... [Prom our eCowprennt.] PAins, June 20, A FymenD of mine, who is obliged to be very careful as to what he eat;, drinks and puts on, having a weak digestion, and being most uasceptible of influenza colds, is annually taken with what he calls the back- woods fever. It comes on with great regularity about this time of y. ar, and generally leata until the arrival of cool weather. The symptoms of ...


... I The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess mi of PruncI, with ?? royal children, will shortly repayr W al Hiisdroy, in the Wsie of Woklne, in the Baltic. They in. or tend spending the autumn at the Chaie of Erdansdorf, or In Seilae. ho Their ?? fighnesses the Counit de Paris do and the Dule and Duchss ?? honoured Prances ad Countest Wdldegrave1 and the Right Ron, Chloheeter For- e. tencut, M.P. ...


... HER A HYESTY'S THEA TRE. TaRE opera of Marta has served to exhibit Mdlle. Nilsson to us mn anew character. This delightful vocalist has now thoroughly ingratiated herself mith the London public and is welcomed, as soon as she appears on the stage, with such applause as is reserved for special favourites alone. A homely moralist has said that we should judge of our friends not so much by the ...


... NEWV BOOKS' AND NVEWV EDITIONS. From Messrs. Houlston and Wright we have received, in one handsome, carefully printed volume, Kentish Lyrics, Sacred, Rural, and Miscellaneous, by Benjamin Gough, author of Lyra Sabbatica. The writer tells us that the success of Lyra Sabbatica induced him to publish these lyrics. He had been wiser had he printed no more than half of them. Up to page ito ...


... BIRMINGIIAM YGSIOAL FESTIVAL. A meeting of tho Gertral Committee of the Birmingham ucical Flefitival Wagauld at the Town Hall, on Statrday. 'he Right Hen, 2Oat Earl Ieauribamnp presided. There vere present: The Mayor (hr. G. Dixon), Major Ratioiff, Ir. Wade, ROT. G. D. Boyle, Rev. Fi'. G. Leduam, Captain i , a nd Messrs. T. Xenriek, R. PRy=T, W. J. Beale, V. Sharp, 71. Hall, W, I, Ellis, G. A. ...


... A.TSI i TRm LuI' AND Lurrfle or' FLORINOE MWCa^, ,lay REAan, TANIsT or CARaruY, MC;xrARt Mon By DANiEL M'0AuTiY GLAS, of GlePra.A. (ioroin. (Longman, Gre on, a' o. ndoa lodges acd Smnith, Dublin).-The uniea of good family histories otemany and vuioun. In thoe frst place, they are excellent illustrations of general his' tory, inasmrih as the history of a fw families .1 high Yank is the history ...


... BIRMINGEAM ROSE SHOW. The sixth annual show of Roses will take plaoe in ?? Ilal, on Thursday next, and will Continuo two days, closing at eight o'clock on Friday evening. The Herali states that here Is every reason to expect that, notwithstanding th i snatowarduese of the season in many respects, it will be an ?? fine show. The days fixed upon seem, so far as It is possible to tell, to be well ...


... t4uott. ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA. The perforsutnncos here on Saturday night con- aisted of thbte over iurc and second act of Auber's Masa- *elto; andl (for tho first time this season) the Brothers RiCcias cqmic opera Csuispin e la Yamare. Auber's melol. dious and brillianit. overtue was, as usual, splendidly played by tle hnluiraible band of this establishment; and the detached portion of the opera ...


... THE PARIS EX11BITION. (rIOSI OUR SPECIAL OORhSPONDENT.) PARIS, SATURDAY. The British commission is engaged in the solu- tion of a difficult problem. Given a tumbler-full of water, how is it to be all poured into a liqueur4 glass? There are some hundreds of English royal commissioners, commissioner delegates, government reporters, and chairmen of juries, many of whom have given a considerable ...


... (Prom Le Follet.) As a very favourite costume of the present season, we must mention the thin white dresses worn over skirts of coloured silk. Nothing can bs more elegant, as the coloured lining breaks the monotony of the white without detracting from its charm. For very young ladies, the under skirt is made generally of batiste, in which case the skirt should be lightly trimmed -an insertion ...


... THE BENGAL FAil/lAVE BLUE BOOK. A BILKY volume of official correspondence relating to the recent famine in Bengal and Orissa has been published by order of Parliament, and %v-e have explored its contents in the hope of finding therein some sufficient reason for modifying the adverse judgment which we have passed upon the conduct of the Government of Bengal. But we regret to say that the w hole ...


... THE FESTIVAL OF CORPUS CHRISTI IN HROME. I . . . .. . . , . - .. . ?? .. To the great festival of Corpus Domini, which is always the most magnificent Jesta of the Ruman year, additional splendour was lent this edy week by the great concourse of ecclesiastical dignitarip-i whi have responded to the invitation of the Holy F'ther to repair t. Rome for the 18th centenary of the mrar tyrdom of St. ...