... AXASIMOABL, SWI1914ER'8 .. ,. HoCAREER- :At the Middlebsex wseissions on Tuesday, a well. - . known swindler, who passesi himself off, with a BC Dundreary style of address, as Captain Logan, just returned from India,, was indicted for obtain.; Lr Ls rrg by false pretenoe two.valuable fur oloaks for' Pw his-wife, who'stiffered 'from the;,change of' Ec climate. IThe proseoatrix was :a ...


... ORMBKIRBK & SOUTlHORT AGRICULTURIAL, FLORAL, & H HORTI- CULTUBAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. Yesterday the eleventh annual show of the my. Oimerkirk and Southport Agricultural, Floral tO l and Horticultural Society was held in a field belongig to Mr. Bryera, of the Royal Hotel, in Stt. Helen's-road, Ormokirk. Whatever unfavour. f to able anticipations had been oreated by the weather iged durig the ...


... PUJBLIo AMiu MFjnS, &a. 3oya Alexandra Theatre.-. A Gname of R0V` O'cate ' and IIA. S. 8. Rtoyal Amphltheatre.- That Blessed Baby, Pad The Great CitY. New Adelghi Theatre.-The Drunkard: Luat Hai- Donny rook Fair, and The Sailor joyal Colosseum Theatre. - The* 'False M&othIr, Milnuti; the Forebt Child, Ch.ttrel wroupo, &c. t. ?? l.I The Serfl,fdKA Pygmalion. New Star MUsiC ...


... ffluotc. I THE HEREFORD MUSICAL FESTIVAL. (FrOM OUR SPECUAL ConUPONDET.) HEREFORD, TnHusDAY. The third morning's performance commenced to- day at half-past eleven, by which time the nave of the cathedral was quite filled by the most numerous audience yet assembled at the present festival per- formances. On this occasion was produced the new sacred pastoral Ruth, composed expressly for this ...


... I :~ .. .. _, . I. I WATmiIOoD, MolDAY.-From theinflux ol blyera cn yesterday and this morning it was apparent to the most disinterested observer that a dear and busy fair wecuidbe the renult, Traiaations began about five b'clocun aud untit ten W uyers lmv emen iadiapsed't catgle . nex s the hecond bid was acelpted roo was made for a new ma) , but after the latte r hour p perceptible dulneg s ...


... HEREFORD IMUSICAL FESTIVAL. Tum one hundred and forty-fourth musical festivall I given by the three choirs of Hereford, Gloucester, Iand WNorcester, for the benefit of the widows and orphans of clergymen of the three dioceses,' is to beheld this year at the first-mentioned city, and to commence to-morrow (Tuesday). It bids fair to ba one of the most prosperous on record. Already all the ...


... ThEATRE ROYAL, NEWOASTLE. After a lapse of seven weeks, during which time the interior of the building has been thorougblyre-decora- ted and variousimportant alterations have been made, this Theatre was r e-opened on Monday evening. The proprietors had employed Mr C. J. J'hipps. of Lon- don, to design the new decorations, and to superin- tend the execution of the works generally. The de- ...


... (FROM OUR SPECIAL COUESPOR ODENT.) When Archidamus, son of Agesilaus, beheld a b dart to be shot from an engine newly brought out 0 of Sicily, we are told that he cried out-' Oh Hercules ! the valour of man is at an end. Ever d since has the world been echoing the exclamation a of Archidamus. Every new application of science d to warfare has been met with a cry that science 1' applied to war ...


... I FASHION ANDVARI. I ~ ?? . . .& I ' VIC EGAL COURT.' The Iziy Lientenant, the Ladles Hamilton, and suite aere expected to areive In town from ?? on Thursday texi, The MoWA Noble the Marquis of Sligo hau left the Biiton Hotel for Weitport House, Weatpors, Tho Eartl and Countess of Arran, aud the LadleeGore, (8) have left thc Bilton Hotel ?? The Countess of Milltown nludsuito have ar4 rrived at ...


... TRIPPING DOWN THE FIELD PATH. Tripping down the field-patb, Early in the morn, There I met my own love, 'Midst the golden corn. Autumn winds were blowing, As in frolic chase, All her silken ringlets Backward from her face. Little time for speaking Bad she for the wind Bonnet, scarf, or ribbon, Ever swept behind. Still some sweet improvement In her beauty shone; Every graceful movement Won me ...


... E USIAND'S REQUEST. (FOSm Chambers'e Jowuaa, Love me with a heart of love Every act of mine therein Dipped in life must be; WVhen it seems to others sin, Thou some edge shalt se Sheiling lovelier sheen inwovo. Bear mne on a breast of faith Every arrow pain may shoot, Bringisjg bitter word; From its snowy warmth uproot, As It were unheard, As it knew not what it saith. Be my borne-contented ...


... B IM I GAIM MUSiCAL FESTIVAL, j l' i 9' ' D A Y. H gTORNINlG PERFORMANCE. The character, object, and prospoots of the twenty- ninth Trieoflia1 Festlval, which opened yestorday under th nes oncouraging auspices, has been so fully and Racertlv canvassed by autiolpatlon in these columns, ihat further introduction on the present occasion !ould be siurply superfluous. Everyone by this time fisn r ...