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... Some of the London newspapers have reflected very severely upon Mr. Roebuck for the decided stand he has made in the Trades' Commission against the offensive language of Mr. Coiioily. We give a very different, and we think, more just view of this affair, and we may add that we know it to be from the pen of a warm advocate of the working clashes.—Sheffield and RotJierliani Independent. The ...


... Jitfcttiijtjntc. LONDON, MONDAY, July 15. FRANCE. Much excitement has been caused both in France and Prussia during the last few days by the report that a note of a somewhat peremptory nature had been addressed to Prussia by the French Government in reference to North Schleswig. The Moniteur de Soir of Saturday, noticing the report, declares that there has been no French dispatch delivered or ...

[No title]

... HORRIBLE-IF TRUE.—A hideous accident is stated tj have occurred last week on the Bristol and Exeter Railway. A young gentleman and his wife entered a compartment at Taunton, in which there were no other passengers, and shortly after the train had start,d were roused by a crash of glass, and beheld the bloody face of a lead man, which had been violently forced through the plate glass of the ...


... The usual weekly meeting of the above board was held on Saturday last as usual, at the Union Work- house, the chairman, E. W. David, Esq., presiding. There was a large attendance of town and country guardians, as there were some questions of interest for consideration. THE CONSUMPTION OF LAUDANUM. Mr. Edwards, surgeon, in accordance with a previous request ruade hy the board, attended to ...

Taff Yale Railway Company

... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the SIXTY- THIRD HALF-YEARLY MEETING of the Proprietors of this Company will be held at the ATHENTEUM, Bristol, on TUESDAY, the 27th day of August, 1867. The Chair will be taken at One o'clock p.m. precisely. JAMES POOLE, Chairman. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN, that the Register of Transfers will be Closed from Monday, the 12th day of August, until after the holding ...

[No title]

... There has been' lately produced at Pesth another Hutiyanan opera, by the Baron Felix Orezy. The title is The Renegade. Quite a town has started up beyond Laramie Plains near the supposed line of the Union Pacific Railroad, west of the Black Hills. Madame Ristori has through the Society for theEn- couragement of Dramatic Art at Florence offered a prize for the best comedy. Marie Russler, a ...


... IMPOSING ANNUAL EEVIEW OF THE GLA- MORGAN VOLUNTEERS. The Crumlyn Burrows, situated two miles this side of Swansea, was, by happy forethought, selected as the theatre for the annual Review of our county volunteers. This review, which has for several years, been held at Aiargam and other localities, is considered by all volunteers to be the grand climax of their self-imposed and iovallabours ...

... We find that business is in much the same condition as last week. Several large vessels have entered both the Bute Docks and Penarth Harbour during the week, and more are anticipated. The trade of the port is expected to recover considerably in the course of a week or two. EXPORTS. JULY 27. Cadiz. Frankfort, s, 550 coal, Insole and Son, W Y Edwards St. Nazaire, Black Duck, s, 740, Coffin and ...


... Human glory is not always glorious. have had their calumnators, the worst their pane- gyrists. ORIGIN OF HUVAN ENJOYMENT. — The discovery of the chief sources of human enjoyment has ever been .attn. buted to some fabulous origin. True honour is that which refrains to do in secret what it would not do openly; and, where other laws are wanting, imposes a law upon itself. POETRY. — A proof of the ...


... DISASTROUS FIRE AT ST. KITT'S. ISLAND ST. KITT'S, JULY 11. A fire more completely destructive, at least in rela- tion to the area over which its devastations raged, than any other we have yet had to record, has laid waste the flourishing town of Basseterre, depriving its 7000 or 8000 inhabitants in one night of shelter, food, and all the other necessaries and conveniences of life. The town is ...

[No title]

... The Hon. H. G. Elliot, now minister at Turin, is ap- pointed to succ-ee I Lord Lyons as ambassador at Con- stantinople. The Queen has appointed Count Gleichen Governor and Constable of Windsor Castle. Washington expects to erect 1,500 new dwelllngs this season. About 2,000 miles of railroad are being constructed in Minnesota. The coloured men in portions of the South are agita- ting for a ...

3tw[at Jntqlligi^?

... LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL SERVICES. Aug. 4.-SUNDAY. Morning Prayer. Venite-52. Daily Tsalms-27. Te Deum-9, 2. Benedictus-7, Double. Introit. Hymn-139. Kyrie- Aldrlch in G. Hymn—151. Afternoon service at half-past three. Daily Magnificat and Xunc Dimittis, -Aldrich in G. Anthem- Praise the Lord-Hayes. Hymn 168, two first and two last verses. Litany and Sermon at 7 o'clock in the evening. Hymns 136, ...