... The eighth annual exhibition of the Stourbridge and District Horticultural end Floral Society was held at the Corn Exchange, yesterday. The previous Ehows have taken place earlier in the year, and the present one can scorzely be compared with those of former years, from the difflrence of the season in which It is hall. One effect of this was that the show was not so large a one as usual, the ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. &o% I Royal Alexandra Theatre.- Our Domestics, William RU with a Vengeance, and Trying it On. Royal Amplithoatre.- The Corsican Brothers, and - Time and Tide: a Tale of the Thames. Prince of Walea Theatre.- Our Amorloau Cousin, and My ?? Wife. Royal Colosseum Theatre.-Viotorlinc. The Dream of the Revellers, and other EntortaluuIenfte. t JTames's Hall - ...


... LLANFAIRFECIAN. cUi1HOLTICULTURAL SHOW. cml- for This pretty little village presented a most lively aspect Oct on the morning of 5Thursday, the 12th inst. Early in lief the day could be seen men, women, and children, if parading the roads, bearing in their arms divers speci- use mens of garden products, flowers, window plants, &c., seir towards the National Schoolroom, where the show was hat ...


... ; P V-B i I e A M U~JxE M IN Ti ?? 9~4~.3DEN CONQERTS;EVERIt NVEH1NO Ab Eiht. Under. the S0.e Direetlen of Air. 4lohn Russell. Conductor for. ?? 31usicSigner BEttnioshlfor thd'DaA6#Bmdcl, Herr tQoegistO: MvisdlOp.. taoltic mud Mfadilo.SErelbo, upsusrus adutl-ie. I.Vieentaski ?? on, Mir.. Whitearb~tomi005 Ic TIMd Of10 tolerL Ihrdo best a HoethoveUxNight., holt'astom10,,'ymphony, In5 ...


... ROYAL AMPHITHEATE.B. The new domestio drama of The Village Blacksmith was produced at this theatre last eveuing, and, additional attraction was lent to it in consequenco of the appearance of Mr. Samuel Emery, who sastained the part of the blacksmith. The drama conmsts of three acte, the scene in eaoh of which is laid on a Christmaas eve. On the first Chriatmas eve the blacksmith and his ...


... ELIZALE7E/AN DRAMATISTS, No. VJ.-MARSTOT.*k THE dramatists of whom we have spoken hith1eri preceded Shakspeare, or were at least his equals in age and literary standing. Greene indeed speaks contemptuously of him as the only Shakescene in the country, as an upstart crow beautified in the feathers of Greene's own plumrge, as a tiger's heart wrapped in a player's hide, and so forth. But ...


... ` 'THERE are few people whose attention has not at some time or other been arrested by the marvellous wealth of shell fish exhibited daily in the less fashionable quarters of our most populous towns, who have not occasion, ally paused to meditate over the prodigious lobsters, the massive crabs- the myriads upon myriads of shrimps displayed on the slabs of our middle-class fishmongers, who have ...


... EASINhGWOLD AGRICULTURAL SHOW. I The sevenith annual show of the Easingvwold Agricultural Association was held yesterday ill a large field in the occupnttion of Mr. Shiels, of the 3corge Iia. The weather, though cold for the season, was very favourable for the exhibition, which was one of the best since the establiillelit of the society, and it excited a lhugo amount of interest in the ...


... - - li I .- -- - LITERAXURBI _, . Tiia NEW BooK Ox TOIF, OPERAS. By H, W. UrPONr Part II. now ready. Sold by all music. sellers. Oneshifling.-The econtdpartofthischeap and useful book is now ready, containihg the follow. isg ?? Boryia, Norma, Obtron, RM. giletio, La.Fiqlia del Regg'mento, Masanielo, and La Soiinnmbula. There are many who have wishcd for it book of this sort, not only to avoid ...


... | `LIGHTEN OUR DARKNESS, WE BESEECH THEE, 0 LORD. BY PHILIP EDEN. edieated to the Church of St. Ivicilael and All Angels, Covontry. 'hie prayer for Peace is said, the Holy Dove (Oer the bent heads in blessing seems to move; Hiseswith tremulous force the full Amen, Swells to the arching roof, and falls again. Softly It dies, the priestly voice alone Thrills through the solemu hush, with ...


... FLOWER SHOW AT THE BOTANIC . GARDENS. ~e. If we may take as a criterion the great number of ith people who oa ,Wednesday thronged our beautiful er otanie Gardens, the love of botany iniifull is very LoU strong and wide-spread. Of sourse v'e should be te pdown as cynical if we were to hinttihat a taste vas for flowers was not the primary object for which ry ladies flock Uto ,lioral shows, ...


... I ENTERTAINM],NT AT XMLARNEY | . If , OUS . , , I fLLARmpyt, Tktii&Y.- lhe entertainment given by Lady Castlerosie to the children of both sexes at. Ufnding the workhoenee schools, the schools of the Pcesientation lothens, ard those of the Presentation (fr-tvent, and Crmvoeet of Mercy, took place on Mon.. cdy ?? : d ?? crowned with an amount of #dnt ?? ; ?? that4of preoious evepts of former ...