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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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... TuEr CTurcnwx a SULrLIN'i TAOAZINF-. Part S. [London: Houlston & Wright, 65, Paternoster Row.1 TIE paper in this part of the Clet-rc7rn'ta's Ataga- -tire which will have especial interest for readers on this side the Channel is entitled, The Church in Ireland, and is from the pen of the Venerable WTjalter B7. Mailt, M. A., Archdecacon of Down. It must not be supposed that within a few pages ...


... F ASH IO N. i's The Ladies Crichton and suite have left Bray for i- Behgrave Square, iathlinines. 1,The Earl and Countess of Egmont have arrived a- at the Biltoin Hotel, Dublin. it Frances Countess Waldegrave and the Hon. r, Chichester Fortesene have left Dablin for London. 'e The Earl and Countess of Arran and the Laties i- Gore and suite are sojourning at the Breslin Royal n Marine Hotel, ...


... L4ITE4RARY NOTICES. THE OCEs OF THE CHUERCH EnnurciTos Sorra-rr rOs I I IRELAND. By Rev. CHARLES SEAVER. [BeEfs W i. & G. Baird.]-The paper, which is now pub- ( jlished.inpamuphlet form, was read at the recent r meeting of the Social Science Association, and has a nowa annexed to it an appendix and notes. M~r. Scarer disposes of the case in an able and segges- s tive manner, for which the ...


... T R:EA&T I RO YALt.. SCRONIDO AD UULUELI LEAST night, Miss Heathl commnenced an engagement at the local theatre, selecting for her opening picce Romeo and Juliet., It would he unfair to the public, as wvell as to the lady herself, to dismiss her performnance with a mere passin~g intimation, its ox- I cellenee was so mark~ed. The house wvas limited- a misfortune for those who stayed away, ...


... THIE A T RE 1 0 Y A L. flUS UUA~TKd }X 'flT Lfifl. L.&Sr evening, Maie H~eath gave another illestration of her commanad over the powers that g!c to form a great tragedlienne, and a proof that wals fitted to advance evten her reputation. Owvine to the very untoward state of the weather, she has not received the amount of patronage to wh ich her abilities en- title her, but still the houses, ...


... T'Ed PAR1 EXHIBITo. tEiNJP fHEi 'A ANwj FABRICS OV LINE3IN AND HEMP-CLASS 29$ inc JOHN STEVELLY, ESQ., SON OF rIOFESSOR |THEVfLY, eF _PSEFAST. Wn find in the Exhibition of *hi& year the great number of 621 exhibitors in this class, without cotuntitg the Belfast trophy, which does not appear it the dataloue, aDii, dlthongh Seotland, England, and America are unrepresented, wve havd still a show ...


... it BENZEFVZIT O IS II ATXI. 1 WE. wvere not inistaken when 're &nticipated a crowded house for Aliss Heath's benefit. Last 1 night the upper boxes and pit were literally crammed, and the other parts of the house were *e filled, hut not to inconvenience. The first piece set down in the bill was Lord Lytton's familiar comedy, oner, 'iss IHeath takiing the part of e the constant and devoted ...


... THEAkTRE ROYAL MP, tOE CLA RiE IN OURS.n LAsT evening, Mr. Join Clarke, a clever metro- politan comedian, made his debut before a Belfast audience in Mr. Robertson's comedy, entitled Ours. There was a goodly attendance, and Mr. Clarke received a cordial and encouraging welcome -a welcome which, in coming seasons, we hope to hear frequently repeated. Mr. Clarke's fame had preceded him, and, ...


... PROTrsANeTS, up I the hour is come, 'Tis your country's voice that calls Von- ror your God, for your Bible, truth, freedom, home, 1 Up, up! ere the worst befalls you. t Much too long have ve all idly lain, J While the coils were round you spreading- Up, or your children's blood shall stain The soil that your feet are treading. Oh. do ye not see yon shadowy hand? Your Church-will ye not defend ...