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... A nice, ing of tho shareiiol 'org ot the Uank of Ben- g 1 was hel l on the 17th inst., at which a resolution Was unanimously adopts I in favour of amalgamation with the Bank of Bombay It is understood, however, that the Government will not sanction amalgamation, u-.iiii satis fie I i the ve-coiistruction of the Bank of Bombay is impossible. Sf loot. A•i:.—tn the schools in Great Brifcian ...


... FHE ADJOURNED INQUEST ON THE III BODY OF MARTHA THOMAS. The second adjourned inquest took place 011 Tuesday last, .),t the Prince of Wahs Inn, before Cox Davies, Esquire, coroner. W. R. Smith, Esquire, attended to watch the case on behalf of a clergyman in the district. Ti e names of the jurymen having been called over, and the previous evidence having been read, a letter was then put in from ...


... The wide heath at Wimldedou is once more aa arena for ritle competitors, audun Monday, for the first time this year, the National littie Association opened its enclosure to Volunteers and the public. Captain Drake, the engineer ofiieer in charge, had this year to rind camp accommodation for 17 regiments, where last year eight were supposed to tax to the utmost the available space Captain ...


... DEPARTURE OF THE SULTAN. The Sultan, attended by Djemil Pasha, Reouf Pasha, Lord Raglan, and Mr. Moore, with General Hon. A. N. Hood and Colonel H. Ponsonby, theequerries in atten- dance, on horseback, drove out on Monday morning and visited the Prince and Princess of Wales at Marl- dance, on horseback, drove out on Monday morning and visited the Prince and Princess of Wales at Marl- borough ...

[No title]

... APPEAI. BGSIKKSS OF THE COURT OP CHANCERY.— What is to become of the appeal business of the Court of Chancery ? is an inquiry constantly upon the lips of members of the leg-al profession. Nothing short of a miracle can re- lieve the courts from the existing pressure uefore the long vacation, even th0ngh its commencement should be postponed for weeks. But notwithstanding the numerous arrears, ...

——————_——————————————————— ! GLAMORGANSHIRE QUART Ell SESSIONS

... GLAMORGANSHIRE QUART Ell SESSIONS. ( Continued from ovr 1th TRIALS OF PRISONERS. MALIC10VSLY AT GALLTGAER. John Humphrey Jones, 21, collier, Samuel Sims, 25, collier, were charged with maliciously wounding Henry James Lewis, at Gellygaer, on the 25th March, 186i. Mr. Bowen appeared for the prosecution. A right was going on at Gallygaer on the day in question, and the prosecutor went to put a ...

[No title]

... SUMMER ASSIZES' 1867- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Commission of N isi Prius and Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery for the COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN, will be holden at CARDIFF, on TUESDAY, the 16th day of JULY next, before the Right Honourable Sir FITZliOY KELLY, Knight, Chief Baron of Our Lady the Queen, of Her Court of Exchequer, at AVestminster, and the Honourable SIR WILLLUI FRY ...


... The weekly meeting of this Board was held 0:1 Satur- day, E. W. David, Esq., in the chair. The report of the Master stated that there we>2 -95 inmates, being an increase of 2'J over the corresponding week of last year. The report of Mr. Harris, Master of the Industrial Schools at Ely, stated that there were inmates, being an increase of 411 over the corresponding week of last year. There were ...


... BRITISH SCHOOLS. IT affords us infinite gratification to chronicle in another column, the auspicious event of laying the foundation stone of the British Schools in Mer- thyr, which took place yesterday. Considered locally it should arouse feelings of pleasure in the breast of every admirer of secular education but considered nationally it lias a far wider importance. In these days of ...


... ABERDARE. Crucxi-T MATCH.—The Merthyr a-id Aberdire cricket clubs had a frieadly m itch on T.iursday l ist, on the Aber- darc ground Moithrr club proved victors, in their first intung-i, having made sixty-eijut runs, whilst in both innings of the Abjul uv club their score only amounted to sixty-seven. The return maten will come off at Merthyr in a few d iys, and if til vt will piss as pleasant ...


... An order was receive) at Chatham, on Monday, authorising an additional Id. per dn v..besi les the^ 1. already granted, to be pid I to those- non-commissioned ofii-.ers and men*v.ho enlisted rior to the passi g of the Limited Enlistment Act, 1?-W. 1 he whole of the troups at the garrison have been paid the additional 2d. per dav,'aad tho non-commissioned officers and men who have re Unlisted 3d ...


... The Clerk agreed with th;it. He thought if they in. Cre;¡8etl his salary according to that kind of work in a shorfc time they would he p yi'ig tuu much. After a short discussion, the resolution applying to tlic case was read, and was to tho effect tint the bill of the Clerk shoulll be paid subject to the sanction of the Poor Law Board., and that their approval should be applied for accur,lind ...