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Jfomtott Jtaivets

... CORN MARKET.—MONDAY. There was a heavy supply of Russian oats last week. The arrivals of wheat and other grain were moderate. Exports, 100 cwt. of flour. English wheat, 1,951 qrs., foreign 5,995 qrs. Scarcely any fresh samples ap- peared this morning from Kent or Essex, and prices were consequently maintained. The consumption being thrown upon foreign supplies, there was rather more doing in a ...


... CAEDIFF POLICE COURT. MONDAY.—(Before R. O. Jones, and Jas. Pride, Esqrs.) BEATING A SHOEBLACJL-Michael Derapsey was charged with assaulting John Donovan, a shoeblack. The prisoner asked him to clean his boots. As lie finished the prisoner ran off, when complainant pursued him aud asked him for his penny. Prisoner gave complainant a bad tire-shilling piece, and to!d him to get change for it. ...

Jurtign Jjlftisiijirtaitptii

... A MAGNIFICENT painting by Vandyke, representing St. Cecilia, has just been brought to light in restoring the old church of Cachlevocb, between Beelo and Bersel, in Belgium. AN alarming accident occurred a few days back in the Casino at Marseilles. Two American gymnasts, brothers, named Howard, were going through their performance, hanging by their hands to a ladder fixed horizontally near the ...


... TO COKllESPOXDENTS. We have omitted the letter of .T. 11. His argument is based upon an erroneous impression. The gentleman he alludes to has received an University education and training, and his examination won considerable honour. Lay of the Rejected One.—In our next. Our Correspondents are requested to favour us with their communications as early in the week as possible. as we are ...


... PARIS, July 5.- The Muniteur says the assassina- tion of the Emperor Maximillian will arouse a feeling of universal horror. The act of infamy ordered by Juarez stamps on the heads of those who call them- selves representatives of the Mexican Republic an ineffaceable stigma. The reprobation of all civilised nations will be the first punishment of a Government which has at its head such a ruler. ...

[No title]

... IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS.—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething, is perfectly harmless. It pro- duces natural, quiet sleep, by relieving the child from pain and the little cherub awakes, as bright as a button.' It cures wiud, colic, and regulates the bowels, gives rest to the mother, and health to the child. It has been thirty years in use in America, and is now sold in this ...


... METEOROLOGICAL REPORT.—Jcne. PEXIYKCH. Latitude Sl^l'N. Longitnle. 3°15'\Y. Height of receiver Above ground 1ft- li°- of rain gauge Above sea level 100ft. 5~Z~? Thermometer i s = mum. mum. »r \Qy? s o.j 1 .30*1^ &'> v\V. 2 0.-J ST 3nl 29-03 70 *3 X.X.WV 2 +3 N.W. 5 '6 u-3b 2 5th 29'o9 o-2 4,5; W.X.WJ o y !°-0i 9 etii ^y-79 62 -30 w.. 5 81 IU-18 0 7th -29-aO dJ N.W. 6 7o ...


... It is a sinsrular fact that there are now actually three baronets Prof siors at Oxford—Sir F. Ouselev, Music, Sir B. Brodie, Oiemistry atid Sir F. H. Doyle, Pott'}'. On Saturday it was confidently reported in Westminster Hall that Dr. Travels Twiss, Q.C., would be the new Dean of Arches, in the place of Dr. Lushiiigtoii. The Solicitor's Journal learns from a trustworthy source that the ...


... ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR. I he Editor is not responsible for the opinions of his Correspondents. PONTYPRIDD FRIEND-IN-NEED SOCIETY. SSijj,.—Ssij^ee the demise of the Friend-in-need Society the numerous members of the same were at a non-plus as to their future necessities. Upwards of two thousand had placed implicit confidence in the stability of the society, and more so in their agent, Mr. D. ...


... On Monday morning, an inquest was held at the Queen's Hotel, Manchester, to inquire into the cause of the death of Mr. Alfred Raumgarten, merchant, who wag found dead in his bed-room at the above-name 1 hotel,under the following extraordinary circumstances: —Finding the deceased did not leave his be 1-rooin the chamber-maid procured a second key, and on entering the room was almost suffocated ...


... FHE ADJOURNED INQUEST ON THE III BODY OF MARTHA THOMAS. The second adjourned inquest took place 011 Tuesday last, .),t the Prince of Wahs Inn, before Cox Davies, Esquire, coroner. W. R. Smith, Esquire, attended to watch the case on behalf of a clergyman in the district. Ti e names of the jurymen having been called over, and the previous evidence having been read, a letter was then put in from ...


... The wide heath at Wimldedou is once more aa arena for ritle competitors, audun Monday, for the first time this year, the National littie Association opened its enclosure to Volunteers and the public. Captain Drake, the engineer ofiieer in charge, had this year to rind camp accommodation for 17 regiments, where last year eight were supposed to tax to the utmost the available space Captain ...