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... ASHES SORROWVS OF HYPSIP YLE.-. TuE drama of Hypsipyle has some very poetical details, in which a classical terseness of expression is happily combined with the dainty imaginativeness of modern minstrelsy. The versification is flowving and sweet, and for the most part thoroughly English in its forms there are but a few places where the study of lyrical variety has induced an equivocal or ...


... IJIo~HN T . i ~{ t r .71 7777777 ?? 1 t (IO110 QOPB 5P5OWhZ. CO83RSPOIDBNT)- l. ':.Whenji little befor six o'6lock, the news of the attdpta on the life Aof l the EmlExperor of Russia becameknown along the outer circle of the Exhi- 1 bitios-,tthe people were pouring out, undei; thi' g*eencalanopy. It was very fortunate that the I event did not take place and become known at ani epA ier hour, ...


... PIUltc. he- 7 ROYAL ITALUX OPERA. nd La SonMambula was performed here lan- 4;. he for the first and only time this season,with Mdlle. ?? at Patti in one of her most charming inmpersonatic.j_7 ng of Amina-and Df. Petit, for the firnt tine, as U 4.. nd Of all Bellini's operas La Sonnarmbula is that in si - ry genius is most truthfully, and therefore muwt succe,, QP developed. The genial grace of ...