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South Wales, Wales


Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... THE PAY DAY.—On Saturday last the usual pay jtook place, and every thing connected with it passed off gatis- factory. THE ENGINEER OF THE WORKS.—We understand that Mr. Fairnburn, from the North of England, has been ap- pointed the engineer of the works instead of Mr. Moyle, who has resigned his appointment in consequence of ill- health, and goes to the south of France. THE WATER WORKS. —This ...


... (Before E. W. David and F. C. Vachell, Esq.) ILLEGAL HOURS.—Edward Milward, of the Prince of Wales beer bouse, Canton, was fined 20i. including costs, for keeping his house open at illegal hours on the 7th inst. The defendant had been cautioned for the like offence. DRUNK AND RIOTOUS.—Tuscan Davies was charged with being drunk and riotous at Grangetown on the 18th inst. Discharged with a ...


... At the Manchester City Police Court, on two labourers, named William M'Donogh.and Laurence Dolan, were charged with the manslaaght fames M'Evoy. The principal witness was a s p > named Mary Lacy. She saw the prisoner and dece^ed iaoompaa/ in Poll.r,J,»«et httto o olook on Saturday night, one nMrV •, « -it- >» lenge deceased to fight, and the deceas aftp'rand went away as if going home. Afew ...


... The special half-quarterly meeting of this Board was held on Monday.. In the absence of the Mayor Alderman Pride occupied the chair. There were also present, Councillors J. Bird, P. Bird, H. Bowen, T. Evans, J. N. Flint. J. P. Ingledew, D. Jones, R. J. Todd, Dr. Taylor, E. WhifFen, and J. Winstone. The Town Clerk read a letter from the Mayor, re- gretting his being unable to attend the meeting ...

[No title]

... A Crime unparalleled ic the annals of murder has just been brought to light at Senna, near Naples. Some years since a married woman, living at Senna, engaged in a liaison with a goldsmith of the same town. This latteroften told the woman that if she was free he would marry her. She thought the matter over and determined to get rid of her husbaud. How to do so was the question if she killed him ...


... A sad accident, by which five persons^ lost ^heir lives, happened on Thursday evening week, at Flint. Un the chemical works of the well-known firm ofMusprat Co., of Flint and Liverpool, there was a dram used for the purpose of running off waste matter from the works. A boy named Michael Greener, was playing at the top of a shaft 15 feet deep, which had been sunk for the purpose of ventilating ...

[No title]

... IMPORTANT TO JURORS.—On tha 1st of next month a provision in a recent Act of Parliament (30 and 31 Vie. c. 35) will take effect, under which jurors, both in civil and criminal cases, who object to be sworn on religious grounds, can take an affirmation or make a declaration in lieu of an oath, which is to have the same consequence as being sworn. THE QUEEN A TIUITox.-A writer in the Gentleman's ...


... The usual meeting of the Board took place on Thursday, G. Overton, Esq., in the chair. There were present Messrs. W. Jones. D. DWleiJ, G. Martin, E. \V. Scale, D. Williams, J. Jones, R. Harrison, and T. W. Evans. The minutes of the meeting were read and confirmed. SURVEYOR'S REPORTS. As there wa3 no meeting on the 5th inst., there were two reports to be read the first having been prepared for ...


... From Engineering. Dowlais The name of no other place in Britain so strongly and fully expresses the tremendous power of British iron and Brirish coal—a power which has made our country first among the nations of the earth. France has its Crusot, with its fourteen blast-furnaces, and giving em- ployment to ten thousand men Belgium has its Seraing, with five furnaces and extensive workshops, ...

[No title]

... His Grace the Archbishop of Dubiiu left Kingstown on Monday for England. A Tynemonth coble was upset on Monday, and its only occupant, John Ryles, was drowned. THE BIRKENHEAD MURDEK.—The Birkenhead county magistra'e?, on Tuesday, finally committed for trial James Markey, who was charged with tho mur ler and robbery, under the most flagrant and daring cir- cumstances, of Hugh McKabon, a marine ...


... MULTUM IN PARVO. The Grand Duke Michael of Russia is about to pay a visit to the Sultan. M. Mechi is of opinion that our wheat crop must fall short of an average. The Earl and Countess Fitzwilliam have arrived at the Bilton Hotel, Dublin. Marioand Grisi are abont to make an artistic tour in the United States of America. Lord and Lady Rnssell arrived in Dublin on Monday. They left for ...


... Glamorganshire General Agricultural Society. AT a Meeting of the Committee, held the 3rd day of September, 1867, at the Bear Inn, Cowbridge, to consider the desirability of exhibiting HORNED CATTLE at the next Show, to be helden on TUESDAY, the 24th instant,-It was proposed by Mr. John Garsed, and seconded by Mr. William Huntley, That the Resolution passed at a Meeting held on Tuesday, the ...