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... . ~ un , lana~ ~Il ?? KENEAGH (COUNTY LONGFOUD) FAUZ. I' D. . IV ?? Mu Iaa JKNURAOH, T'HUMNDAY.-'Th above reoined fair of this town took place to-day, There was a large supply of cattle, but the buyers were not as awnuerous 5 Iat yeer, on account of the fair of Ballinmloe. The following way be taken as the price of stock:- Milch cows from 1IL, to, 17410s. each. There was a large supply of ...


... FASHIPON ADRYIETIE$. E The Marehioness of Downshire and anite loft lingestown yestoiday for Raglard. The, Marchioness of Waterford and Lord Beresford have left the BiltonHetil for urralghmore, Port- law.I . The Earl of Hillaborough and suite left Kingetown yeteirday for Holyhead. Lord G, Garvagh arrived in Kingstown yea- teorduyt'frtm folNhead. Lord and I dy 'Milton have left ?? Hotel for ...


... I THE VICEREGAL COURtT. Tbeir Excellceotes the Lord Lieutenant and the Mr- ?? of Abercorn and cultoare expected to arrive in town on Manddy eveningfor the tgiater season, Lord Cairns, LIrd Chief Justice of England, and anite have arrived at the Shelbourno Hotel from Crom- woll Houee, London. We uniderstand that Mr. Lesage, of 40 Lowor Saehville.etreet, baa boen again most eoccessful tn Ida ...


... I CHURCH son THE FINE ARTS. i A VI. A. ?? . . - r I To-morrow evening the 'Very Rev. P. J. Ryan, LL.D., Secretary to the Lord Archbishop of St- Louis, U.SB., will deliver a lecture in the magnificent Chuzch of Our Immaculate Lady of Refugd, Rathmines. Thevery reverend lecturer hs mselected for bis subject the following most comprehenmive one:-1 The Use of the Beautiful in Catholic Wor- ship ...


... i ~ FAAMXN AND VAITIS. l I Ff I. TXX VI3R3GAL COURT. MUleeCfecY Ite Lelid Lientesint and ste win leavo ti m ssixg by the .80 taipn kront the Ainien-ustret sialoenblrom , to MAU some stay ther We ae han to s% ?? i n 6bg O wall. The MrqIl mad Marohionen of Headort baye left the Biltos Betel toy Haeadort Castl, Keals The Rght on. the Earl of Dunravon hu asid at Dunraven Caitle, Blidgeensd, WAles. ...


... IB~~IOO~I~kIL-PARJE) FLi-lI . WXDeDAi, dvi. 2.-The October feair of this -idig garrikoh town was held in the Mali'strett, on yesterday, aid was very vwell tteided by loeall deale Aud exporters. There was a very show, of stock of all esripti., which were & i 'dispored of at the st*iy rates of late fairs. The! euppiy of beef was Wuoderate, nilWaA quicly picked i up fogard6on nd ?? consumption at ...


... I * - . . - fr. PAuI.'a (VirtUw and Co., London,)-Zvery. thing &bout the new comer is admdrable except the cover, which isdull, though there is a simplicity about its homeliness which many will appreciate. It does not flaunt in a hundred criours like BroaiCuy which ?? Herod. The editorship of Mr. A. Trol. lope guarantees the success of St. Paid's, and theugbi first numbers are rarely got up ...


... NAVAN OCTOBER FAIR. INAVAUI~N . A- II *- ?? £'4AVAN, JMONDAy, Oer. 14.'-This Well.known fair was held to-day. We have ad copious falls of rs in this district thsroughout tbo entire oflatnighkaepl which continue0d UP to eight o'clock this muorning, Tho weaher, however, cleared up about ?? o'clock, am., to the evident satdsfacon of all thos. interete , The spply of stock, on the whole, was8 o ...


... I ILLNiESS OF lORD ItOfii3. Qn making Inquiries late Last night, we were hapw C. learn that his lordship rallied aornuwiat duing the dq. It is stated in the 0103fl1e'r thtat her Ma. jrsty baa resolved to caerge from the nerclwion Ito whirc bble haes lived since the death of tho Priuce (toeort, sald t&U - the next sceaon will be one of the woot briliant on reo during her long and beneficent ...


... (FILOM ova SpEOL nr,,monms.) BALLINASLOE, MONDAY EVENair.-The morning opened favourably enough for the horse fair, with a bright sun and clear blue sky; but the uesual BaUiua. sloe weather came on, rainmolouds gathered before noon, and for the rest of the day business was for the most part transacted amidst a dowa-pour, which ren a]ered the thoroughfares seas of mud, drenched equestrians to ...