... E VIWS OF BOOKS. Tnm CoRNEDnra MAGuAs Smith ad El .- Amongst the many really interesting papers publiahed In the October number of the Corulill there is one that will be read with perhaps more attention than others It is entitled Witch Murders In India, ani therein the writer tells us there is a tract of country, some hupdrcd miles in length, the inhabitants of which are barbarians of the ...


... CUTTINGS FROM THE COMIC JOURNAtS. I ?? P. nc~h.l i o ALL Wanox! IT MAY CocsERN.-IThe Compalae XAi~188? contains WUll directions as to the windingup oi evening parties. ?? a M1olehill of a Mounlata-tbe I Mont Cenia Railway. O ' -.N0NPAN-AIIGlRUI, 81P P- ANG LO Thsere was a bigf Synod of eeventy-two Bishops so bothiered they didn't knowt whst to do; Sc tb do what was wanted they drew to a ...


... m-- OUBLIO AMUSEWMNT,& & - 1 UerandrmTbh6fltWBhe Stops leaier ?? xId T aaithekU mfdryi' s * ?? Thetr w~:I Mel'BDVeriGD,' m- t1;he J2ureahu fien.! o metr,. iiya en~biheatrq~ e . .js on a f~er reno MdsielU, The WanderinS Ioyal &oe.; EHengier'U Grand Clrque-EqUes.6n'a~eluien~e,.o ?? Muio ?? Concert. A .jojo Selection of 8tadard llih Music, Uc.;. . , concert Hall, ;Lrd Nelsbd .tNr -HEWTH ry ...


... (Prom LS Pellet.) 3t According to.the great preparations being made in d the Paris houses, it appears that the coming winter season Y will abound in noqvelities. Many new patterns for the 0° make of bodies have been shown by the modistes. ir Satisfied as they are that the gored skirts will be. still n preferred, they think that the bodies might be rendered e a little more varied and graceful. ...


... is. oh ' ON SOUTHSEA BRACH.E s it The children playing on the sand- id ThenurcemaidB in trim cotton dresses- a id The white-cravated negro baud- l The ladies with their raven tresses- 0 (The newest fashion straight from town)- Appeared on that gay August morning Like shadows flitting up and down, As though to earth they'd given warning. *- For Belly-bonny Nelly Fane, My sweetheart of ...


... IB~~IOO~I~kIL-PARJE) FLi-lI . WXDeDAi, dvi. 2.-The October feair of this -idig garrikoh town was held in the Mali'strett, on yesterday, aid was very vwell tteided by loeall deale Aud exporters. There was a very show, of stock of all esripti., which were & i 'dispored of at the st*iy rates of late fairs. The! euppiy of beef was Wuoderate, nilWaA quicly picked i up fogard6on nd ?? consumption at ...


... | .AALLIABSLOR PAIM; - F - ^ I (FROM OUR PArCIAL RPORFsR.) BALUINABSLO2, SUNDAY EVZVING.,-Yestorday morning the sheep siles were resumed on the green, There was a scant supply of wedders, and ewe. were le ameromth usualpon theo r day. Boyers' who held over from the previous day were taken Oback by the thin aspect of the green, and at Once yielded to an advanco of from one to four shillings ...


... (WarTTN EuXPEYSLY iOR IT,, tPA.W) The opening of Mr. Coleman's new Theatre, which bas been fully described in these columins, was an event thet was looked forward to in Leeds with the utmost interest, and from an early hour on Monday last an eager and expectant crowd beslegod tlie doors, and SOOI after they were opened a dense mass filled every part of the Theatre, and when the superb centre ...

Published: Sunday 06 October 1867
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1286 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... In England ncl in Frasiee, from all accounts of the weather, we have to b) well satisfied with the selasont. Summer, in the middle of its lifeti ne, was neither sultry nor even hot enough; and rain wats enough and to spare. Burt a. beautiful young autunlu time case, the sweet and healthful Indian summer, the after-season, as is France we call it, and has made full and rich amecds for any ...


... ON reaching the last page of the last volume of The Waterdale Neigh- bours we are still in the dark as to the sex of its author. It is something indeed to be able to say that one has really reached the last page of a three-volume novel, after a bond file reading of the whole, without any extraordinary self-sacrifice in the way of duty to the writer whose work one intends to criticise. ...


... LITERAT U RE. The Debt's Becovety (Seotland) Act, with Annotations by PETER MORISON5. Wmn. Blaekwood & Sonls. INi the important Act which was passed last Session to facili- tate the recovery of certain debts above the value of £12 r but not exceeding £50, thle provisions contained in Rs great number of the sections of thle Small Debt Act, and relative mchedules, are 'held as incorporated. In ...


... 'The Most Noble the Marquis and Mar. ,liloneam of Drogheda and ?? arrived at Moore Abbey, Dlonasterevan, hroer Londonc for the season. The L~arl of Mrsyo is expected to raturn to lown on Friday. Lord acid Lady Asenal~y have left the Royal, a !!slgrsne Hotel, Ktngetowni, fvi Woodlsadri. 'Lady O'Donnell, Mrs. Kirwin and suite lave arrived at the Iloyal Marine Hotel, Kingstownr. Sir Ralph Howard, ...