was larger, but that of sheep and Jambs about the same as on Monday last. The demand was very slow for both cattle and sheep at much lower prices. Fat lambs were in good request at full prices, but middling were dull and lower. Beef 7d. to S'd. mutton 6d. to 7|d. per lb. lambs 2^s. to 4os. each. There were at market 1,452 cattle, and 8,459 sheep. ...