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... T'Ed PAR1 EXHIBITo. tEiNJP ?? 'A ANwj FABRICS OV LINE3IN AND HEMP-CLASS 29$ inc JOHN STEVELLY, ESQ., SON OF rIOFESSOR |THEVfLY, eF _PSEFAST. Wn find in the Exhibition of *hi& year the great number of 621 exhibitors in this class, without cotuntitg the Belfast trophy, which does not appear it the dataloue, aDii, dlthongh Seotland, England, and America are unrepresented, wve havd still a show of ...


... THIE A T RE 1 0 Y A L. flUS UUA~TKd }X 'flT Lfifl. L.&Sr evening, Maie H~eath gave another illestration of her commanad over the powers that g!c to form a great tragedlienne, and a proof that wals fitted to advance evten her reputation. Owvine to the very untoward state of the weather, she has not received the amount of patronage to wh ich her abilities en- title her, but still the houses, ...


... 'The Most Noble the Marquis and Mar. ,liloneam of Drogheda and ?? arrived at Moore Abbey, Dlonasterevan, hroer Londonc for the season. The L~arl of Mrsyo is expected to raturn to lown on Friday. Lord acid Lady Asenal~y have left the Royal, a !!slgrsne Hotel, Ktngetowni, fvi Woodlsadri. 'Lady O'Donnell, Mrs. Kirwin and suite lave arrived at the Iloyal Marine Hotel, Kingstownr. Sir Ralph Howard, ...


... FASHION AND VARIETJE-I(. I not- mr- - . ?? . . ?? .. 'ille Marquis and Marchioness of, IDs~yn oihre, Ladty Alie T111 Iliciptirl'of llilbiborratilh, lard La)rd Aeiliiir 115ll have arrlvedr at ifiiihsrnicgh Camisa L~ordi St. Lawretice, left Wsntbatssrd Inx, Fri- dey for. (0lisAn L~ofge, noi c visit to jarritma .vyis J tl8ls cshcrriflit thy Uoincty. 'Lrrd ?? kft cijullattill iark yes- Ieroiy ...


... I- .. ASHION AND VARIETIES. I Lord and Lady Lismrore and auito left tbwn yoslerday for London. W. ]zcd Bryan, Borrmount, Enniscerthy, IH st atig at the Htibernian otel. Amongst the carriages at the funeral of the lato lion George fluuaidotk was that of the Bight Hen 'hIozero Brady. John Vance, FEsq., MP., Mra. Vance, and sidle arrived In town yesterday from f ondon. The following are amongst ...


... FASHION AND VA)R ETnB. It TilE ILLNEM E03f ROBSE. ke We regrt to 80nounce8 ?? isis lordship contounuw in a t ery critical state, Bud h'm exhibited Ao ?? of Isn- '~provement durng1 the peat few days. tiPR ENTATION TO LORD AND LADY MiILTrOl (FRoM OUR CORiREBroNDENT.) 1 SH]&LbzLi Ao, FRIDAY.-Thid deyhi hvee named for ? the ?? of preseoting an address and presentation to e Lord antid Lady Milton ...


... FASHION ND. VAILTIES. lLLABS OF TIHE R.4L OF ILOSSE. Onhnlim~eiilslo night we wite tntorenoeI that his lordship-constinued In thd- samte preecaloun 'ti~ti, and IIth~ 3 *little hope was entertainedl of ?? recovery. Tf1e Marohioness of Kildare and infant daogitnor AxePro9rcsoisig most favoum~biy. ful * ILord and Lady K-ilminine havoe arrived at emf CI Ceelaoton PArls, county.Wolltmeatie, from, ...


... FASHIOX ADTARiETIES. ARRIVAL OF THE LOiBRD LiEUTHMAI(T. nib Excoell'y the Lord idoutenant, accompanlo byTrb, Owewld and Captein Gregory; ?? will Arriio in town frona Baroecotrt this morbfoig, and proceud Ismediately to the Viteregal Lodge, Phkoeix Park. HEALTH OF TUB; EARLL OF BOSSEf. OM miking ?? at 41%tno hour last night we sioer- I Waoed that the Xa1 ot Roeoc bad siightly railfed tOveAS ...


... ASTLEPOLLARD OCTOBER FAIR I . - . CASTLEPOLLMW, OCT. I.-OUr harvest fair, held on yesterday, was one of the largest witneesqw for 0o3me tiin, blsak cattle particularly being in ir. meuse supldy. Bede of beat quality reached aboct 60s. per ewr., while second-cloa might be quoted a4 56s. per do., or dd. per lb., ulaking the offal. Finished heifere generally r.nged from 151. to 20, per head. The ...


... THE QUEaN. AnsaoseDN MONSDAY N1051T.-Until the present seanon, when it was dispensed with, A military guard of boorour has always been stationed at Ballater durlng the stty si 01 her 31Jesty at laiural. This afternoon, however, a bid L of 76 men. with three officers, were despatched 'rom the gareison here to the viotnity of the royal Ulghland real- P deties. A strict match Ia being kept on aft ...


... ABUtION AND VA ES. ILLW.F8 OF TJU EARL OF 1E0SB3. On 111111dng Inquiries lsat night,~ woe ?? that lila lorm,,P h state lid not mipord, and thai he still O- tituied In a most feeble slate. The following are ambonagst the lbttiat arri Tale at the Shel ?i :zOs Hotel :-Archulexcen Cotton, the, Misses C)or r ?? to, Tipperary; Mrs DO Montmorency, Mr n Jr M-'tViu oraeUY, Pn Bockey Mkse Kirk and ...


... COLLON (COUNTY LOUTHI) OCrOBER FAIKI (OLLON, OcronA 22.-The above ancient charter fair was held on yesterday. The day, as far as the weather was concerned, was an exception to any we have had for the last fortnight, being beautifully fine. The supply of stock was hardly an average, and, in cb.sequence of an old fair being held in Virginia on same day, the attendance of buyers was less than it ...