... ; P V-B i I e A M U~JxE M IN Ti ?? 9~4~.3DEN CONQERTS;EVERIt NVEH1NO Ab Eiht. Under. the S0.e Direetlen of Air. 4lohn Russell. Conductor for. ?? 31usicSigner BEttnioshlfor thd'DaA6#Bmdcl, Herr tQoegistO: MvisdlOp.. taoltic mud Mfadilo.SErelbo, upsusrus adutl-ie. I.Vieentaski ?? on, Mir.. Whitearb~tomi005 Ic TIMd Of10 tolerL Ihrdo best a HoethoveUxNight., holt'astom10,,'ymphony, In5 ...


... PROVINCJIAL I!RCATRICALS. ?? OUR owx cORB SP~OllDlXTaS.) ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE, PEOPL.E'S CONCERT HALL~.-(Proprietor, to'. Win. Revill )-The reign- fig stars at this establishment are the wonderful Hticken Family, whose extraordinary acrobatic feats and the gr'acefoil and daring perferasance on revolving pedestals have crested . great sensation in the towvn, and the applause nightly bestowed uope, ...

Published: Sunday 01 September 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 19641 | Page: Page 12, 13, 14 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... Tnd LONDON THEATRES. T 1 L0 _ . ktf the year when all the places open at a petciido ofo dramatic amiusemnent may be counted ~s he ingrs f oe hand, the dramnatic ch~ronicler finds 1psiccl~iaal ecrd reduced to the Smallest compass,. Nes wek ?? ?? THEATRtE will be. reopened by B~r sinng'wih hepopular dramia of The Streets of LI~~lli, ?? fo alinmited nmniber of nighits ; but thle Auii~'i' ~ te ...

Published: Sunday 01 September 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1381 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... PWBLIO AM~USEMENTS. 7ISS KkTE TERRY'S FAREWELL PERFORM- ANCES. But for Miss NIte Terry's farewell prrformanoes at the Adelphi Theatre the dramatic critic would be Eorelv puz zled how to find subject matter whereon to exercise his vocation. Although we are no' amongst those lond, hut Ijudicious,admirers ofthe'young ladywho pronounceher a great genius, snd all her performances perfection: who ...


... REVIEWS OP BOOKS. RFCORDS OF WHITECROSS-STrET2 PRISON-ViC7CerS 317, Strand.- The recor ts of a debtors' gaol, by an e3 e-witnees, must of necessity become a strange and startling compound of the grave and the gay. The work before us contains anecdotes that will raise a smile to tho reader's countenance, and stories of hope- less, helpless misery, that must cause a tear to moisten his eye. At ...

The Agricultural Hall Concerts

... The keenest interest is still shown in reference to these admirable concerts, conducted by Mr. F. Kingsbury. On Monday last, by permission of the several commanding Officers. the bands of the Grenadier, Coldstream. and Scots Fusilier Guards, under the con- trol of Messrs. D., A. F., and C. Godfrey, completely filled the orchestra of the Fairy Palace, and the ef ect of this combination was ...

Published: Sunday 01 September 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1307 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THERBIRMINGHAM MUMICJJJ FESTIVAL , |. The festival opened on Tuesdby with wqatbei as, .hnbt and: genial as tbat which, prevailed dilring lhe 'SEoreford mnsic-seeting Iast veek& At half-psist I teit, sri hour before the time of commencemient, tle i doors of the Town-hall were thrown open, by which Ijrdicious pr6ceeding, and the. 'eieeient arrange- ments made for the approach and admission of a ...


... PUBLIC AKUE1MM -4 ?? numaropas and etuisi~decas sembled at thul theatre on Tijeiday 6eningp, Wit- ndss the d'sqaparnee ii r~i~&ry~ioaih6 character of Juliet, in 'hakspere's ?? representation by its- being thwdlast of 'thd rdiiiark- aible revivals4~hab I ave~rcqentry,,beenr -braught ioet kit thfs hbouse. It is, howover, qpn cgessaryr-for.jnP4 to 'deal with it at any lena-th, as before~thij ...


... BIR33 II!NGHAN MUSICAL FESTIVAL. BIRMINGHAM, TuEbSD,1Y.-It was with great judgment and good taste that the El jak was selected for the opening performance of this Festival. So well known has this oratorio become that it would be as insult to all miusical readers to enter into any analysis of its distiuctive features. It will be more interesting to confine our remarks to the performance of this ...

Published: Sunday 01 September 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3111 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... L I l B R A T U R B. STUDIES BIOGRAPHICAL AND LITERARY. By GEORGE Ross, M.D. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. In a short preface the author explains how, and in what form, these clever essays first appeared They are, in fact, re-written and re-arranged lr-m their nrst form of Lectures, delivered before the members of an Association whose meetings took place, we must suppose, in some ...

Published: Sunday 01 September 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1081 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... COURT AND FASHIONh BALA!ORAL, AUGUST 24-The Queen, Prince and Princess Christian, and Prisce Christian Victor, Princess Louise, Princess Beatrice, and Prinec Leopold, attendedby Lady Churchill, Ludy Susan Melville, the Hlon. Harriet Phipps Ildile. Bauer, and Midlle. Norolle, the Duke of Mlarlborough, Sir fhsonas 2i. Biddulph, Lord Charles Fitzroy, the Bev. Mir. DUckworth, Dr. Jennrr, and ...

Published: Sunday 01 September 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1250 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

Amateurs at Sadler's Wells

... I tie friends and well-wislhers of thlet Tower Hamlets Artillery mustered in greot force on Monday night, and the No, 4 Battery Fund will, we should inmgine, be considerably augmented through the perlormance organised in its special behalf. Lieutenanet- Colonel Marsh and thie Officers were the patrons of the entertain- ments, and the wondering public found Tower Hamlet sentries posted at thle ...

Published: Sunday 01 September 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 548 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture