... TJ[EATRE ROYAL. It is gratifying to find that the atern business of political warfare, in which Birmingham iH noew # earnestly absorbed, has so little influence on the public taste for gecn, or and more humaniaing pursuits, and that it is possible f jr m em - bers of the snse community to take very opposite views of rival election candidates like Dixon and Lloyd without abating a jot of their ...


... B IMIEIGHAM CATTLE AND POULTRY I SHoW. A meeting of the Council of the Bsingbanham Cattle and Poultry Show was held at the Queen's Hotel, yesterday, at noon. Mr. H. Luokecek presided, and there were also present the Mayor (Mr. T. Avery), Messrs. J. Mathews, IL Adkins, G. C. Adkins, W. B. Mapplebeok, J. Smith, T. 1. Wright, T. Brn-man, J. Shackel, F. Sabin, T. Bur- bidge, J. Lowe, R. C, Chawner ...


... MR. BOMB, THE SPIRIT A R. ,O AIT STOIRY .I : ?? For some time past Mlr. D. D. Homie;, the .oele. brated Spiritualist, has been staying atMilvern, under the oare o, Dr. Gully. 4 One day laste r Mr. -Home suddenly disappeared from the neigh. r, bourhood, and the next we hear of the gentle- man whose faoe had 'bacomei 'te ?? at hfalvern and wi e nnwUVWor'eat'er, Lis of -his being Aprisoner. A ...


... I The ships which constituted the fleet 4o bef .re'viewed were moored in two-lines, e'0-,eudlna 68 nearly east aud west from within a 531.ot distauce oi of the Spit buoy to a, little bsy'.ad Ryae pir. PC The port, or left hauddivislor, lo~klng eoasward, of consisted entirely of woode- a vessels, while the star-F board line was ?? etirely of ironclado. 'The la whole fleet was up ,e the comand ...


... THE EXHlBlTfON OF IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINES AN THE ROYAL NORTfHE, N SOCIETY'S S H 0 W. . THUER can be no doubt but that the exhibition of Imple- Iments and Machines, accompanied by the awarding of prizes for the same, at the meetings of our leading agricultural societies, has been of essential service alike to the imple- 1 ment maker and to the farmer; and it is a matter of regret rthat this ...


... I , I The eighth raidd final concert of the fifty-fifth season tok place 14b; ight, with the following pro-, g 6 0 3 0 Pis I. ex S*mphony Ina C minotn r,0°j Ho. 5 . Ilt~e~ag eethovers. va Milie. Chfstine Ndilhson . ?? . o. to Condsrtol1or Pinoforte, No. 4j Op. 70, piVCo-, forte, Herr RubiDstein ?? ?? Rubinsteln. ht ; dec. Aria , sunse 'alfin 'Deh i sc non tarelar (Le Nozze d iipgro), Mdlle. ...


... FASHION AND 'VARIETIES. f. THE EMPAESS OF THE FRENCE. poRT4MOVT11, JtIJ.Y 2.-Thoe Empress of the French errived at Portsnmouth lecterday, and apout nearly two jours in the place, but the presence of so dl3tingaighed a visitor wait known osly to very few persOns. The inpe- ,ii a3icht Rteins ortense reached Spithead esarier tG n vwas anticipated, having made tbe rnn from ifavre in eight boors, ...


... l _ _ I _ - ,; ' l i VIfIT OF THE XMPRE8 OF Tli FRENCHR TO -ENGLAND.- PoRTMf0ouTH, Jury 22.-hler Majesty the Empress v Eugenje arrived at Osborne thsle afternoon on a Visit to her I Majesty the Queen. The Earl oi Bective, M.P., an4 the Ladies d Taylour have arrived at the Bilton Hot9l from London. el Lord Cloncurry anld suite left .Kingatown on i Monday, for England. Lord Talbot de Malahide ...


... ARMAGH MONTHLY FAIR, I rrl.. . ?? ,. ?? .. ?? ?? . _ . lrt( Ty the )01. Iol Ind AL eti. sny Op. 01 oat oat In las, the rot the lot. of e, of ae lit 'or he 11,. 51. te bt my d ; I, A ;t2d ot a I, a .i. r ?i ?? suply of cattle at this fair, on Thursday, wan Icunusualiy large ?? season; but from an early h boer it was apparent that prices would have a down. Ward tendency, which may in some ...


... MAGAZINES, &C., rOR JuLY. Blackwood.-From a review in this month's number of A New Life of Napoleon I., we extract the following friendly estimate of the imperial career of his nephew- NAPOLEON Ill. AND THE SECOND EMPIRE.. Taught by historical lessons, the day has perhaps arrived when France is able to contemplate the character of Napoleon I. without psejudice or par- tiality. Such a ...


... PUBLI.C AMUSEMENTS. ?? Tb TlE. This theatre was re-opened on Saturday evening, 11 under the management of Mr.' Hermann Vezin, on s] which occasion A new drama, by Mr. W. G. Wills, alreadyfavourably known. as a& novelist;, ris pro- Pi duced. It is called The Msan o'Airzie, and the plot w consists of some singular passages in the life of a tI Scotch poet. The story may be briefly told, James b ...


... [Prom our eCowprennt.] PAins, June 20, A FymenD of mine, who is obliged to be very careful as to what he eat;, drinks and puts on, having a weak digestion, and being most uasceptible of influenza colds, is annually taken with what he calls the back- woods fever. It comes on with great regularity about this time of y. ar, and generally leata until the arrival of cool weather. The symptoms of ...