... LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, AND ART | SCRAPS. 3' Mrs, Alfred Mellon will be the future dircetress at W the Adeliphi Theatre. .S40 Air. Arthiur .v Beckett has resigned the editorship ?? of the ('0'lol eIlNr, to undertake editorial duties on the 4 stall of another journal. vld The verses On Southeae Beach, in the October 13 number of Lon1, on &Bor ty, are by Mr. Edward Legge, sof the I1 'urccqrtc ...


... LITI3&RX' XXSCdELLANIMA. 'ATInMN Insipid ;blif aend play-clubs as seldom xi possible. In visits of ceremony be sparing. WOMEN are a great mysteryi' j.ccording to Hailer women bear hunger longer than men; according t Plutsroh, they can resist the effects of wine better; ac cording tto Unger, they grow/ oider anud never bald;* ao carding to Pliny, tbey are seldomr attacked by lions (ot the ...


... -,PUBLICAMUStEMNS- Mr. D'ion'Bncicault's admrablaeIrishrmelodraama,,wns reproduced at'this theatre on'! Mdonday evening, with scenery as splendid and deco- rations asbeautiful as when the play wask oiginally brdught ou~t here. in March, 1b. During the twe Cears hat' have' intervened, this drama has Deen played with marked.Iuceeessin AmErrca and AUstr- lia 'wbile its ...


... THE EXHIBITION OF ECCLESIASTICALI ART AT WOLVERHAMIPTON. Those who wish to be instructed in the mysteries of Ritual, and to learn the shapes and uses of Vestments, spey gratify their desire by visiting the above nsned exhibition, opened in the Sohool of Art, Darlington Street, Wolverhamspton. This is the third exhibition of the series. The first took place at Norwich, in 1865; the second at ...


... UVMRARAY CATTLE SHOW. This cattle show was held on Friday, and was well attenlded. Thfollowing is the list of pries:- -WEST HxornnD CATTL.E FIRST CLASS.' Aged bull-let, Chales Turner, Maam; .2d, Dunank Macarthur. Achnadunan; 3d, John mac. artlur, Acurach.-- Twoyear-old bulel-t, Duncan Macarthur; 2d, Charles Turner. Beat pair of -three-year-old heifera--lst, Duncan Macartr; 2d, Chas. Turner; ...


... TuEr CTurcnwx a SULrLIN'i TAOAZINF-. Part S. [London: Houlston & Wright, 65, Paternoster Row.1 TIE paper in this part of the Clet-rc7rn'ta's Ataga- -tire which will have especial interest for readers on this side the Channel is entitled, The Church in Ireland, and is from the pen of the Venerable WTjalter B7. Mailt, M. A., Archdecacon of Down. It must not be supposed that within a few pages ...


... IMportant Invemtigation under the Copyright Act. At the Southwark Police-court, last Tuesday, Als. Robert Edtirn Villiers, the Proprietor of the South London AMusic Hall, Londo._ road, Southwvark, was summoned before Slr. Partridge, under the Copyright Act, 2Gth and 26th Vic., cap. 58, sec. 6, by Messrs. Shepherd and Creswick, Lessees of the Surrey Theatre, for Stloat lie did copy and ...

Published: Sunday 06 October 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1681 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... | -1FASHI'ON AND VARIES. : I - .1- - X,'IX S The Earl and Countess of Meath, Lord Brabazon, Lady Kathleon Brabasio and mitt, kavy arrived at the Sbelbourna Hotel, 'Ihe Earl of Bective, AP., famnily and suite, is, bax riv.fa bgl parro? mail Katoa, The 19ml and Oouute of Egmoat and. suib have arrlved at tle IWYAl Marie Hote Kingetown. The Right EIon- the Earl of Howth and 5.114 left Klngtown ...

Agricultural Hall and Fairy Palace

... Agricultural Hail and Fairy Palace. With this night (Saturday's) grand miscellaneous concert the miusical season at the Agricultural Hall positively terminates. That the projectors of these concerts have found them reiunerative it the highest degree is beyond a doubt, and it is only fair to acknow- ledge that everything has been done to present itse public with mn entertainment worthy ...

Published: Sunday 06 October 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1004 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

Signor Rubini's Entertainment

... London is seldom without its Professor of Legerdemain, ule thit natural restieg-place of the honourably light-fiegered gentleiseii who produce a bewildering array of tin cups from a hat of flie period, soems to be ?? Hall. Signor(?) nubici comenni;ecl his s'eevnces in the Minor Psoom on Monday last. He speaks Eegli.ii uneommonly like a native, and may safely dety all Italy to apprs:ceb him in ...

Published: Sunday 06 October 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 873 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... LIfTRATUEB. * rUBLO EDUCIATioN -rA EssHA BY BY IANOIS H. O'DoNNHnn,-(DlbiUn 1W. B. Kf ?? the eve of the settlement of 'the Irish Tniversit 4satlon this essay appears, and it may. oerve to mould public opit th DiOn on the subject. The Htyle is somewhat laborred mi and pedintic; so' that it requires careful perusal or re-perusal to appreciate the resil abit which the .F pamephlet displ~Ha.. Mr, ...


... TIE MAGAZINES FOR OCTOBER. THREF Ve-a> c ndidathi:for popular favour have inredymdee ~ toheir appearance this autumn, ?? ,indeedy, for good or evil, it seems pretty certain that whil e iiost of our best works of tiction' make their first appearance in periodicals, much also of the Wit, wisdom, and philosophy of the day, aye, and 4 much g alsoof sound information, and just criticisin Iare tobe ...