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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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-----O'rcdcsiiasficat jntfUigcncc

... O'rcdcsiiasficat jntfUigcncc. CONSECRATION OF ST. PETER'S CHURCH, KENSINGTON. -On Saturday the Bishop of London consecrated the new church of St. Peter's, Kensington. The new church, which is a spacious and handsome structure, is situated in Onslow Gar- dens, and is designed for a rapidly growing district. THE REV. HENKY CHRISTOPHERSON, who has for many years held a very high position as a ...


... On Saturday forenoon, about half-past eleven, an awful ailway accident took place at Walton Junction, where the ,oudon line branches to Chester, halt a mile from Warrington, rhe 10.23 train from Liverpool to Birmingham and London elt Bank Quay Station ar 11.25, and on approaching Walton function the driver salv ahead a coal traiu, which efforts were leing made to shunt on to the Chester line. ...


... PETTY SESSIONS.—MONDAY. (Before C. H. Williams, and E. W. David, Esqs.) THE NUISANCE AT THE MAINDY SOAP WORKS. On Monday last Messrs. Thomas and Wm. Williams, owners of the above property, were summoned for a nuisance alleged to exist there, on the complaint of the Inspector of Nuisances for that district. Mr. Major and Mr. Gerrett, agent of the Messrs. Ticel, were also summoned at the same ...


... The deliveries in London made up for the week were 1,293,134 lb., being an decrease of 11,238 Ib., compared with the previous statement. ...

& $toai[dtan

... CARDIFF, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1867. LOCAL MATTERS. THE revellers in local intelligence will have had an uncommon treat in the perusal of our pages this and last week. What with reports of a pro- tracted meeting of the Town Council, of the monthly meeting of the Watch Committee,of a spe- cial meeting of the Infirmary for determining the mode in which its Funds shall be increased, and of the ...


... Pigs, it is said, are a happy people. We may talk disparagingly about living like a pig, but it is nevertheless true that to live like a pig is to live like a gentleman. Although it is not permitted by the order of Nature that a pig should laugh cr even smile, he enjoys the next blessing of humanity—the dispo- sition to grow fat. How easily he goes through the world He has no fancy stocks ...


... According to a circular of Messrs. Colchesters and Woolnpr, there has been little alteration in the price of tallow during the past week; but a fair business has been done both in settlements of the month and for the end of the year. The latest advices from St Petersburg state that the exchange had declined to 32!d., an i the price for August delivery to 49 silver roubles, with band money. No ...


... TO COEBESPONDENTS. -Correspondents requested to favour us with —communications as early in the week as possible, are obliged, every week, to omit many coinmu- ions which would appear if we received them be JThursday. °\iot undertake to return rejected correspondence titers send us anything they deem important they td preserve a copy. ...


... To the Independent Electors OF THE VXITED liOltOt'GH OF MERTBYR TYDFIL, VAYNOR, AND ABERDAKE. GR.xTT.EMrx,—Tho House of Commons having agreed unanimously to accord to our Borough a Sccoifil Repre- sentative, this just measure may he considered as ensured, and, encouraged by the ilatteiing requsitions I have received from so large and influential a proportion of the Constituency, I venture ...

[No title]

... APPEAI. BGSIKKSS OF THE COURT OP CHANCERY.— What is to become of the appeal business of the Court of Chancery ? is an inquiry constantly upon the lips of members of the leg-al profession. Nothing short of a miracle can re- lieve the courts from the existing pressure uefore the long vacation, even th0ngh its commencement should be postponed for weeks. But notwithstanding the numerous arrears, ...

——————_——————————————————— ! GLAMORGANSHIRE QUART Ell SESSIONS

... GLAMORGANSHIRE QUART Ell SESSIONS. ( Continued from ovr 1th TRIALS OF PRISONERS. MALIC10VSLY AT GALLTGAER. John Humphrey Jones, 21, collier, Samuel Sims, 25, collier, were charged with maliciously wounding Henry James Lewis, at Gellygaer, on the 25th March, 186i. Mr. Bowen appeared for the prosecution. A right was going on at Gallygaer on the day in question, and the prosecutor went to put a ...