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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... 7 - sTERATUrRE. Osoaslc La.Nkforf.-By 4gir'4 Dolcrly, M.D, Trubnw dcd o ,atensfer.The present volume is. the s~cohd 'ri df a verbrpyfound work. The firs tvOluua, published in L8BE, treated of man's true place in nature. The second treats of the outlines of ontology, or eternal forces, laws, and prin. ciples. To know naan's true place in naturo we must firstknow something of what man is, and in ...


... BATEREALE (CO. LIMERICKS) OUT. FAIR i r . ?? s . . EI n' K ?? ?? -. .. RATIMEALE, TuRsDAY.-The October fair of this town was held to-day, and as regarded the display of horred cattle aid sheep in every department, unless heavy beef, was as largo as any upor. record, but there was an almost total absence of the usual buyers fronu the Dublin and Cork markets, a well as those from Liverpool who ...


... FASHION AND VA)R ETnB. It TilE ILLNEM E03f ROBSE. ke We regrt to 80nounce8 ?? isis lordship contounuw in a t ery critical state, Bud h'm exhibited Ao ?? of Isn- '~provement durng1 the peat few days. tiPR ENTATION TO LORD AND LADY MiILTrOl (FRoM OUR CORiREBroNDENT.) 1 SH]&LbzLi Ao, FRIDAY.-Thid deyhi hvee named for ? the ?? of preseoting an address and presentation to e Lord antid Lady Milton ...


... (FILOM ova SpEOL nr,,monms.) BALLINASLOE, MONDAY EVENair.-The morning opened favourably enough for the horse fair, with a bright sun and clear blue sky; but the uesual BaUiua. sloe weather came on, rainmolouds gathered before noon, and for the rest of the day business was for the most part transacted amidst a dowa-pour, which ren a]ered the thoroughfares seas of mud, drenched equestrians to ...


... I THE.EXHIBITON PALACE. ^ ?? ?? ss _ ?? _renAL A eopy of the following statement was forwardedt yeaterday to the Right Hon. the Chief Secretary for ml Ireland in reference to the present position of the ] ExhIbition Pale Pe The Dubft Exhibition Pae and Winter Gar pt den Compasiy waa formed in the year 1862, for the W purpose (as statedin ?? of Amooistioa) dc ef 'T e promotion of rational ...


... FASHIOX ADTARiETIES. ARRIVAL OF THE LOiBRD LiEUTHMAI(T. nib Excoell'y the Lord idoutenant, accompanlo byTrb, Owewld and Captein Gregory; ?? will Arriio in town frona Baroecotrt this morbfoig, and proceud Ismediately to the Viteregal Lodge, Phkoeix Park. HEALTH OF TUB; EARLL OF BOSSEf. OM miking ?? at 41%tno hour last night we sioer- I Waoed that the Xa1 ot Roeoc bad siightly railfed tOveAS ...


... ASTLEPOLLARD OCTOBER FAIR I . - . CASTLEPOLLMW, OCT. I.-OUr harvest fair, held on yesterday, was one of the largest witneesqw for 0o3me tiin, blsak cattle particularly being in ir. meuse supldy. Bede of beat quality reached aboct 60s. per ewr., while second-cloa might be quoted a4 56s. per do., or dd. per lb., ulaking the offal. Finished heifere generally r.nged from 151. to 20, per head. The ...


... ILNES1S 01F LORt) ROSBE. on mailng Inquiries last night we wore informed that we (the BErt of Romse continued in a sinking state withaut any O clesngs for the better. The0 King of Bavaria has conferred upun the PIInce Imperial the insignia in diamonds of the Coclor the of Sti. If iube'rt. e The E arl and Countess of Derby will go te POT London, for six weeks on the 4th of Noreneber. M The ...


... . ~ un , lana~ ~Il ?? KENEAGH (COUNTY LONGFOUD) FAUZ. I' D. . IV ?? Mu Iaa JKNURAOH, T'HUMNDAY.-'Th above reoined fair of this town took place to-day, There was a large supply of cattle, but the buyers were not as awnuerous 5 Iat yeer, on account of the fair of Ballinmloe. The following way be taken as the price of stock:- Milch cows from 1IL, to, 17410s. each. There was a large supply of ...


... FASHIPON ADRYIETIE$. E The Marehioness of Downshire and anite loft lingestown yestoiday for Raglard. The, Marchioness of Waterford and Lord Beresford have left the BiltonHetil for urralghmore, Port- law.I . The Earl of Hillaborough and suite left Kingetown yeteirday for Holyhead. Lord G, Garvagh arrived in Kingstown yea- teorduyt'frtm folNhead. Lord and I dy 'Milton have left ?? Hotel for ...


... I THE VICEREGAL COURtT. Tbeir Excellceotes the Lord Lieutenant and the Mr- ?? of Abercorn and cultoare expected to arrive in town on Manddy eveningfor the tgiater season, Lord Cairns, LIrd Chief Justice of England, and anite have arrived at the Shelbourno Hotel from Crom- woll Houee, London. We uniderstand that Mr. Lesage, of 40 Lowor Saehville.etreet, baa boen again most eoccessful tn Ida ...


... I . ARDEB OCTOBER FAIR. I Anwxn (CouNTY LouTru), OcToiiErs 24.-The im. portant October fair of this ancient town was held on yesterday. The day was remarkably fine, and from an early hour in the morning a considerable number of horned cattle and sheep, were driven into the spa. ciouB enclosure. A large number of graziers, dealers, and victualler also arrived before ten o'clock from several ...