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... MURDEROUS FENIAN OUTRAGE IN LONDON. On Saturday morning between two and three oclook three performers in the band at Weston's Music-hall left that establishment on their way home. they belonged to the Guards, and were not in uniform. As they were going along Vernon-place, Bloomsburyequare, Holborn, they were met by a party of Irishmen, who, it appears, had all been at a public-house, ker>t by ...


... On Thursday, the annual prize shooting took place on the East Moors. The different firing squads were under the command of Captain Rees. The first on the programme was THE LONG RANGE PRIZES. First prize, 13, or value second ditto, a gold Mal. tese cross, with enamel centre third ditto, a pair of shooting boots fourth ditto, a gentleman's gold ring. Ranges 500 and 600 yards, five shots at each ...

[No title]

... Edward Kiernan, a porter in the employment of the Dublin and Wicklow Railway Company, has been remanded for further inquiry by the Dublin magistrates, one of his fellowporters having giveu information of his having revolver bullets in his uniform pockets. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT.—Billions Disorders. —In no organ of the body does disease present itself so frequently and in such varied ...


... MANCHESTER, Wednesday Morning.—The gravity of the position is not lessened, and much uneasiness prevails. It transpires that on the first examination day half-bricks and other missiles were left in the gallery of the court, so that the precaution of manacling the prisoners was not uncalled for. Some of the most desperate of the leaders are still at liberty. Six other prisoners have been placed ...


... THE approaching Elections for Town Councillors are, even at this date, a source of considerable excitement, the tameness of last year's proceedings promise to be amply atoned for, and the general hope is, that as gentlemen of character and position have come forward, their claims may be acknowledged by the ratepayers, and onr Corporation not only invigorated by an infusion of new blood, but ...

[The following appeared in our Second Edition of last week.l

... ATIEMPTED SUICIDE.—A young man named Charles Sullivan threw himself into the water from the pier, head, Bute Docks, on Thursday morning, and he very narrowly escaped being drowned, as there was great difficulty experienced by a dock policeman and others, who went to the rescue, in getting him to land. The unlucky fellow was found to be in a state of mental derangement, and was therefore taken ...

jundan JjRan&efs

... CORN MARKET.—MONDAY. There was a good supply of foreign oats last week, but the other arrivals were moderate. There were no exports. English wheat up 8,664 qrs. foreign, 15,402 qrs. The show of samples on the Essex and Kentish stands this morning was moderate, with very little fine, part of which was wanted for seed, and sold at high rates. The best milling sorts, being scarce, were 2s. dearer ...


... The Gazette of last night contains a notice extending the regulations respecting the importation of foreign cattle to the 15th October. The Manchester Guardian says that several addi. tional Fenian arrests were made in that city on Thurs. day, one man being captured in the police court, to which he had obtained admittance bj means of a witness's ticket. We are still without tidings of Kelly ...

mhq ^ai;dif & Ulcijttw @Ualldian j

... mhq ^ai;dif & Ulcijttw @Ualldian CARDIFF, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1867. LOCAL MATTERS. MOST interesting have been, and for the next month will be, the proceedings of our local authorities and the progress of local interests. Not only have we to notice the monthly meetings of the Board of Health, and the discussion at the special meeting of the Town Council on Monday to consider the propriety of ...


... The olever rogue John Morgan. alias Thomas Ellis, a sketch of whose career in Wales, and of his impudent, but successful, roguery at Shrewsbury, under the assumption of being a detective police officer, we gave in last week's GUARDIAN, was recaptured in Spifalflelds, London, under the circnmstances which are described in yesterday's police report in the limes as follows:— On Wednesday, at ...

I Jtotgit Jfofelliflcitcc. :

... Jtotgit Jfofelliflcitcc. LLANDAFF CATIIEDHAL SERVICES. Oct. 6.-SUNDAY. Morning Prayer. A enite 01. Daily Psalms—30. Te Deum-8, Penedictus—10 double. Introit Hvmn—I:!5. Kvrie— Aldrich in G. Hymn—200. Afternoon service at half-past three. Daily Psalms—41, 42. Magniticat and Nunc Dimittis —Aldrich in O. Anthem— Blessed be the God and Father, D. Wesley. Hymn—180. Litany and Sermon at 7 o'clock ...