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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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J açaI Jntclligqttcc

... C'UR LETTER Box.—A sullen discontent has pervaded oar literary stuff during the past week. Man is essentially an imitative animal, however original a genius he may be in many respects. When a multitude of letters are despatched to our officials from esteemed correspondents, constant readers, and old subscribers, requesting that the Guardian should until further orders be forwarded to ...

[No title]

... TREDEGAR. THE BLAINA IRON WORKS.—A Meeting of the creditors of Messrs. Levick and Simpson lias been held in London, when the inspectors reported that they were unable to dis- pose of the works by public auction. It was resolved to carry on the concern for another three months, and unless a purchaser in the meantime be found, the property will be sold in lots. It is reported that Air. Levick is ...

Ifapti JWflligmt

... COL. CRICHTON STUART has paired with the Hon. Captain Windsor-Ch-e, from Monday next, for the remainder of the Session. The Treasurer of the Infirmary, W. D. Bushell, Esq., has received the sum of £4 4s. Od., collected at the Tabernacle, by the Rev. N. Thomas, for the benefit of the Infirmary. Great preparations are being made. for the ensuing meeting of the Cambrian society, which has fixed ...


... The supply of cattle and sheep was larger, but that ot lambs less than on Monday last. There was a slow demand for each, at much lower prices for cattle and sheep. There were at market 1,520 cattle, and 13,250 sheep and lambs. Beef, 6td. to 8d.; mutton, 6d. to 71d. lamb, 7d. to 8d. per lb. ...


... 3R. GLADSTONE AND THE FUNCTIONS OF THE PRESS. L. his speech at the dinner of the Newspaper Press Bid, on Saturday, Mr. Gladstone referred as follows to te duty performed by writers for the newspaper press the public: But besides that debt there is another citation which we owe, not to the reporters, but to the Tiers for newspapers, and I frankly confess that withdthem I do not know how we ...

lowfoit Jltankk

... lowfoit CORN MARKET.—Monday. The arrivals of foreign wheat were good; other grain moderate. Exports, 816 qrs. oats and 163 cwt. Hour. English wheat, 2,731 qrs.; foreign, 20,699 qrs. There were scarcely any fresh samples this morning on the Essex and Kentish stands; yet the forceing weather produced a neglected market. While choice Dantsic wheat, from its scarcity, was full priced, inferior ...


... This lady, who has been arguing her own case lately before the House of Lords, asks the Pall Mall Gazette to print verbatim a passage of her speech on Friday. She says, 1 have never voluntarily sought to wound anyone's feelings, and the necessity for the observations which I did make was forced upon me by the opposite side. These are the words to be substituted for what appeared in our report ...


... MONDAY.—(Before R. 0. Jones, James Pride, aud Win A lexauder, Esqrs.) j remand charged with stealing a pair of boots from the shop of Mr. Jones, of Bute-street. The boots were found at the shop of Mr. Phillip-, of Bute-street. The girl's mother, a vivacious specimen of her race, protested that she and her husband had set a good example to the girl, and if she had done wrong she must suffer for ...


... 12TH GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. Orders for the lfeek ending July 20, 1807. Monday—Recruit Drill—8 p.m., Armoury —Plain Clothes, Rifles, Side Artus, Wednesday—Company Drill—S.oO p.m., Drill Hall— Undress Uniform, Rifles, Side A.rms. Friday—Recruit Drill—8 30p.m., Armoury—Plain Clothes, Rifles, Side Arms. Class Firing every day except Thursday. OFFICERS FOH THE WEEK. Lieut..James, Segt. Thomas, ...


... CARMARTHEN. P RESBYTERIAN COLLEGE, CARMARTHEN.—The annual examination of the above institution commenced on Mon- day, June 24tli, and was continued for four successive days. Alderman Lawrence and the liev. R. Brook Aspland, formed the deputation from the Presbyterian Board, London, and were assisted in the different branches by the Revs. E. Higginson, Swansea, and T. Thomas, Llan. dysil. On ...

D 0 VV L A I S . I

... OKiGlNAL LOltUlCSPOND. JN UK. iDDKUSgED TO TIITJ The Boifor if not r.-s*|>(MKs!>:« lor tun oian is .,f i-m Oorrcs,? >a--k its Mil. FOTHEUGtLL AND THE PEMBROKESHIRE ELECTION. SlR,—Permit me to say. through your paper, that I did not say. at any time, that I had carefully inquired, or that I had at an inquired, into the correctness of the report of Mr. Fothergill having voted for a Tory in ...